New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2001-02-26 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: #299 - Dancing Through the Big Apple

Monday, 26th February 2001

Darling readers,

How’s it going this week? I’m buzzing! It’s Monday, so that means a brand new post on, and a chance for us to delve into all things pink, pretty and fabulous!

Today’s adventures started bright and early. A delicious English breakfast at my darling flat mate's, Olivia’s, followed by a quick detour to the local ballet supplies shop. Olivia is learning how to make tutus from scratch and I am beyond excited! I bought some luscious swathes of pink satin and a couple of pounds of pretty ribbons, ready to add my expert touch and design something special for my dearest Olivia's debut performance next month. You all know how much I adore a well-crafted tutu. It's a true masterpiece!

My afternoon was taken up by a rehearsal with the amazing New York City Ballet. My friend Charlotte has just been promoted to principal dancer and I’m so excited for her! It’s fantastic to be back in the studio, even if I’m not quite ready to return to full-on performance yet. You see, I’m still working on that perfect balance between passion and pragmatism, you know? You can’t just swan about in a pink tutu all the time… (Though I often try, of course!).

But fear not, dear readers, because the PINK TUTU TOUR continues! Tonight I have tickets for the new Broadway musical “The Full Monty”, about a group of blokes who get it all out on stage! It’s quite controversial, I hear, and apparently it's about as far from ballerinas as you can get, but I’m up for an adventure. What can I say? I’m just a big softie and the title really caught my attention.

Olivia and I are going to pop down to Saks Fifth Avenue beforehand to find some little party dresses, perfect for tonight's show. We may be out of our comfort zone, but we're doing it in style. Think Carrie Bradshaw meets Audrey Hepburn, all with a dash of Pink Tutu magic of course!

What’s on the Agenda for NYC Ballet Fans?

While I'm on the subject, I have to share some exciting news for fellow dance fanatics! The New York City Ballet is hosting a special performance on Wednesday, 28th February – they’re performing “The Firebird”, one of my all-time favourite ballets! It’s so visually spectacular, with breathtaking music and absolutely jaw-dropping choreography. I have to try and catch it, although it will mean forgoing my usual afternoon trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, for which I am truly saddened! Maybe I’ll just bring a little sketchbook along and doodle some tutu designs in my favourite gallery… I hear the Medieval Gallery is quite the inspiration for creative flair, darling!

But back to the “Full Monty” show…

Shopping at Saks:

The pink satin dress I purchased for tonight was perfect! A shimmering confection with a slinky silhouette and a delicate bow, which tied effortlessly around my waist, making my legs appear impossibly long. I finished it off with some shimmering stilettos, a chunky, oversized diamante bracelet and a sparkling pink clutch that shimmered like a thousand twinkling stars.

The show was something else! It's so unexpected – so different from the ballets and musicals I'm used to seeing. There’s something strangely endearing about it, this raw vulnerability of men stripping down and expressing themselves through dance. Maybe it’s not as glamorous as "Swan Lake", but there’s something so honest and touching about their journey. Olivia and I giggled throughout the first act, but by the end we both felt quite moved by their struggle, their camaraderie, and the sheer liberation that came with shedding it all. It really made us think about what true beauty truly means, don’t you think?

And you know what? After tonight, I have this new, almost wild thought … I wouldn't mind giving ballet barre a try in a pink tutu at a burlesque dance class...

Fashion Trends in the City That Never Sleeps:

Talking of new experiences, the other thing that has struck me in New York is the sheer vibrancy of the fashion scene. There’s this extraordinary sense of creativity here, an ability to take risks and express yourself in the most original ways. From the ultra-fashionable folks rocking bold colour combinations at a Soho fashion gala to the street style influencers rocking the latest in couture with street wear... it's all incredibly exciting. And of course, no New York fashion journey would be complete without a visit to Barneys New York, a haven for the latest in high-end fashion and all the coolest designer names.

One of my absolute favourite things to do is to just sit in Central Park and watch the world go by. You see every style, every colour, every personality imaginable – and it's so inspiring! New York never ceases to amaze me, darling! It’s so alive, so fast-paced, so vibrant. I find that I am constantly adapting my personal style with the city's influence. I never thought I'd incorporate grunge elements into my fashion style, but even my tutus now are more rebellious than ever before! A few ripped stockings, a vintage band T-shirt and some heavy black Doc Martens will make an evening out of any occasion, believe me!

A Girl Can Dream, Can't She?

One of my dream collaborations, would be with a leading New York fashion designer! Imagine the impact of having a Pink Tutu line that’s bold, exciting and empowering, yet still feminine and elegant! Now wouldn’t that be something, darlings? I’m taking steps towards my dream!

And my other passion – ballet - is always present in New York City. The Metropolitan Opera House is such an iconic location, and you can often find me catching performances in a grand tier, nestled comfortably with other ballet enthusiasts. Tonight, they are performing “The Barber of Seville" which I'm rather hoping for a new perspective to the dance of my favourite Italian opera!

Of course, New York isn’t all about haute couture and cultural gems, I must confess! Sometimes I love a little respite from the craziness of the city and seek out something calmer, quieter and a little more relaxed. I make my way down to the Shakespeare Garden in Central Park for a little bit of tranquility or just take a stroll along Riverside Park.

My latest discovery? The Strand Bookstore! This literary haven in Lower Manhattan is an absolute dream come true, especially for this self-proclaimed bibliophile! You can spend hours getting lost in the sheer volume of books – first editions, rare finds, vintage novels, poetry, plays, history… it’s an absolute book lover’s paradise, and they have the most fantastic selection of ballet history tomes and the lives of famous ballerinas - all meticulously organized for easy browsing! It’s become a real treat, and it just gives me that extra little something that makes New York truly unique.

This city, darling, has so much to offer in so many different ways – whether it's the roar of the stage at a Broadway production or the silence of the books in a library.

I can't wait for next week and all the new adventures it has in store.

Until next time, darlings!

Stay beautiful!




#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2001-02-26 she danced in New York City