New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2004-04-05 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post #461: Dancing in the City that Never Sleeps! 🩰

Hey gorgeous girls!

It's Monday, April 5th, 2004, and you're catching up with your favourite pink tutu-clad traveller right here in the Big Apple. Let me tell you, this week has been a whirlwind of glitter, glamour, and fabulous dancing!

This week, I'm sporting my new feather-trimmed pink tutu that just arrived from Paris - a real steal! I'm a little bit in love with it, the feathers just seem to shimmy and shake with every little movement. 😉

I know you're all dying to know about my adventures this week, so let's get started.

A Ballet Feast!

Remember last week's post about my big NYC dance dream? Well, dreams really do come true, darlings! This weekend was packed with performances, and let me tell you, I saw some amazing things!

I kicked off my Saturday at the Metropolitan Opera House for a Swan Lake performance by the New York City Ballet. I swear, the dancers just floated across the stage. They had a ballerina from Derbyshire (hello, home!) called Emily, and she absolutely stole the show. Her fouetté turns were practically magic! After the performance, I bumped into a fellow tutu enthusiast - a super sweet girl from Texas who collects antique ballet shoes. I absolutely must add that to my list of hobbies - what could be better than wearing fabulous ballet shoes and collecting them?

My Sunday was dedicated to exploring the New York City Ballet’s amazing repertory. The piece I saw was a contemporary piece called Symphony in C. Honestly, I was a little unsure what to expect. You know, classical music, modern ballet - usually, it's all a little too modern for my pink tutu taste! But, oh, this was incredible. The choreography was so energetic and the dancers just lit up the stage. It made me realise that sometimes the most unexpected pieces can truly steal your breath away!

Metro Magic

Did you know that my favourite thing about New York City is the subway? Oh, don't give me that funny look! There's something truly magical about the whoosh of the train, the colourful tiles, and the sheer hustle and bustle of city life rushing past you at 50 miles an hour. It's just so...alive! Plus, it’s the perfect way to get from one glamorous show to the next, and you'll never see more fabulous outfits anywhere else in the city! 😉 This week I caught a couple of cool street performers with a jazzy vibe who were absolutely mesmerising, even on a platform with screaming commuters!

Speaking of commuters, the subway really is a window into the lives of New Yorkers, and you wouldn’t believe some of the personalities I saw this week! I spied a young woman on my train to Broadway yesterday with a HUGE hat that made my feather-trimmed tutu seem ordinary! Imagine a top hat with a plume of purple feathers, but as wide as my ballet bag, with all sorts of bright pink embellishments on it! Absolutely incredible. You'd never see anything like that back home in Derbyshire, where hats are more suited for afternoon tea!

Pink Power!

I bumped into so many fellow pink-tutu wearers this week! Let me tell you, seeing so many gorgeous girls rocking their pink tutus made me realise: we really are changing the world!

And of course, no trip to New York City is complete without a shopping spree, is it? On Friday, I finally made it to that vintage shop I’d been wanting to check out. And let me tell you, it was heaven! I found the most incredible pair of sparkling ballet slippers in bright pink, perfect for the next Broadway performance I see. It’s such a pity you can't get those vintage slippers in my size in Derbyshire - a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do, and it seems I need to keep up my weekly New York trips!

Fashion, Food & Fun

Oh, and let’s not forget about the fashion! On Tuesday, I found myself browsing the designer collections at Saks Fifth Avenue. What a joy! While the pink tutus and ballet slippers may be my signature style, I can’t resist some designer glitz every now and again. Who knew a girl could dream of shoes like those in Derbyshire? I actually ended up chatting with a fabulous young designer from London! Talk about serendipity. I really am so lucky.

While I’m in New York, the food is always incredible too. This week I went to this wonderful new bistro that serves traditional French fare, complete with a divine little patio. I sampled their lemon meringue pie with a pot of fresh Darjeeling tea. Perfect after a busy day!

Of course, no New York City adventure is complete without experiencing the local nightlife. This weekend, I snagged tickets to the musical Wicked, with a lovely lady in a pink tulle dress. It's a bit of a contrast to the traditional classical ballets I usually enjoy, but honestly, what a show! It was full of catchy tunes, dramatic costumes, and pure stage magic. Even after a whole week of incredible experiences, Wicked completely stole my heart!

New York City - My Second Home

You know, as I write this, it’s starting to feel like New York is becoming a little like a second home for me. The excitement, the energy, and of course, the dance, just draw me back in again and again! Oh, how I'd love to be dancing alongside the professionals in one of those ballets someday! I can't imagine what that must be like - I'd love to be twirling and pirouetteing across that stage under those glittering lights! Perhaps it will be another dream come true… one day, perhaps, after a little more dancing, and maybe a few more pink tutus, too!

Well, lovelies, I hope you enjoyed a little peek into my adventures here in New York! Don't forget to keep your pink tutus sparkling and your hearts open to new adventures, just like I do.

Until next time,

Your Pink Tutu Girl xx

P.S. Make sure to follow my Instagram at @PinkTutuBlog for daily snapshots of my adventures and pink-tutu fashion inspiration. See you there!

Remember, girls, it's all about making the world a little bit brighter, one pink tutu at a time! 💕🩰

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2004-04-05 she danced in New York City