New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2002-06-10 she danced in New York City

#PinkTutuBlogNYC - Monday 2002-06-10 - New York, New York!

Hello, lovelies! Welcome back to #PinkTutuBlogNYC, the blog where it's all pink, all tutus, all the time! I'm Emma, your resident pink-tutu-wearing ballerina, and I'm thrilled to be bringing you this week's adventures from the fabulous city that never sleeps - New York City!

This is post number 366 in my NYC blog, and I just love that number - it represents a whole year of documenting my amazing journey through this captivating city! Every Monday, like clockwork, I share my adventures with you lovely people on As always, my life here in NYC is a whirlwind of ballet, fashion, and adventures - and of course, fuelled by my favourite pink tutus!

Speaking of adventures, I just finished the most wonderful week! It's all thanks to a string of fantastic ballet performances that allowed me to soak up the vibrancy of this city. You see, my journey is one that combines my two great loves - ballet and travel! Every performance allows me to experience a new place, and NYC never fails to deliver on that promise!

My New York Story

This past week has been all about a special ballet showcase at the Lincoln Center in Manhattan. Now, if you've never seen a ballet at Lincoln Center, you simply MUST add it to your bucket list. It's majestic, grand, and every performance is simply breathtaking. But it's not just about the ballet; it's about the experience!

Let me tell you about my trip to the American Ballet Theatre. I remember arriving, stepping out of the metro and taking a deep breath. New York, even on a Tuesday night, is a symphony of sounds and colours. Streetlights glinting off buildings, the music pouring out from the jazz bars, the sound of laughter - it was absolutely exhilarating. I loved getting ready with a spritz of my favourite strawberry and cream perfume and adjusting my pink tulle tutu – all in preparation for this evening of magical dancing. I took a detour to the little bodega shop at the corner and grabbed a juicy watermelon and a bottle of iced tea.

Walking towards the Lincoln Center, my senses were overwhelmed - in a good way, of course! Every shop, every diner, every little corner was pulsating with life and excitement. But nothing prepared me for the grandeur of the Lincoln Center itself.

Imagine stepping into an enormous palace built entirely of white marble, with statues of famous ballerinas greeting you at the entrance. The moment I walked in, I knew I was in for something extraordinary. The foyer itself was a work of art - glittering chandeliers, intricate carvings, and a bustling crowd of eager theatregoers. The energy was electric, and I just had to stand there for a minute, feeling the hum of excitement buzzing around me.

Of course, I had my own seat! I adore seeing performances, not just on the stage, but with the audience. It's like the whole theatre becomes an intricate part of the story. The orchestra was just beginning to tune up as I found my seat, a beautiful velvet seat overlooking the stage. A group of excited teenagers nearby were dressed to impress for the show, I remember the bright red of their dresses making their youthful faces stand out amongst the audience, all a mix of hushed whispers and nervous chatter.

The American Ballet Theatre - The Star of the Night

Finally, the lights dimmed, and the orchestra began. The moment I saw the first dancer appear in the light of the spotlight, I was utterly captivated. Each graceful movement, each fluid leap, every single detail of the performance was absolutely spellbinding! I had the privilege of seeing the internationally acclaimed dancer, Irina Kolpakova, and the precision of her technique combined with the sheer poetry of her performance was truly something special.

She brought to life a beautiful new choreography by George Balanchine that featured several graceful pas de bourreé movements which I had recently begun learning at my new ballet school in the city, "Dance On!" – so much fun. Every step was like watching a beautiful dance story unfolding. The dancers, a whirlwind of color and energy in their elegant tutus, moved like feathers in a breeze. There were beautiful back drops in deep burgundy reds with elegant floral motifs – just gorgeous. It truly was a performance to remember. The audience went wild - they leapt to their feet, cheering wildly, and for a few moments, all I felt was the pure joy of shared artistry.

But the magic doesn't end there. The performance was only part of the story, really!

New York is about the sights, the sounds, and of course, the shopping!

I mean, what's a trip to New York City without a trip to a fashion-lover's paradise like Saks Fifth Avenue?

Stepping into the luxurious world of Saks Fifth Avenue, I was greeted with a blast of air-conditioning and the sweet smell of expensive perfume!

Walking through the glistening marble floors, I felt like a ballerina about to grace a glittering stage!

I decided to start with the shoe department – as one does when in a world-class fashion haven. I mean, the footwear alone at Saks Fifth Avenue could send any girl into a sartorial frenzy!

Every shoe imaginable seemed to be on display: shimmering silver heels, bright pink ballet flats, daring red stilettos, and even classic, black satin pumps. But of course, what was I looking for?

A little pink tutu for my next performance.

Yes, you heard that right. And no, it was not what you might think. I mean, it is a pink tutu, but it’s a sparkly pink, super soft, luxurious tutu, made from some magical tulle, made for my upcoming ballet showcase in Times Square, and no, I'm not going to spoil the surprise. You'll have to wait and see it all in next week's post! But believe me, I think I just might need a bigger suitcase.

Anyway, I spent the rest of the afternoon exploring the different floors - each one bursting with the latest designer clothes, bags, and accessories. A truly dreamy day!

The great thing about this store is the amazing sales that are often happening and also, if you’re lucky, the possibility of grabbing some real bargain finds! My favourite find from this trip, after a careful scan of the prices, was a vintage-style, oversized, fluffy pink fur jacket from the 70s for an amazing price! I’m so excited! I can’t wait to rock it over my black and white tutu in Central Park!

I am a little worried about packing my new pink tutu – It might be too large for my carry on and it wouldn’t look very cute stuck in the cargo hold! I’ll have to work out a way to make it travel like a princess. I'm hoping my amazing friend Mary who works at Bergdorf Goodman in the beauty department might have a genius packing idea!

And finally, let's talk food! My love for New York is as deep as my love for a good, home-cooked pie from Derbyshire - but in the big city, it’s about grabbing a hot dog from a street stall, trying new treats like peanut butter and jelly ice cream (no idea why this is a thing!) – a taste sensation I couldn’t possibly repeat. The main thing is you must have something tasty!

My absolute must-try street food this week has been "Nathan's Famous Hot Dogs". I've heard the New Yorkers rave about them for years, and let me tell you, they don't disappoint! A huge, juicy, and satisfying hot dog topped with crunchy mustard and a generous amount of relish. So good, it should be illegal!

Looking Ahead - A Glimpse into Next Week's Adventures

So, what's next on the Pink Tutu Agenda? Well, this week is packed with some amazing plans! I'll be going to the legendary Radio City Music Hall to watch the legendary Rockettes kick up their heels. Who better to get your inspiration from, right? They have been doing amazing dance shows in Times Square for decades and, trust me, their iconic kick line is pure spectacle! It’s bound to get the pink tutu’s swinging. I just know it!

And I can't wait to tell you all about the ballet classes I'm taking this week - I just started my lessons with a phenomenal new teacher and you'll hear all about the experience next week. There is even an evening performance of The Nutcracker at the New York State Theater. I can't believe I missed this last December. Can’t wait to feel the magic of the show.

There's a chance I might get to attend a Manhattan Fashion Week show – it depends on who is showing, the last thing I need is to sit in the audience with a sea of identical looks – you never know!

Now I need to wrap things up. This has been a jam-packed week, but like always, it feels so fulfilling. If you've been to New York and have had your own Pink Tutu adventures – be sure to tell me about it. Or even better, if you've always dreamt of visiting the city, be sure to follow this blog every week for more inspiration on how to have a truly amazing time.

Till next week, lovelies!

*See you back here in NYC on for post number 367. This time, it's all about the iconic Rockettes! What's their secret, I'm determined to find out! *



#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2002-06-10 she danced in New York City