New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1999-02-01 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post #191 - Twirling Through The Big Apple!

Monday 1st February 1999

Hello darlings! It’s Emma here, back from another whirlwind week in New York City. This week’s been jam-packed with all things fabulous - from dazzling Broadway shows to discovering the most divine little boutique on the Upper East Side (more on that later, you just have to see it!).

My trusty pink tutu has been making appearances all over the city. It seems every New Yorker I pass is giving me a little smile and a nod. My mission to get everyone twirling in pink is well underway!

Let's get right into the fabulous bits of this week, shall we?

Thursday - Taking Flight at Lincoln Center

You simply can't come to New York City without seeing a Broadway show. It's almost a ritual! This week, I had the pleasure of witnessing a breathtaking performance of Swan Lake at the Lincoln Center. It's truly the epitome of ballet: the costumes, the music, the sheer talent of the was pure magic!

Oh, I mustn't forget the delicious pre-show dinner at the Russian Tea Room, the most fabulous place for a proper afternoon tea. The whole experience just made me want to pack my own ballet bag and leap onto the stage!

Friday - Ballet Bootcamp in the Bronx

Yes, I know what you're thinking: "Emma, in the Bronx? Surely not!". But honestly, sometimes you just have to venture beyond the usual haunts. So, on Friday, I donned my pinkest leotard and headed uptown for a morning ballet class at a hidden gem of a studio. The instructor, a fiery little Russian woman called Anya, had me stretching and leaping like I’d never leaped before! I left with sore muscles but a happy heart and a newfound love for exploring the city’s diverse neighborhoods.

Saturday - Retail Therapy at Bergdorf Goodman

Speaking of exploring, I found myself utterly enthralled by the glamour of Bergdorf Goodman on 5th Avenue. The window displays were absolutely stunning - I just stood there for ages mesmerized by their sheer creativity. It truly is a shopping paradise for any fashionista. I emerged, albeit slightly lighter in the purse, but with a bag full of luxurious treasures. (Hint: Think sparkly pink silk scarves, a pair of perfect ballet flats, and a beautiful beaded clutch - it’s a real statement piece!).

Sunday - Soul-Soothing Sunday Brunch

Every good week deserves a relaxing Sunday brunch. And this week’s choice? The stunning Cafe Boulud in the Carlyle Hotel! Oh, it was exquisite: perfectly prepared pastries, a creamy avocado toast, and, of course, bottomless mimosa! With such delightful fare, I didn’t mind the price at all (a little splurge never hurt anyone, right?). The best part? I met a lovely couple from California who are also keen ballet lovers - imagine our joy discovering we shared the same passion for this graceful art form. And who knows? Maybe our paths will cross again on another fab Friday night out!

The Metro – A Glimpse into City Life

While my pink tutu and I are often seen riding the city buses, I truly do love riding the Metro. The constant stream of humanity, the mix of smells (though sometimes less pleasant), the sounds - everything about it makes me feel part of the city’s rhythm. And who knows? You might even see me performing a quick little plie or two when nobody’s looking!

More than just the ballet:

Let's be honest, New York City isn't just about the dance, darling! It's about exploring hidden alleyways, stumbling upon unexpected art galleries, and discovering charming coffee shops on every corner. It's a city of endless surprises, and I'm eager to unearth them all, one tutu twirl at a time.

And don’t forget, there’s always something amazing going on! Today is, for example, “National Serpent Day”. Apparently, it's a day for learning about snakes. You know, in my book, it's another chance for sparkly accessories – a pink snake charm bracelet anyone? I can see it now! A cute little sparkly serpent in the middle of a bunch of shiny silver chain. Absolutely perfect, don't you think?

Next week: I’ll be venturing into the world of haute couture with a behind-the-scenes peek at a renowned fashion house in New York. I’m particularly excited about this one!

So, stay tuned darlings!

Much love from the Big Apple,


P.S. Do you have any fun stories about your travels? Don’t forget to leave your comment below. I love to hear all your amazing adventures. And be sure to share photos of your most stylish outfits – and let's see those tutus! (Don't forget the pink!).

Remember, you can always follow me on my blog for all the latest New York City updates -

Happy twirling!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1999-02-01 she danced in New York City