
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2004-09-27 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post #486: New York, New York - A Ballet-Filled Week in the Big Apple

Monday, 27th September 2004

Darling readers,

I'm back! I can hardly believe it's been a whole week since I last shared my adventures in this glorious city. It's been such a whirl of excitement, pink tulle, and toe shoes, I scarcely know where to begin!

From Derbyshire to the City That Never Sleeps

Just picture it: your girl Emma, fresh off the train from a blustery Derbyshire morning, arriving at Grand Central Station. The air is abuzz with the constant symphony of honking taxis and chatter, and a familiar flutter of anticipation fills my heart. My tutu bag, which, by the way, I must confess has a brand new, pink satin lining this week - thank you, Marks and Spencer! - is slung over my shoulder, and I'm practically pirouetting with glee as I make my way out into the heart of Manhattan.

A Week of Ballet Brilliance

I haven't stopped since I arrived, darling! You know I adore nothing more than seeing the world's finest dancers gracing the stage, and this week's programme has been positively divine. I kicked off the week with a performance by the American Ballet Theatre at the Metropolitan Opera House. A breathtaking interpretation of "Giselle" - pure genius! The costumes were exquisite, particularly the swirling, billowing tutus. It left me speechless, which is quite a feat for me, as you know.

Then on Wednesday, I ventured across the city to see the delightful, yet wonderfully modern "La Bayadere" at the New York City Ballet. Oh, my! The choreography, the stunning use of colour and light, and, of course, the talented dancers themselves were truly phenomenal. And the grand finale? Pure ballet heaven! A ballet for everyone, wouldn't you say?

A Shopping Spree and Some Delicious Discoveries

It wasn't just the ballet, though, my darlings. This week's adventures extended far beyond the stage, embracing the glorious chaos and chic of New York City life. On Tuesday, I embarked on a shopping spree, finding the most gorgeous new additions for my wardrobe at Bloomingdale's. I discovered a glorious lilac silk scarf - so feminine! - and a pair of chic black satin ballet shoes. Let me tell you, a girl can never have too many pairs of black satin ballet shoes, especially when they pair perfectly with a tutu, am I right?

For a moment of respite, I retreated to one of the city's most charming cafes - the adorable "Tea & Sympathy" on the Upper East Side. They make the most delectable afternoon tea and it's become a bit of a ritual for me, sitting with a cuppa and a slice of cake, observing the world go by.

An Unforgettable Evening at the Ballet

On Thursday, I was fortunate enough to attend an "Evening of Stars" gala, showcasing some of the very best talents from the city's numerous ballet schools. It was an inspirational evening filled with breathtaking talent, each dancer exhibiting such exquisite grace and technical mastery. I was truly in awe, and it rekindled my passion for dancing even further.

Speaking of passion, dear readers, I was particularly captivated by a young woman performing a piece entitled "Dream Sequence." It was an enchanting, yet melancholic portrayal of a dancer yearning to reach the pinnacle of her craft, a sentiment that resonated deeply with me, given my own ambitions.

A Journey to The Ballet Studio

Of course, no visit to New York City would be complete without a ballet class at The School of American Ballet! Now, darling, you'd think it was an experience for the books, right? But you're wrong! It was so much more! It felt like a whole new world had opened up for me. From the sheer energy that pulsed throughout the room, to the friendly and encouraging instructors, to my fellow dance enthusiasts, it was pure ballet bliss. I had the privilege of learning some new steps from a celebrated dancer - you won't believe this - the actual ballerina in the lead role of "Swan Lake"! I mean, talk about star-struck!

A New York Metro Mishap, But All's Well That Ends Well...

As you know, my dear readers, I'm rather fond of using the metro here. It's such a fascinating way to experience the city's heartbeat, you know? The constant hum, the rush hour crowds, the fascinating faces you meet... a symphony of New York life, all within the comfort of a train.

Now, I know what you're thinking: What could possibly happen on the metro that's exciting enough for Pink Tutu Blog? Well, picture this: me, gracefully carrying my trusty ballet bag, filled with, let's just say, a very specific pair of new black satin shoes and a delightful lilac scarf, stepping onto the platform. Just as the train approaches, I stumble over a stray shoe, sending my bag tumbling onto the tracks, spilling out all its contents, including, gasp, my new black satin shoes!

The train screeched to a halt, sending the commuters into a frenzy of complaints. My dear reader, let me assure you - it was pure chaos!

However, and I'm most grateful for this, a friendly New York cab driver saw the whole ordeal and, without a second thought, raced down to the tracks and retrieved my beloved shoes and scarf. What a lovely fellow!

Now, this, my darling readers, is a story that exemplifies the spirit of New York City, don't you think? Everyone working together, kindness, a little bit of chaos, and, ultimately, a happy ending. After all, isn't that what ballet is all about? Grace, elegance, a dash of humour, and a happy ending.

My Tutu Wish For You

So, there you have it, darlings, another glorious week in this city of dreams! And as I sit here, writing, my fingers flitting over the keys of my pink laptop, I'm reminded of what drives my journey: the simple yet profound joy of ballet, and the unwavering desire to share it with everyone I meet. This is why, I want to see all of you sporting pink tutus and spreading your own brand of ballet joy across the world!

Now, off to a beautiful New York night. I have the chance to catch another performance, "Carmen," at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, before I settle in for some well-deserved rest.

Until next week, my darlings! Keep twirling and remember, even in this bustling city, a little bit of grace and beauty can go a long way.

Yours, always in pink, Emma xx


P.S. Be sure to check out my Instagram feed - @PinkTutuBlogNYC - where I'm posting photos of all the magical moments from my adventures here!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2004-09-27 she danced in New York City