New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2003-07-14 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post #423 - 14th July 2003 - The City that Never Sleeps (and Never Stops Dancing)

Hello my dearest Tutu Tribe! 👋💖 It's Monday, and that means it's time for another installment of my Pink Tutu adventures from the Big Apple, New York City! As you know, this week's blog is extra special, because drumroll... I'm seeing a ballet show tonight! ✨ I know, I know, it's a dream come true, isn't it? And wouldn't you know it, I've got the perfect pink tutu picked out for the occasion.

Before we get into the juicy details of tonight's performance, let me tell you about my whirlwind weekend in the city. As usual, it's been an absolute riot! From hopping onto the metro, always a glamorous experience (don't judge, it's my commute), to a delicious breakfast of bagels and cream cheese at the local deli (the perfect pre-ballet fuel!), New York has a way of making every moment an adventure.

Friday evening was a little taste of heaven on earth - a trip to the famed Bergdorf Goodman on 5th Avenue! Shopping for a new pair of pink pumps, obviously! The way they made my legs look… let's just say they're perfect for all those upcoming dance performances I've lined up! 💖

Of course, no New York experience is complete without a proper Broadway show! On Saturday, I had the pleasure of seeing “The Phantom of the Opera”, which was just incredible! Seeing all those amazing dancers in their magnificent costumes really fuelled my own passion for performance. Maybe one day I'll be dancing on a Broadway stage… ✨

Speaking of dancing, Saturday afternoon saw me exploring the legendary Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, an absolutely iconic place for dance enthusiasts like myself. Honestly, just being in that space filled me with so much inspiration! I can't wait to attend their upcoming season - maybe even try out for a part! 🤫 (Don't tell anyone! 🤫)

But of course, my weekend wouldn't have been complete without a trip to Lincoln Center! Not just any trip, though, I visited the legendary New York State Theatre! 💖 Home to the New York City Ballet! What can I say? I couldn't resist the lure of the "Nutcracker" in July! And it was just wonderful! The music, the costumes, the performance, everything was perfect!

Sunday was for strolling around Central Park, where I encountered some delightful fellow dancers practicing their pirouettes amongst the green, peaceful surroundings. (There really is nothing quite like a park in the middle of a big city! You just have to check it out when you're in New York.) We had a little impromptu practice session, and it was amazing! Turns out, these ladies are actually performing at the "Steps on Broadway" festival later this month, and you bet I'm going!

But, I digress! Tonight's the big one: Ballet! I can't wait to be dazzled by the beautiful dance choreography, the intricate costumes, and the incredible artistry! Maybe I'll even snag a post-show chat with the ballerinas… one can dream!

For the occasion, I've been channeling my inner princess. It's a pale pink tulle tutu (of course), a silk blouse that complements it perfectly, and some sparkling ballet shoes to really bring it all together! Think "enchanting" but with a touch of New York swagger. Maybe even a sparkly headband for added fun… I haven’t decided yet! 😉

Before I set off to witness this night of enchantment, let me tell you all about tonight's performance! It's a program of modern ballets from some of the most incredible choreographers in the world, each piece inspired by the ever-evolving city that is New York. I just can't wait! I'll be sure to update you on my Pink Tutu Blog later this week with all the inside scoop.

Oh! And before I forget! This blog is #423. Do you know what this means?! It means it's time for another of my legendary GIVEAWAYS! 💖 This time, you could be winning a beautiful ballet-themed necklace, handcrafted with intricate details of swirling ribbons and sparkling ballet shoes! To enter, just leave a comment below telling me your favorite thing about ballet, and I’ll announce the winner in next week’s post! Good luck! 🍀

Till next Monday, my lovely readers, stay fabulous! Keep dancing and spreading that pink tutu joy. It’s what life is all about! 💖

Love and sparkles, Emma Pink Tutu Blog

P.S. If you want to see my latest fabulous outfit, I've taken a couple of snapshots and added them to the blog, check them out! 💖

Photo Album (Post 423)

  1. Pink Tutu on the Go! A picture of me looking oh-so-chic on the metro in my full pink tutu. (You can almost see the envy in the eyes of the commuters! 😜)

  2. The Bergdorf Goodman Queen! Me looking stylish and sophisticated (but slightly dazed) after an evening at Bergdorf Goodman. Gotta show off that new pair of pink pumps!

  3. Tutu Time! A selfie in the mirror in my ultimate pink tutu ensemble, with the "New York City Ballet" logo in the background, just for you lovely Tutu Tribe!

  4. Pink Power! A photo of a stunning ballerina in a gorgeous pink tutu and shimmering dress, mid-pirouette, at the "Steps on Broadway" Festival. (You gotta admire that dedication, folks! Just a hint of what I’ll be trying out when I get to that festival, don’t you think?)

  5. And last but not least… The Phantom of the Opera! An exciting snap of the masked Phantom on stage, during an intense moment in the performance!

Have a peek at my Instagram account: @EmmaPinkTutu You'll find more stunning pictures, like some from tonight's ballet show! 💖

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2003-07-14 she danced in New York City