New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2003-07-28 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: New York City, Post #425 – A Twirling Adventure!

Hello lovelies!

It's Monday again, which means a brand new Pink Tutu adventure, this time from the concrete jungle itself – New York City! I'm so excited to be here, this has been a dream trip since, well, forever!

Last time you saw me I was swirling through Derbyshire with my favourite pink tutu. Now I'm feeling those city vibes and let me tell you, the tutus have been flowing in the streets! It's like I’ve arrived at a grand, never-ending, non-stop ballet performance!

Just picture it – my trusty travel bag stuffed with more tutus than an entire ballet school, and a smile that could melt even the most hardened New York City street corner. My pink tulle clouds are billowing behind me as I navigate the iconic yellow cabs and navigate the streets on my journey of twirls and discoveries. I'm in absolute heaven!

So what's been happening? Let me take you on a little spin through my week, where every day has been an elegant step closer to reaching my ultimate goal: making the world a pink tutu paradise!

Day One: Stepping Into the Big Apple

As the metro whisked me under the bustling streets of the city, my heart thrummed like a dancer’s heart at the beginning of a performance. My first order of business? Tutu Shopping! The shops here are just bursting with possibilities! Imagine endless rows of shimmering fabric, ribbons, and sequins! It's like a rainbow exploded and landed in a fabric shop – which, actually, sounds pretty incredible. After spending way too long browsing (I can never help myself), I landed on a magnificent lilac creation with intricate lace embellishments. Just thinking about wearing it for my first NYC ballet class fills me with excitement!

Day Two: A Broadway Dream

Oh my heavens, lovelies, Broadway was magical! This has been on my bucket list forever! It was every bit as spectacular as I’d dreamed. This week, we were lucky enough to catch the critically-acclaimed "Wicked." You all know I love a good fantasy show and the sheer talent and spectacle had me wanting to dance down the aisles of the theatre myself.

It wasn't just the performance, it was the whole experience. I mean, who doesn't love dressing up for a show? (Pink Tutu, of course, felt right at home amongst the velvet curtain and glittering chandeliers.) I went all out with a sparkling black dress, a little pink feather boa, and some fabulous high heels. The combination is enough to make any ballerina swoon!

Day Three: Tutu Class In the Big Apple

Taking a class with one of New York City's finest ballet schools is one of those “I can’t believe it's happening!” moments. The energy in the studio was incredible! It was a beautiful room with high ceilings and mirrored walls – truly a dream for any ballerina. The teacher was just wonderful. She even let me try out my new lilac creation. She told me it “has just the right amount of sass for the city!” What a perfect endorsement.

Let's just say, the other dancers were impressed, and more importantly, I had the most glorious time! Just a quick twirl to get your imaginations flowing!

Day Four: Shopping, Sightseeing, and Pink Tutus

This was my “explore the city and let my heart lead me” kind of day. I can't resist a bit of fashion therapy (another secret dream come true) in one of the department stores with so much bling! Think giant glittery chandeliers, a perfume bar that smells divine, and so much fashion goodness you’ll be swept off your feet (with a sprinkle of sequins!).

Then I grabbed my beloved tutu – (my favorite – a delicate shade of pink with layers of tulle that makes it just a touch extra whimsical!) – and took to the streets, exploring. Central Park, Times Square, Fifth Avenue... the streets just seemed to pulsate with energy and glamour. Oh, and how can I forget the sights? Everything felt monumental!

Even with the bustling crowd, you just have to know that the magic of New York City has a certain feel about it, it's exhilarating.

And, because New York is full of quirky creatives and interesting characters, naturally, more than a few people asked if I could twirl for them! Who knew so many people shared my love of twirling!

Day Five: Uptown, Downtown, and the Met

Today was a true ode to NYC style. Imagine chic restaurants where the tables have pink and white gingham cloths, art galleries bursting with inspiration, a little street theatre – which just added an element of surprise and fun to my morning.

As for the afternoon, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, where every turn reveals new artistic treasures! Let's just say I made quite a statement in my blush-pink tutu (the one with the silver sequins!) amidst classical statues and grand art displays. A truly remarkable and magical place.

Day Six: An Afternoon of Ballet Bliss

Speaking of museums, tonight's show, my absolute favourite of this entire trip! It was a production of “Swan Lake,” put on by the renowned American Ballet Theatre. Imagine graceful movements, breathtaking costumes, and incredible choreography that took my breath away! The whole theatre seemed to float with a hushed reverence for the artistry on display.

I made a little entrance of my own, just a gentle pirouette at the front row before taking my seat. I received so many admiring glances that it had me feeling on top of the world, like a true ballerina myself!

Day Seven: Finding Peace and Beauty in Central Park

New York is exhilarating, but as a ballerina, I need my moments of calm! There's something magical about Central Park. The air is filled with birdsong and rustling leaves, and the sight of families picnicking and couples strolling – it all feels so romantic. And the greenery? Well, that’s where my ballet inspiration starts flowing!

To fully embrace the park's beauty, I wore my newest creation: a pale pink tutu with sparkling butterfly motifs, reminding me of all those delicate ballet steps and ethereal, airy moments I find so moving.

As the day wound down, I took a deep breath and allowed the feeling of pure happiness to wash over me – because that's what travel is all about, isn't it? Making memories, chasing dreams, and appreciating all those little moments of joy.

New York, You've Stolen My Heart!

So there you have it, a glimpse into my fabulous week here in NYC! A kaleidoscope of glitz, glamour, ballet, fashion, and all those wonderful things I adore. I really believe I'm in the place where everything truly feels possible!

And you know me, it wasn’t a trip without a sprinkle of tutus! My fellow fashionistas – I urge you to grab your favorite pink creation, twirl on over to the closest window, and soak up those city lights! There's a whole world of ballet, shopping, and magical experiences just waiting for you!

See you next week, when I’ll share another exciting chapter of Pink Tutu adventures! Stay beautiful!

*Love always, *


#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2003-07-28 she danced in New York City