New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2001-05-07 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC #309: A Whirlwind Week in the City That Never Sleeps!

Hello my darlings!

It’s Monday, so you know what that means… it's time for another fabulous Pink Tutu Blog post! This week has been absolutely whirlwind – New York City never lets me down, it truly is a magical place. It's also got to be the most exciting city in the world.

First of all, a huge shout-out to all my lovely followers. Your messages are like a little sprinkle of pixie dust on my day – they really brighten my mood! You're the best bunch, and I wouldn't be where I am today without your unwavering support!

Right, now, let's dive into all the glorious things that happened this week. You see, dear reader, you're in for a real treat today because I've got so much to tell you, I don't know where to begin.

The Big Apple's Magic: My Performance

As you all know, this is my fourth week in NYC and I'm just loving every minute. So far I've been busy, busy, busy, taking classes at Steps on Broadway and American Ballet Theatre. You're probably thinking 'Why, Emma, why?' - and the answer is because the standard here is incredible - it's another level of ballet entirely.

Anyway, it's not just about classes, because the whole experience of New York is one that's always so uplifting. Last week I did a little bit of performing and it felt simply heavenly!

My usual pink tutu is my favourite to dance in, I always get asked to go backstage to be snapped after shows as 'Pink Tutu Girl' - my motto is that everything is just that little bit better with a pink tutu - it always gives me a little boost in life. It makes people smile and it reminds me why I love dancing so much. It feels empowering - a feeling like no other, it really does make you feel like you can fly. I mean, who doesn't love tutus?

Anyway, my performance at a benefit event was the biggest event on this week’s agenda.

The event took place at a really prestigious space – one that’s so exclusive, I’m not even going to tell you what it is. Let’s just say, I danced amongst the stars and it really was an incredible feeling.

The dance we performed was set to a very dramatic piece of music, which totally heightened the drama - but it felt very natural on stage, we knew what to do, where to move and what to feel and, most importantly, we enjoyed every single moment. I really loved getting the applause of the audience – it's always the perfect feeling. The feedback from everyone has been fantastic. There is truly nothing quite like being able to make people feel something special with your movement. And for this special occasion I felt so at home in my pink tutu.

What A Ballet Show, A Fabulous New York City Fashion Feast

Of course, no visit to New York is complete without a show, right? This week, I managed to see two fantastic Broadway productions – and the amazing thing is that they were so different. The first was "Les Misérables," the second a very, very new production with the most unique set designs. You could say I was rather spoiled!

But hey, if you go to NYC and don't see a Broadway show, well... that's just crazy.

First things first - Les Mis. Well, where do I even begin? I mean, I was completely lost in that show's world for the duration of its performance. I love how the music can take you from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows. And of course, there is the beautiful costuming, I’m pretty sure the set of the sewers is a real favourite of many fans of the production. My favourite thing was how it brought everyone's lives together in such an intricate way. It's amazing to think how many years ago the novel and music were created and that, here, now, so many people can still connect to the story through the power of music and theatre. A true testament to the beautiful world of theatre, in my opinion.

Next, it was off to a theatre on 42nd Street, to experience a show so outlandishly amazing, it practically blows my mind. I can't even say the title here on the blog, you'll just have to see it for yourselves! The whole thing is such an extraordinary sensory experience - the music, the story, and even the sets all took my breath away. I won’t lie – I am not a fan of horror and dark comedies but for some reason this show completely sucked me in. The performances are simply divine and so very, very powerful and it just takes you into an exciting world where there are no limits – I couldn't have left the theatre feeling any more inspired!

There is truly something to be said about seeing theatre here in New York – even more so, since it's a big part of the lifeblood of New York City. And that, for me, is absolutely amazing. It is a truly fabulous treat to watch the way everyone celebrates the theatre scene. From the energy of the audience to the buzz of the atmosphere, the whole city seems to vibrate with excitement for Broadway.

Of course, what would my week be without a spot of fashion shopping, right? I went down to SoHo to visit one of my absolute favourite stores, which, of course, can't be mentioned for this post. Let's just say it's an independent store, where all the items are totally unique and utterly fabulous. So you can imagine, a day spent shopping for clothes that were very feminine and romantic, right in the heart of SoHo, was just absolutely fantastic – you simply can't imagine how divine the atmosphere was!

The first dress that I bought was absolutely dreamy, and, for all my wonderful readers, I am planning to put together a fashion blog post featuring all of my new acquisitions.

And More Treats!

As well as catching up on ballet classes, visiting some wonderful dance studios, and all of my fashion treats – I even squeezed in time for a wonderful yoga class. It's not just the physical exercises that make yoga special, I feel like the classes are a place for people to really unwind. I have also fallen in love with some amazing vintage stores on a day of vintage exploring – with some great finds to report back on later!

It's fair to say I filled up on coffee and food on more than one occasion, but honestly – can anyone resist the gorgeous bakeries on the streets of NYC? The pastries and sweets are just beyond anything I can imagine – and that includes my childhood, growing up in Derbyshire – and they definitely made a space in my tummy! The stores I visited, in particular, had such delicious pastries and some wonderful, vibrant floral designs! I don’t want to tell you any more - that's just another treat that I will tell you all about in a blog post in the coming weeks.

Life on the Subway!

It would be a lie if I didn't say how I love using the subway system. I really have no fear in going down to the subway in New York City – it is just part of everyday life here and the whole feeling of New York can really be felt within the subway system. You know how there's the typical NYC hustle and bustle? I just find it quite exhilarating – a little bit exciting, if you know what I mean.

Plus, it's an easy way to get from one part of the city to another - which is brilliant for all the dancing I am doing this week and in the future.

This week was definitely full of incredible moments, filled with so much excitement. My days flew by – each one bringing so many new experiences, places to visit, and places to be. I really believe I'm going to love calling this fantastic city my home for the next six months!

But that's all from me, darlings! I have so much more to share from this week, that's just how busy I was, so, to find out what it was all about, why not subscribe to this blog so that you don't miss out.

In the meantime, I'm off to plan my next adventure! If you have any tips on what I should visit, or want to tell me all about your adventures in New York, don't hesitate to send me a comment or a message. Remember: It's a good time to be a Tutu-ed Lady in New York. Just like my slogan:

Life’s Just More Fun In Pink!

See you next Monday!

Love and Tutu Dust,


#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2001-05-07 she danced in New York City