New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1999-06-28 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC #212: The City That Never Sleeps (and Never Stops Twirling!)

Monday 1999-06-28

Hello darlings!

Welcome back to Pink Tutu Blog NYC! It's a beautiful sunny Monday in New York City and I'm brimming with excitement because, well, it's New York, isn't it?! The energy here is just electric, and it's contagious!

But first, a quick update from Derbyshire, England! Did you know I'm off to the Lake District next week?! I'm going to be dancing with some lovely children there, performing a special piece I choreographed myself. It's going to be absolutely magical - think soaring mountains, sparkling lakes, and me twirling in my favourite pink tutu! It's the perfect escape from the city buzz, though I confess I do miss it when I'm away.

Speaking of escaping the city buzz, today is all about my absolute favourite escape in NYC: the theatre. Today, darling readers, I'm off to see the spectacular "Phantom of the Opera"! This show has always held a special place in my heart; the haunting melodies, the grandeur of the set, the pure dramatic power of it all. I simply can't wait to be whisked away to Paris and be enveloped by the Phantom's music!

Of course, no theatre trip is complete without a new outfit! Yesterday, I stumbled upon a darling boutique tucked away in a quaint little side street off of Broadway. Imagine my joy when I found the most magnificent shade of bubblegum pink silk blouse! It's simply divine, with delicate ruffles and tiny pearl buttons, and it pairs perfectly with my new silver glitter tutu. A perfect touch of theatrical sparkle for my Phantom of the Opera outing!

And speaking of sparkles, the City That Never Sleeps is brimming with glitz and glamour today! Today is Pride Day here in New York! It's such a joyful and colourful celebration, a powerful symbol of love and acceptance. Seeing everyone proudly strut their stuff in a riot of colours always reminds me to stay true to myself and embrace all the wonder that life has to offer, especially my love of all things pink! I just know I’ll have to come back again next year.

I'm feeling incredibly lucky to be living here, and not just because of the fantastic performances and endless opportunities to shop. I absolutely love the energy of the city, and it feels like there’s always something to discover around every corner. It's also very convenient! This week alone, I’ve been to two ballet classes in different parts of the city, attended a delicious brunch with my favourite tutu-loving friend, Sarah, at this little Parisian cafe in the East Village and found myself on a completely spontaneous trip to the Natural History Museum! (They have the most impressive dinosaur exhibit! Just picture it - me standing under a towering dinosaur skeleton, all in my pink tutu!)

Speaking of convenient, there's one thing I love more than a fancy cocktail and an even fancier shoe store – and that's the New York Metro. It's so easy to navigate, it really allows you to see all parts of the city without worrying about traffic or parking, even in my tulle! In fact, one of the highlights of the week was meeting this incredible street performer at the 59th Street subway station. He was doing an absolutely amazing rendition of "Clair de Lune" on the violin – and as he played, I suddenly felt the most magical urge to twirl! Thankfully, no one seemed to mind, and in fact, people were clapping along, joining me in this little burst of joyous ballet. This city really does embrace spontaneity!

You know, my biggest dream is to inspire everyone in New York City (and then the world!) to wear a pink tutu at least once. I think the world would be a much brighter, more colourful and sparkly place if we all embraced a little bit of our inner ballerina. And, it might just make you feel like you can dance your way through any challenge, no matter how big or small! Just imagine, an army of twirling tutus dancing in the streets of New York. Talk about a statement!

But for now, I'm off to soak in the dazzling world of the Phantom. Stay tuned for my next post, where I’ll tell you all about the most beautiful dress I’ve ever seen - a sparkly pink number that I just know will be perfect for my upcoming performance in the Lake District!

Until next week, keep twirling, darling!




P.S. Be sure to visit my website,, for all the latest updates, pictures, and news on my dance performances, shopping adventures, and travels! You can also find me on Instagram @pinktutuemma.

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1999-06-28 she danced in New York City