New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1999-12-06 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: #235 - New York City Lights & Twirling Dreams!

Hello my darling tutu twirlers! Welcome back to my little corner of the internet where the only colour that matters is pink and every day is a ballet class. This week I’m writing to you from the Big Apple itself, New York City! It’s a whirlwind of dreams, dancing, and oh-so-much pink!

The flight from London was smooth (thank heavens, because flying isn’t really my forte – it’s just so cramped and confined!) but I arrived in New York buzzing with excitement. It’s incredible here; the energy just vibrates off the streets, and every shop window is like a glimpse into another world of glittering dresses and high heels. I instantly felt a kinship with the city, a shared passion for colour, fashion, and all things dramatic!

It’s been quite the week of adventure, so let me catch you up.

A Whirl Through The Subway System

Firstly, you can’t really experience New York without braving the iconic subway system! It's an art form in itself, with all those rickety old carriages, brightly coloured posters and that distinct, indescribable aroma of... well, the New York subway. I managed to master the confusing maze of lines and directions pretty quickly, just by watching all those gorgeous New York women with their elegant heels navigating it all! That city grit, but in style – it’s admirable, you know?

From the Metro to the Metropolitan

My first proper outing took me to the grand and gloriously intimidating Metropolitan Museum of Art. It’s quite overwhelming, really! Thousands of masterpieces in one place… all begging to be admired and discussed! I took it all in, mesmerised by the centuries-old art and the endless possibilities for a truly Instagram-worthy pink tutu shot. After all, art should inspire, and inspire it certainly did. I imagined the ballerina’s dancing throughout history, gracefully gliding in between those paintings, adding another layer to the narratives. Perhaps there’s a Pink Tutu museum in the future!

Fashion Fantasies: Bloomingdale's & Tiffany's

One of my biggest indulgences this week was indulging in the shopping spree of my dreams – a whirlwind tour of New York’s most famous stores. Firstly, Bloomingdale’s! A vast department store filled with everything from pink feather boas to diamond encrusted handbags. They even had an entire section dedicated to ballet gear! Needless to say, I treated myself to a few pieces… You can’t just visit New York without buying something pretty to bring home. And I definitely had to stop by Tiffany's to admire the stunning jewelry. After all, diamonds are a ballerina's best friend, aren't they?

A Dance at Lincoln Center

But shopping and sightseeing wouldn’t be a complete trip without a bit of ballet, now would it? Luckily, I was lucky enough to score tickets for a stunning performance at the world-famous Lincoln Center. The choreography was mesmerizing, the dancers ethereal, and the costumes… absolutely breathtaking! And wouldn’t you know it, a particular ballet soloist wore the most amazing pink tutu! She even wore it during a dramatic sequence with a dramatic back bend – talk about captivating! After the performance, I went backstage and told her all about my blog. I must confess, she was pretty interested to learn about Pink Tutu and even offered to send me a signed photo from the show. Imagine the pride, my dears! That photo is going straight on the blog for my adoring fans, I can tell you. It's a magical souvenir, don’t you agree?

Taking the Stage at Broadway

And that’s not all! I even managed to see a spectacular Broadway show, too! Now, you’ve heard me mention my fondness for dramatic, elaborate outfits, but let me tell you – this was a whole other level. They certainly knew how to put on a show in New York. The costumes were a symphony of color and movement, and I’m sure every dancer put their heart and soul into every dance sequence!

The Pink Tutu Philosophy

There’s something about New York that makes you feel like you can achieve anything, even something as crazy as making pink tutus a global fashion trend! After all, isn’t it about time we embrace a bit more whimsy and joy in our everyday lives? A world filled with twirling pink tutus is a world filled with laughter, joy, and of course, lots and lots of pink. Don’t be afraid to embrace the magic! After all, why not bring a little bit of magic into your daily life, too? Let’s take a twirl together!

Don't Forget To Follow The Pink Tutu Trail!

You can always catch me here, on my blog, every Monday! Follow my Pink Tutu adventures at, where I'm dedicated to showing the world how stylish and wonderful a pink tutu can be! Feel free to leave comments and join the pink tutu conversation – and maybe even send in a picture of yourself twirling in pink! I want to hear from you all, and I want to see those twirls!

Until next Monday, darlings, keep those tutus twirling!

Yours truly,



PS: Have you ever seen the most wonderful pink tutus in a certain part of the city, hidden amongst the skyscrapers? The window display at the Dance Centre is an absolute must-see. You can find it in the heart of SoHo. Trust me, you don’t want to miss it! Be sure to take some pictures and send them my way!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 1999-12-06 she danced in New York City