New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2004-02-02 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post #452 - New York, New York, It's a Wonderful Town!

Hello my lovely readers, and welcome back to another week of Pink Tutu Blog NYC!

The sun is shining brightly in New York today, reflecting off the gleaming glass and steel of the city's skyline, making it a simply gorgeous day for a trip into town. This week, however, I'm trading in my comfy trainers for my pointe shoes! You see, darling readers, I'm back in my familiar element, the American Ballet Theatre! I'm working on a performance tonight of The Nutcracker, and I simply cannot wait to twirl onto the stage under the glittering New York spotlight.

Let's get a cuppa and have a proper good chinwag, shall we? After all, that's what we do here at Pink Tutu Blog NYC, it's our little sanctuary, where we can share our loves of fashion, travel and of course, ballet!

New York, New York

Right, now, as I've said, I'm in the Big Apple this week, and it's safe to say it's definitely living up to its hype! Since arriving last Tuesday, I've been making the most of this magical city. There's no place quite like New York, it's absolutely buzzing!

Oh, you want to know where I stayed, my darling? Well, I popped over to The Pierre, just off Fifth Avenue, it's such a beautiful building with its gorgeous facade and those magnificent windows that give you such fabulous views across Central Park! And did you know, that fabulous place was designed by legendary architect, Henry Hardenbergh! Talk about a glamorous address! I mean, it was such a luxurious spot, so sophisticated and oh-so New York! I did wonder whether I could manage to pack some of that into my suitcase for my trip home...

This week I've been hopping about like a little sugar plum fairy, but not just in my darling tutus, (but there have been plenty of tutus too!), this time, my shopping shoes have been getting a good work-out. I am very proud to have found a little shop on Madison Avenue, called Tutu Mania, they had such gorgeous tutu designs, there were literally dozens to choose from! And the owner? She's such a charming woman, she insisted on dressing me in a brand new sparkly tutu that she told me had been on show at the Met Gala. I don't know about you dears, but a pink tutu that's rubbed shoulders with such stars! It's an absolute must have! Now, the price? Oh, dear... I think it’s best we don’t even discuss that… Let's just say, I was quite glad to be dancing my heart out that evening on the stage in a much more affordable piece!

I did say I had to be in a rather good mood to even think of shopping didn't I? Well, I do need my daily dose of sunshine!

Speaking of which, after my first show on Thursday, I spent Friday evening gazing at the view of New York, as the sun sank below the horizon, with a beautiful pastel-pink sunset sky. And for the first time, the bright city lights really came alive! They are simply spectacular. It's no wonder it's known as 'The City That Never Sleeps'.

Food, glorious food!

My darlings, when in New York, one must embrace the iconic city experiences and try the famous, the magnificent, the iconic…. You guessed it – The New York City Hot Dog! Now I must be honest, this was an absolute must-have for this particular ballerina! I’m sure you are going to love my picture in this post. It features, yes you guessed it, the pinkest tutu on the planet and an amazing juicy, plump hot dog! Now, if only it came in a shade of pink... it might even fit in my wardrobe!

The best place to find them I hear, is in the charming neighbourhood of Greenwich Village. Greenwich Village, with it’s pretty little cobble-stoned streets has a bit of a fairytale feel. In fact, there is an area called the *‘Seven Sisters’, * they're a series of row houses that were designed as replicas of the architecture you can find at Oxford University in England! It is really lovely and has a real sense of calm! Just like my beautiful village, Wirksworth, back in Derbyshire, England. Where else would I get my lovely Pink Tutu designs, apart from the best market on planet Earth?! Wirksworth has a weekly farmers market it's brilliant. If I could take the entire market to New York I would! It is very special indeed. And I always feel so lucky to live so close to such a pretty place.

This weekend, my little feet are going to be hopping again. Yes, my dears, I will be getting my fix of fashion shopping and also, a whole heap of New York City style ballet! This Saturday, the American Ballet Theatre are presenting "An Evening of Balanchine" which I am going to watch at the spectacular Metropolitan Opera House on Lincoln Center, it is quite frankly, the most fantastic and beautifully ornate building, the most lavish and majestic theatre I've ever seen! Imagine!

Well my lovely ladies, there’s not a moment to lose! It's back to class and then the stage!

Keep an eye on Pink Tutu Blog NYC next Monday. I can’t wait to see what next week’s blog will be full of!

Much love,

Emma xxx

[Insert pictures of a New York city hot dog and Emma, Emma with her pink tutu on a New York city subway, the 'Seven Sisters' row houses, The Pierre and other images.

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2004-02-02 she danced in New York City