New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2003-01-20 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC #398: New York, New York! 🩰🗽

Hello my gorgeous darlings! It's Monday again, which means it's time for another fabulous instalment of Pink Tutu Blog NYC! I'm so excited to share my adventures with you all - this week, I'm stepping into the heart of the Big Apple, New York City! 🍎

As always, I'm travelling in my trusty pink tutu, which somehow manages to look both elegant and street-ready at the same time! I always find it hilarious how my tutus attract attention wherever I go. It's like a little pink explosion of joy that instantly brightens up even the dullest day. 😊

This week's journey began back in Derbyshire, England. It feels like just yesterday I was saying goodbye to my family and friends, all promising to wear their own pink tutus the next time we met! They laughed, but you know me – one day, it’ll happen! 😉

Anyway, I took a train to Heathrow Airport, feeling oh-so-excited about my upcoming adventure! London’s airport is always a whirlwind of activity, but the atmosphere always makes me feel like anything is possible. It’s definitely one of the best airports in the world for finding amazing fashion! ✈️

The flight over to New York was smooth as silk. I popped on my noise-cancelling headphones and settled into my seat with a good book, dreaming of all the fabulous things I'd see and do in this city of dreams!

Speaking of dreams, have I mentioned that today’s date, 20th January 2003, is extra special because it’s the anniversary of the iconic Broadway musical, ‘The Phantom of the Opera’?! I've never seen it before but I’ve heard the soundtrack a hundred times and I’ve been so looking forward to attending a performance here in New York! The rumour is it’s incredible! 🤩

Anyway, I landed at JFK airport feeling refreshed and raring to go! Now, I’m a big believer that every arrival should be stylish, so I opted to take the NYC subway directly from the airport, to avoid any airport shuttles. It might sound unusual to you, but in the city that never sleeps, fashion is always in style! So, I made my way straight to the station, all dolled up in my best pink tutu! 🗽💖

Let me tell you, riding the NYC subway is truly an experience in itself! There's a certain energy here, a real "I'm on my way to make it" feel that you can't find anywhere else. I've never felt so alive and part of the action than when I'm exploring a city with a subway. Every single stop is an opportunity for discovery and the view is always changing! ✨

As soon as I hopped off the subway at my stop, I felt it - that undeniable energy that is New York. The bustling streets, the iconic yellow taxis, the incredible array of shops and stores… I had arrived! I knew it in my heart - my time in New York City had begun! 🤩

It wasn’t long before I discovered my favourite local haunt, a beautiful boutique on a street called Bleecker. Now, I don’t like to play favourites, but I just love the shops on this street. It’s the perfect place to indulge my passion for shopping, and let’s be honest – what better place is there to look for some inspiration for my next dance outfit! ✨

It wasn’t just clothes that called to me - there are just so many adorable cafés on this street! There’s one I particularly like where they have a special “Pink Tutu Breakfast” which sounds delicious! 🥐

My favourite café here is actually named 'Tutus and Teas', with the most stunning décor. You have to imagine this beautiful floral pink décor, with so many pastel flowers, and vintage inspired furniture – you just need to picture me sitting in this lovely spot, drinking tea in my pink tutu - it’s pure magic! 🌸☕️

Before heading to the ‘Phantom of the Opera’, I did what every girl does when in New York - I ventured to Broadway, specifically Times Square! Oh, the sights and the sounds! Everything about New York is just electrifying! ✨

I couldn't help but be mesmerized by the flashing billboards and the general buzz of the crowds. Of course, no visit to New York is complete without a visit to the TKTS booth! I knew exactly what I was looking for - the latest Broadway performance for the cheapest prices.

Now, when I’m not dancing my little heart out on stage or twirling in the city’s streets, I'm usually spotted checking out the latest ballet shows and workshops! I find ballet to be such an expressive and powerful art form. It allows me to convey emotions through movements that truly capture my imagination. It's also the best way to improve my pirouettes! 🤩

I made my way to Lincoln Centre this week to see the performance by the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater! And can I just tell you, the dance studio I went to for an impromptu class that evening is right next door? Honestly, how perfectly placed are they? The class I went to was actually themed as “dance in the street”, where we moved through the street, performing, before the end of class which was incredible! 🤩

Oh, did I tell you about the delicious pizza in the area near Lincoln Centre? I mean, what’s New York without pizza? And it was just what I needed after that fabulous dance class. 🍕

Honestly, it seems like my trip to New York was more magical than I ever imagined! From the stunning buildings and iconic attractions to the amazing dance performances and of course, the incredible shopping - it was a true pink tutu dream!

To be perfectly honest, the city really has it all! I even got some great ideas for future blogs! But as you know, my loves, there is no time for secrets! 😉 I’ll give you some snippets to tantalise you over the next week:

  • Look out for the “The Phantom of the Opera” review! This classic musical deserves a blog of its own! And that was a truly mesmerising show, I won’t lie - It’s truly magical and every performance truly lives up to the expectations, so don’t delay booking! 🤩

  • What would New York City be without Central Park, that was my destination this week! It truly is a perfect spot for escaping the bustling city streets and to do a bit of people watching! 🗽

  • Oh, and guess what? I saw a dance show on the subway this week, how funny is that? It really wasn’t staged either - it was a full, actual dance performance, with amazing lighting and music from what sounded like a nearby club! The dancing was brilliant, so, I definitely feel inspired to try that at home next week - with the pink tutu, of course! 😉

  • Speaking of the pink tutu… oh, don't forget, darling, you have one week left to vote for my top "pink tutu-wearing icon" contest! This month is going to be super-exciting, so check out the voting link and cast your vote before Monday! 💖

Right, now it's time for me to go and catch some shut-eye after my whirlwind New York adventure! My flight back to the UK tomorrow is looking to be as fabulous as my week here in New York! 🥰 And don’t forget, I’ll be sharing all about that, in next Monday’s blog. 💖

I'll be back next week with even more pink tutu adventures - until then, spread the love and wear your pink tutus with pride! 🌸💖

Your NYC Ballerina, Emma

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2003-01-20 she danced in New York City