New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1999-03-29 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post 199 - The City That Never Sleeps, In a Tutu! 🩰

Hello darlings! It’s Emma here, and you know what? I’m just brimming with excitement because I'm back in the city that never sleeps! New York, New York, oh how I’ve missed you! And by "missed you", I don't just mean the towering skyscrapers and vibrant street life (although those are amazing!), I miss the palpable energy that pulsates through the city. It's infectious, darling! I feel like I'm bouncing on cloud nine, ready to dance through the concrete jungle, my trusty pink tutu trailing behind me like a fragrant wisp of tulle.

Speaking of tutus, let’s dive straight in! Today’s outfit is my signature pink tutu, naturally, layered over a dazzling crimson skirt, with a bright yellow t-shirt peeking out from beneath. This outfit screams New York energy – bold, flamboyant, and, dare I say, slightly cheeky! 😉 As the sunshine is spilling through the skyscrapers this morning, my oversized mirrored sunglasses add the perfect touch of Hollywood glamour, don't you think?

I’ve been wanting to explore a little bit further down from the Upper West Side where my flat is, so today I've decided to venture to Greenwich Village. It's such a charming area, darling! The brick buildings, the cobbled streets, the cute little shops… and just a touch of bohemian magic that just begs for a pink tutu. Honestly, how could I resist? 😉

The metro is buzzing this morning, packed full of busy city dwellers, rushing to work. However, don’t be fooled – under that stern city exterior lies a spirit as vivacious as mine. And while they’re all glued to their screens, I’m taking in the sights and sounds, the energy, the unique chaos. This is what makes New York so magical, darling!

You know I couldn’t let a visit to New York go by without taking a peek at what the fashion scene has to offer. So naturally, a shopping spree is in order! Oh, the excitement! The moment I walked into Saks Fifth Avenue, the smell of luxury was intoxicating. I was surrounded by glittering dresses, shimmering shoes, and designer handbags… you really are spoilt for choice here! A little voice inside me whispered, “Pick up that fabulous silver clutch bag! You deserve it, darling!”. But alas, I was already clutching a perfectly beautiful pale pink scarf and some exquisitely patterned stockings that matched my outfit perfectly! It’s hard to say no to some luxurious accessories when they call to you like a beautiful symphony. 😉

I wandered through the streets of the village, savoring the delightful scent of freshly baked croissants emanating from the charming little cafes, all while feeling very chic in my outfit! And I swear, I noticed a few curious glances towards my tutu – but what is life without a touch of whimsical? My mission here is to get everyone wearing pink tutus, you know! You never know, my outfits could just spark a new fashion revolution! 🩰

Later this afternoon, I’m headed for the world-famous Metropolitan Opera House to see a stunning rendition of ‘Swan Lake’, which is a real treat, you see! A bit of an indulgence, of course, but hey, life’s short and we need a little bit of glamour every now and then! After all, I’ve earned this little indulgence by dancing my heart out and entertaining audiences! You’ve got to find joy in every day, my dears! I just adore how the classic grandeur of the Metropolitan Opera House creates such a captivating backdrop for the magic that unfolds onstage! There's something so enchanting about seeing a beautiful ballet with all those graceful movements and exquisite costumes... truly a masterpiece!

And speaking of enchantment, a ballet show is an absolute must for anyone who steps foot in the Big Apple! Seeing those dancers on the stage reminds me why I wear my pink tutu with such pride. They embody such elegance, strength, and grace, all while bringing joy and beauty to every performance!

Tomorrow I'll be diving back into the bustling city – probably with another tutu. Who knows? Perhaps I’ll see a street performance in my travels! That’s part of the thrill! But, right now, it's time for some more sightseeing. New York is a real gem – especially in a tutu! Until next week, my lovely readers!

Remember: The world is your stage, darlings. So wear that pink tutu with pride and make your own magic. 😉

Love and twirls,

Emma 💕

P.S. Just for today's post, it is 19th March 1999. What's your favourite thing about New York City? What outfit do you like to wear to the opera? I’d love to hear about it all in the comments! 😊

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1999-03-29 she danced in New York City