New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2002-08-26 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Monday 2002-08-26 - New York City Dreams & a Tutuful Day!


Hello, darlings! It's Monday morning in New York City, and my toes are practically tap-dancing with excitement because this is my first post from the Big Apple! Yes, the Pink Tutu is finally in New York! I know you all thought I was crazy, swanning off to this crazy city, all for a bit of fun, but trust me, darling, this city is made for tutus, or perhaps it's the other way around?

Anyway, you see, a bit like Dorothy stepping off the yellow brick road and into a world of magic, this city just seems to sing a special song. It's like the city itself is performing a grand ballet on a stage of glittering buildings and bustling avenues. My senses are swimming with colour, sound, and movement! Every cab, every person, every street performer seems to be in a play – life is an extravagant Broadway musical.

And to think I almost missed this whirlwind adventure. A few months back, my little sister, the divine and glamorous Florence, mentioned a show in New York. Her darling fiancé was directing a play - some Shakespeare thing - a proper little theatre performance, you see! Of course, when the darling Florence calls, you listen. She knew how much I wanted to visit, but truth be told, I couldn't afford it. She persuaded my darling, slightly theatrical parents to chip in a little towards a ticket, and I finally managed to pull myself together, a grand gesture involving several nights in a row of "Swan Lake" to pay for the flight. You wouldn't believe the people I had to leap, twirl, and pirouette for... they couldn't believe I was a Derbyshire girl. I guess tutus are quite a draw, aren't they?

This city, oh this wonderful, glamorous city, makes my little tutu-clad heart skip a beat! It's just so, well... fab-u-lous! The sights, the sounds, the atmosphere! My senses are all buzzing, I feel like a little ballet dancer who has suddenly stepped into a grand ball. And of course, the most glorious sight? My pink tutu looks absolutely fabulous in this city! And for a girl like me, who finds magic in the twinkle of a ballerina's slipper, that's enough.

But now, onto my day, you darling, you lovely reader, you. My morning started at a ballet studio near Times Square. There were all sorts of classes; I tried the one called "Beginner to Beginnerish" – very charming, darling! This teacher had all the grace and elegance of a ballerina herself, although a little bit older than I imagined. I managed to get lost in a swirl of my own petticoats trying to perform the fifth position! The thing is, I've never tried to do all this in the middle of a crowded room. All I kept thinking about was, what if I trip over my tutu? Thankfully, I survived the class, just about. And I learnt, that darling, learning can be truly fabulous even in the middle of a metropolis!

Later on, we had to go to this crazy thing called "The Mall"! My friend Fiona from back home in Derbyshire (who is now living it up in New York, can you believe?) warned me, that it’s called The Mall but it’s actually loads of different shops. Well, it just about made me faint, all these amazing shops! From huge designer outlets to a quaint little shop selling nothing but hair accessories (just what a tutu-clad girl like myself needs!), we spent hours trying on hats and handbags and dresses. Oh darling, did I mention shoes?! Enough to make you swoon, literally!

After all that excitement, it was time for the play. It was held in this beautiful old theatre in the heart of Broadway, just a short hop from Times Square. All the flashing lights and towering buildings around us just seemed to whisper "You're in New York, darling!" and oh, did they whisper it loud! The play was called “A Midsummer Night's Dream,” or something equally theatrical. And you know what? This city truly deserves a show of its own, the stars overhead just seemed to watch over our theatre and let us witness something special!

It was an amazing day in New York, the most fab-u-lous adventure a ballerina could ever dream of! Now, before I sign off, here are some of the amazing sights I witnessed today in the Big Apple!

My New York Moments!

  • The Empire State Building (so very impressive – a little bit like a towering princess’s castle), and we stopped at a little cafe nearby to take some photos, and had some “cake pops” - you must try one of these. I must say it's something they definitely need to start serving at Covent Garden, oh my.
  • The Central Park, where we spent hours wandering around and feeding some ducks. They all wanted to be fed bread and had a right good time waddling around after my friends. (They had to promise not to pick them up as some friends back in Derbyshire nearly had a tutu-tantrum trying to wrangle the birds!) I'm not saying this, but they do have a certain elegance to them - especially with all those long, elegant feathers... I suppose that's where we got the inspiration from for the “swan” ballet movement?
  • The Statue of Liberty, my first glimpse of this famous lady was something else, especially as I came over by ferry. You know I love the water...and this incredible woman waving over to us... I don't know. She seemed to radiate a magic, like a tutu that shimmered with happiness.

Of course, every ballerina’s day needs a delicious dinner. We ended the night at this wonderful Italian restaurant – called "Bella Luna," and if the food was anything like their pizza, I might stay here for months...I do love my pizza! So much good food, so little time, although, if I have to go hungry now and then for my fashion fix...well, sometimes it’s all worth it. My outfit? You ask? Oh, my darling, I wore a pale pink silk dress, the colour of the ballerina’s slipper under a soft light. I made sure it swished ever so slightly every time I turned a corner. My darling little tutu was waiting back at the hotel room - and you just know what I wore the next day... You know...because I wear my pink tutu everywhere!

As for tomorrow? I've got plans for a lovely tea-break at an elegant cafe (after all, even ballerinas need a good cuppa), and a visit to a few shops, of course! I might just pop into this Broadway theatre that has been putting on shows for ages and ages…

So, goodbye for now, darlings! And remember: wear your tutu with confidence and never, ever let anyone tell you you're not as beautiful as a rose.   Emma xx

P.S Remember to subscribe to and check back here every Monday for another new blog! Let me know your favourite moments in your journey into the Big Apple - my email is - Let me know your comments!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2002-08-26 she danced in New York City