New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2003-09-15 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: NYC Adventures (Post #432)

Hello my lovely tutu-ettes! It's Monday again, which means it's time for another thrilling escapade from your favourite pink-tutu-wearing ballerina, straight from the concrete jungle of New York City!

This week's post is overflowing with pink tulle, fabulous fashion finds, and some seriously impressive dance moves, because darling, I’ve been swirling, twirling, and pirouetting all over Manhattan.

First things first, I simply must tell you all about my journey! Remember, my little loves, the subway is my playground. The rumble of the train is my lullaby, the flickering lights my spotlight. And I, well, I'm the dancing queen of the subterranean. I hopped onto the 1 train this morning, with my pink tutu, of course, and sashayed all the way to my first destination: The New York Public Library.

It wasn't exactly a tutu-worthy locale, I must admit. But who can resist a spot of literature, especially when you’re looking for inspiration?

The library, however, wasn’t just a quiet haven of dusty tomes for me. No, my darling! I spied the perfect location for a magnificent photograph, which I absolutely had to capture. Now, don’t worry – I didn’t do any actual pirouettes in the reading room. (Though it would have made for a dazzlingly unconventional photo shoot, I assure you!)

After soaking in the grandeur of the library, it was time for my favourite pastime: SHOPPING! Now, you see, dear readers, New York City is just bursting with delightful boutiques and dazzling department stores, just begging to be plundered by my trusty pink shopping bags.

I wandered through the aisles of Bergdorf Goodman, lost in the wonderland of luxury. The silk, the satin, the shoes! It was like a dream! The window displays, like elaborate ballets themselves, enticed me to venture inside. But my real mission this time was at a tiny shop tucked away on 5th Avenue. It's this gorgeous little place with a hand-painted sign proclaiming “Alice’s Wonderland of Textiles.” And that, my friends, is exactly what it was.

Alice’s was an explosion of colour, fabric, and pure artistic joy. My heart leapt when I discovered they had the most fabulous tulle - oh, not just any tulle, darling. It was shimmering, glittery, iridescent tulle, that would have made any ballerina's heart beat faster! Now, my dears, this isn't your usual store-bought tutu-worthy tulle. This, this was destined for something spectacular - perhaps a brand new ballet-themed ensemble, or even a spectacular pink tutu that could double as a dazzling ball gown!

This adventure just gets better and better, doesn't it? But, hold onto your bonnets, ladies, because the real fun was only just beginning. You see, after a delightful lunch of a croissant and a cappuccino at an utterly charming little cafe (all, of course, while sporting my favourite pink tutu), I found myself swept away to a ballet performance at the Joyce Theater!

The Joyce Theater, oh my goodness, it’s just a delightful gem tucked away in Chelsea. From the outside, it seems rather unassuming, even modest, a touch of classic New York charm with its red brick façade. But inside, the atmosphere is magical! There is a palpable buzz, a vibrant energy emanating from the dancers, the audience, the very walls themselves. It was electric! The energy flowed into me, filling my very core with that delightful feeling of anticipation.

I had never been to the Joyce before, and was thrilled to finally see it, to feel it. And let me tell you, it lived up to every bit of hype and then some!

This particular evening, I was treated to an incredibly moving performance by a company called BalletCollective. Their repertoire included pieces by some of the world's leading contemporary choreographers: Kyle Abraham, Pam Tanowitz, and the inimitable Jessica Lang. I must say, the energy that those dancers emanated was utterly breathtaking. They took contemporary ballet and propelled it into another realm.

But it wasn’t just about the artistry, no, my darling! It was about the sheer energy, the athleticism, and the passion of it all. And there I was, surrounded by these beautiful dancers, lost in the swirling narratives they created, feeling utterly transported by their performances. My little heart, it beat so fast with admiration and awe! I felt an overwhelming sense of kinship, of belonging.

There is something so magical about seeing such skilled individuals take control of their bodies and create art that moves your very soul. It made me reflect on my own aspirations as a dancer and, well, I’ll just have to say, it motivated me to take to the barre in earnest.

Oh, but this tale is far from over. After the performance, I hopped onto a taxi, and found myself right in the heart of Times Square, that bustling hub of activity, which felt positively glamorous after my enchanting evening at the theatre. But what really captured my attention was this bright and colourful banner hanging from a building, that read, " Pink Tutus for Everyone!" I did a little double take. Could it be true? A billboard dedicated to pink tutus? And, wouldn’t you know it, darling? It was!

The banner was an ad for an upcoming fundraising event organized by an adorable local ballet school, called the “Twirl For Change.” It was promoting an “Everything Pink" event where people of all ages were invited to don their very best pink attire - tutus encouraged, naturally! - to raise funds for underprivileged children in their community who wanted to learn to dance.

I couldn't help but smile. There is simply something wonderfully uplifting and contagious about the colour pink! Especially, when it’s paired with tutus. Now, if this doesn’t make your heart go “flutter”, I don’t know what will! It’s an extraordinary initiative, isn’t it? To use something as seemingly trivial as a pink tutu to inspire joy, raise funds for a worthy cause, and give back to the community!

The whole experience - the magical ballet, the incredible textiles, the "Pink Tutus for Everyone!" billboard - it all seemed so serendipitous, like the stars were perfectly aligned for a little pink-tutu-wearing ballerina from Derbyshire! I truly believe in spreading the joy and the message of hope and positivity, and what better way to do that than through the simple joy of twirling in a pink tutu?

Now, my dear tutu-ettes, you know my motto: “If you can twirl, you can achieve anything!" So let’s all try to live up to that philosophy. Whether you're at a ballet performance or just out and about running errands, embrace the opportunity to twirl! After all, it’s the simplest form of self-expression.

Before I leave you to your busy schedules, I want to leave you with a little quote that’s been swirling around my mind all day. The famous ballerina Anna Pavlova said: "It is the human spirit that makes the greatest dance." What an amazing thought! Don't you think?

Now, I am off to the park, with a beautiful new spool of shimmering tulle in my tote bag, ready to create another fabulous tutu. And maybe, just maybe, inspire a few pink tutu-wearing dancers in the process.

Until next week, my little lovelies, remember:

Dance like nobody's watching! (And wear pink!)

Your Tutu-ful friend,


#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2003-09-15 she danced in New York City