New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2003-03-17 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post #406: Manhattan Magic & Pink Tutu Power!

Helloooo my dearest Tutu Twirlers!

It's Monday morning, and you know what that means... time for a new post on!

This week, I'm bouncing off the walls (metaphorically, of course - no need to break a nail!) with excitement because guess where your favourite pink-tutu-clad ballerina is? Yep, you guessed it: New York City, baby!

It's a city that practically pulsates with energy, and let me tell you, the minute I stepped off the subway onto the bustling platform at Times Square, I knew this was going to be a whirlwind of tutus and trinkets!

Derbyshire to the Big Apple:

So, how did a little ballerina from Derbyshire end up in the concrete jungle, you ask? Well, dear reader, this time, my travels were fuelled by a passion for the stage - and a fabulously glitzy ballet performance. You see, I have a very special secret that I love to share with you... I make my living from dancing, and yes, that means a whole lot of dazzling, twirling and shimmying on the big stage!

After weeks of rehearsals and prepping, I had the honour of performing a magical "Swan Lake" rendition in the heart of Manhattan, and boy oh boy, the crowds were amazing! I even had a lovely chap wearing a pink tutu front row - you can never have too many tutus in the world, right?

Taking the City by Tutu Storm:

Once the final curtain call faded, I grabbed my favourite pink bag and headed straight for a subway adventure. You see, one of my most favourite things about New York City is the amazing metro system. It's like a giant subterranean wonderland full of different cultures and personalities, always pulsating with energy. I absolutely love hopping onto a carriage and travelling to all sorts of exciting destinations.

This time, my mission was to explore a little side street just off Times Square, where the rumour was that you could find the most stunning vintage clothing boutiques!

Tutus and Trinkets in the Village:

Let me tell you, my darling tutu friends, I'm quite the pro when it comes to finding hidden gems. This tiny street was filled with stores brimming with incredible vintage dresses, bags and even some fantastic hats for those days when a ballerina needs a touch of sophistication! Of course, it wasn't long before I had found a vintage pink tutu in an amazing pattern – it even had feathers, just like my new favourite Broadway show "Chicago". You'll be seeing a lot of that little gem on my social media soon, you mark my words!

After hours of browsing and haggling (I'm quite the haggler you know!) it was time to stop for a delightful bite at a vintage tea room. I opted for a beautiful pastel-coloured cake and a refreshing pot of herbal tea. And yes, of course, I wore my new vintage pink tutu! I know what you're thinking, “Emma, don't you ever not wear a tutu?” My reply? Absolutely not! Why wear anything else? It’s just the best!

Backstage Drama:

After a morning filled with vintage delights and delicious treats, I was off to another show: "Chicago"! Yes, the Broadway production was phenomenal. The costumes, the music, the dancing - it was sheer perfection. But more than that, I was amazed by the raw power of the acting. It was incredible to witness actors channeling characters and emotions so vividly on the stage. As I stood backstage for my "meet and greet" with the cast (yes, that's right! We ballerinas are famous too you know, even if only to ourselves!), I could just feel the energy.

This is what inspires me, you see. The magic, the dedication, the power to move an audience and bring joy through the magic of the theatre.

The Pink Tutu Philosophy:

My darling readers, if I can leave you with one thing today, it's this: don't be afraid to wear your pink tutus loud and proud. The world is full of grey, black and white, and it needs a whole lot more colour. It's a message of happiness, joy, and boundless creativity, and let's be honest, isn't the world a little brighter when a pink tutu enters the room?

Remember: * Embrace the colour pink! It’s a fantastic statement that stands for confidence and joy. * Wear a tutu to all the special places you go (within reason, of course! Not always the best for an office meeting). * Be your own brand of ballerina! Whether you’re a seasoned professional like myself, or just starting out, dance your heart out and live with the passion and excitement of a ballerina!

I'll leave you now with this thought: the world is your stage, and the possibilities are endless!

Until next week, dear Tutu Twirlers!

Lots of love, Emma

Ps: Stay tuned for a full blog post about my fabulous vintage pink tutu! It's a real gem that needs to be seen to be believed!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2003-03-17 she danced in New York City