New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2004-01-05 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: New York City – #448

Monday, 5th January 2004

Hello my lovely readers, and a very happy New Year to you all! I'm back in the Big Apple for another week, and oh my, you won't believe the amazing things I've been up to already. Let me fill you in on everything from my latest shopping spree to a rather remarkable ballet performance that left me quite speechless!

The Subway Ballet – A Pink Tutu Adventure!

You all know my love of a good pink tutu – it’s an absolute staple in my wardrobe, wouldn't you agree? And my pink tulle obsession took on a life of its own this weekend when I stumbled upon a truly inspiring sight…on the subway.

Picture this: a train bustling with people on a Friday evening. Suddenly, a group of dancers dressed in – yes, you guessed it – pink tutus and white leotards burst into action! They began to dance! I’m not talking about the awkward shuffle that often happens between the platform and the carriages, no! This was a proper, choreographed routine, complete with spins, jumps, and leaps!

Let me tell you, my inner ballerina shrieked with delight. This group, who I later learned are called the ‘Subway Ballerinas’, were amazing! The look on people’s faces – astonishment, bewilderment, and even a touch of awe – was simply priceless. Their performance brought a jolt of joy and unexpected magic to the dreary commute. It was as if, for a moment, the underground transformed into a stage. It made me want to whip off my coat, throw myself into the heart of the routine, and join in!

From Tutus to Tops – Fashion Finds on Fifth Avenue!

After the thrill of the impromptu subway ballet, I treated myself to a little retail therapy on Fifth Avenue. Honestly, I do love the energy and the sheer spectacle of it all. It was practically bursting at the seams with tourists from all over the world – something I truly love about New York.

But, it wasn’t just the tourists that made Fifth Avenue so lively. It was the sheer number of shops – each with their own unique display of delights, each vying for my attention. It was a dizzying spectacle of colours, shapes, and textures! I am all for bold colours – my favourite hue, of course, being pink – and I could spend hours browsing in the city’s amazing shops. I am particularly partial to a bargain and I have found the most incredible designer outfit at a knock-down price – something that is just crying out for a post on!

The Magic of the City that Never Sleeps

Later, as the sun began to set over the skyline, I found myself gazing at the shimmering cityscape. There's just something truly magical about New York City, particularly in the evening. This city, as the saying goes, truly does never sleep. It pulses with a relentless energy, with a constant symphony of music, voices, and even a few sirens thrown in for good measure! And me, I wouldn't have it any other way.

I took a long, satisfyingly warm bath, relaxed to my favourite music, and enjoyed a lovely long soak in a pink bubble bath. After all, you need to pamper yourself now and then, especially after a long day exploring this extraordinary city!

A Dance With Destiny – New York Ballet!

Now, I do love a good ballet performance, but tonight's at the New York City Ballet surpassed even my wildest dreams. It was breathtaking!

From the moment the orchestra struck up, I felt a shiver of anticipation. I couldn't believe how magnificent the dancers were. Each move was a masterpiece of fluidity and grace, telling stories without a single word. There was a dancer in particular who captured my attention with their dazzling footwork and elegant form. The passion and artistry were truly inspiring!

As the final curtain came down, I was completely mesmerized. I felt a wave of inspiration washing over me. I'm thinking about enrolling in a new class at the prestigious dance academy – we'll see how my feet fare on the slippery hardwood floors! The feeling of ballet shoes gliding effortlessly on the stage makes me yearn for my own dancing routine, which brings me to a little idea I’m keen to share with you all...

My Big Idea – The Tutu Revolution!

I have a rather ambitious aim, a dream I'm working hard to achieve. It’s something I’m rather passionate about – let’s say, slightly obsessed. My ultimate aim in life, dear readers, is to get everyone wearing pink tutus! Yes, I said everyone. The world, my dear readers, needs a touch more pink!

Why a pink tutu? It symbolises freedom, expression, and above all, joy! A pink tutu is like a little slice of pure happiness, a burst of colour in the sometimes mundane, and something I firmly believe the world needs more of!

But the Tutu Revolution doesn't have to be about tutus, it's about spreading cheer, about embracing life's little joys, and embracing the things that make you happy. And what's more joyful than twirling in a pink tutu?!

Let's Connect

Of course, if you'd like to share your love for tutus, feel free to hop over to, and let me know what you think of my latest blog post! Let's celebrate this incredible world, let's wear a pink tutu together, let's make every day a celebration!

Until next week, my loves, take care and happy twirling!


#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2004-01-05 she danced in New York City