New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2003-06-16 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post 419: Twirling Through The Big Apple 🍎🩰

Monday 16th June, 2003

Good morning lovelies! ☀️

The Big Apple is calling! 🍎 Well, actually it's more like the subway is calling! 😉

As I write this, I'm crammed on the bustling 1 train, jostling my way between skyscrapers on my way to...well, where doesn't really matter. This is New York, where simply being in New York is an adventure, regardless of destination.

I arrived on Thursday (oh yes, I'm already getting that fabulous New York "jet-lagged but excited" glow), straight from a fantastic ballet performance back in Derbyshire. It was a tour de force - and a most satisfying way to fund the next leg of my Pink Tutu Adventures. You see, when you’re this dedicated to spreading the love of pink tutus, you find ways to make it happen, lovelies. And trust me, the more I spread the Tutu Love, the more magical opportunities come my way!

Today's agenda is a mix of pure NYC fun. This morning it was a sneaky peek at the new collection at Bergdorf Goodman, a must for any fashion-obsessed soul (I might have found myself a stunning vintage scarf for my latest pink tutu outfit, which I just have to post a selfie of later!). Then, this afternoon I'm attending the opening night of the Broadway musical, “Wicked”, at the Gershwin Theatre. A fab friend (you’ll love her - she's a professional fashion stylist and fellow pink tutu enthusiast!), is meeting me there and, well, what better way to kick off a New York evening than a sparkling theatrical extravaganza! 💖

Let's be honest, the real magic of this city does lie in its theatre district, doesn't it? 🎭 There’s such a thrilling, palpable energy – like you can practically feel the history swirling around you, whispered on the breeze. Every street corner could be hiding a Broadway star incognito.

I even had a glimpse of the real thing the other day! While meandering through Times Square (always a dazzling and utterly intimidating experience, in equal measure!) I totally saw a couple of actors dressed up for Chicago – those killer heels, the fabulous makeup... the quintessential Broadway sparkle! It’s not just a show in NYC; it’s a lifestyle! And you know I'm here to soak up every bit of it!

So, after our night of glamour and the intoxicating smell of popcorn, we'll be off to explore some of the lesser-known streets – perhaps even the Greenwich Village coffee shop where Bob Dylan once sat! (A little too ‘old school’ for me, perhaps, but you can't go wrong with a little vintage vibe in New York, right?!).

But don't worry, I'll make sure to capture every moment and bring it right here to the blog - tutu twirling and all!

Speaking of tutus, I've already found the perfect New York-themed tutu! 🏙️ Imagine a flowing, full tulle skirt in a gorgeous deep pink, with miniature yellow cabs, Brooklyn Bridge silhouettes, and twinkling Broadway lights, all delicately sewn onto the layers. (Okay, okay, it might not be a literal replica, but my creativity runs wild, and I'm certain it’ll turn out just as dazzling!) The moment I get a shot, you’ll be seeing it on the blog!

And, speaking of photos, remember those fantastic pictures I posted last week, featuring the gorgeous rooftop view from the Met? 🗽 The sunlight bouncing off those elegant, graceful buildings and the gentle sway of the trees – simply breathtaking! And it all looked so much better with my trusty pink tutu on! I've really fallen for this "pink and grey" theme lately... think city streets and sophisticated pink’s so… so… NYC!

And honestly, it doesn't really matter where I go. It's how I go, lovelies! With my trusty pink tutu, a smile on my face, and a sense of pure joy – those are the essentials for creating my own special Pink Tutu Magic! 💖

And there’s just one thing missing... a fantastic new tutu for tonight's “Wicked” adventure! I need something sparkly, a bit bold, maybe a touch of emerald green... thoughts?

Leave a comment and share your tutu-tastic ideas with me! 💖

Until next week, stay bright, beautiful, and always, always, be Tutu-fabulous!


Emma xx

P.S. Follow my Instagram at @pinktutuemma for a peek behind the scenes and lots more daily fun from NYC! 💕

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2003-06-16 she danced in New York City