New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2003-02-24 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC #403: Dancing Dreams in the Big Apple!

Hello lovelies!

It's Monday again, which means it's time for another installment of Pink Tutu Blog NYC! This week, I'm bouncing with excitement because... drumroll please... I'm actually IN New York City!

That's right, my darlings, your favourite pink tutu-clad ballerina has made the journey across the pond and landed smack bang in the middle of the concrete jungle!

This is a big dream come true for me, ever since I was a little girl watching 'The Nutcracker' with my Grandma on repeat, New York has been synonymous with all things sparkly and exciting. It was the city of dreams, of possibilities, of soaring skyscrapers, and - let's be honest - the most incredible shopping in the world!

As soon as I secured a part in the prestigious City Ballet Company's annual performance, I knew I had to make the most of this opportunity. After all, what better excuse to explore the streets of New York, to see the iconic Broadway shows, to get lost in the vintage fashion boutiques... and of course, to wear a pink tutu EVERY SINGLE DAY?

And what a fabulous start to my NYC adventures! I'm actually writing this from my hotel room, gazing out the window at the impossibly tall buildings shimmering in the midday sun. The street below is abuzz with activity, horns blaring, sirens wailing, laughter echoing... It's pure magic, darling!

But enough about my feelings, let's get down to the nitty gritty!

Monday's in NYC: A Day in the Life

Firstly, a confession... the sheer joy of riding the New York subway in my pink tutu was worth the whole journey! I swear, the other passengers just couldn't take their eyes off me. One chap even pulled out his phone to take a snap. You go girl! (Just pretend you didn't hear that, I don't want to embarrass anyone... haha!)

Speaking of the subway, it was my trusty friend that took me straight to that location. You know the one... the epicentre of all things fabulous in the fashion world: Times Square. I felt like a little ballerina being swallowed by the towering screens, but in a good way, obviously!

It was an absolute whirlwind of lights, colours, and smells. The energy in this place is something else! Just try walking a straight line in the face of all that hype and sensory overload...

The highlight? Well, that has to be finding my first pink tutu of the trip in a vintage store nestled between a pancake joint and a "I ♥ NY" T-shirt stall. It wasn't exactly en pointe in terms of tutu etiquette, but it had the most amazing rainbow sequins and was absolutely perfect for this pink tutu obsessed ballerina.

Next stop, the iconic Central Park. The hustle and bustle of Times Square felt a million miles away as I took a wander amongst the trees. It's hard to believe such a vast expanse of green space exists in the heart of the city!

Even though it was cold and the park was pretty quiet - the tourists were out braving the blustery conditions - it was utterly serene and peaceful. I even found a quiet corner where I stretched, and of course, struck a few poses, because you know, it's just a bit rude to visit New York without capturing some #pinktutunyc moments for the gram.

Feeling inspired by the grandeur of it all, I decided to go all out in my ballet quest! The world-famous Radio City Music Hall was just a hop skip and jump away, so I found myself standing in awe as I watched a magnificent performance of The Rockettes – those ladies are seriously phenomenal.

As a seasoned ballet enthusiast myself, I'm happy to say I wasn't the only one rocking the pink tutu at the show! A group of young ballerinas in their class costumes, radiating with the same twinkle in their eyes as me, definitely upped the fabulousness level.

Now, it wouldn't be a proper New York day without a good old-fashioned theatrical feast, so a quick dash to the corner cafe – I confess, a giant hot chocolate was urgently needed – followed by an absolute joyride in the metro, and boom – Broadway here we come!

My lucky ticket led me to a production of 'The Phantom of the Opera,' now, if you think it's just some dusty, old play – think again! I was captivated by the haunting melodies, the stunning costumes (yes, a pink tutu was in evidence in the chorus line... high five, sister!) and the sheer raw talent on stage.

A real mix of classical and contemporary storytelling with plenty of glitz and glam - a little bit of my pink tutu heart's delight right there, I tell ya! The whole thing left me with a distinct feeling that the show truly was ‘The Music of the Night’!

You’d think this ballerina would be completely exhausted by the end of such a magical day… well, not quite! To celebrate a stellar day of NYC exploration, and a truly inspiring pink tutu performance – I rewarded myself with a slightly excessive visit to a fabulously frilly department store… a little something I'd found in the window had just begged me to try it on... a sparkly, feather-trimmed, blush pink party dress! It was meant to be.

Pink Tutu Thoughts:

I know some people might think my pink tutu obsession is, well, a tad over the top. And you know what? That's absolutely fine! To each their own, I say! But to me, it's more than just a costume.

For me, the tutu represents hope, freedom, laughter, and joy. It's a reminder to dance through life, to embrace the beauty in every moment, to twirl with confidence, and to never, ever take ourselves too seriously!

That's why I'm spreading the love (and the pink tutus!) wherever I go! Maybe you won't be spotting me at a local vintage store any time soon - I am a busy ballerina after all! But who knows… the Pink Tutu movement is gaining traction - perhaps the UK will see a wave of pink tutu street-wear very soon… Let's see how those pink tutus look against a backdrop of the Cotswolds and Lake District, eh?

But for now, it’s time to tuck myself in to dream about the magical streets of New York…

This is my new favourite city, it's bursting with life, full of laughter and wonder – and absolutely the perfect place for a pink tutu to bloom!

Remember, my little pink tutu fanatics - join me next Monday for more adventures from NYC – same bat-time, same bat-channel.

Until then, stay fabulous! And don’t forget to twirl!

Yours truly, Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2003-02-24 she danced in New York City