New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2004-11-08 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post #492: Dancing in the Big Apple

Hello, lovelies! It's Emma here, your friendly neighbourhood tutu-wearing travel blogger, and I'm back in the Big Apple!

This week's blog post finds me amidst the bustling energy of New York City. It's Monday morning, November 8th, 2004, and I'm already brimming with excitement. My pink tutu feels perfectly at home amongst the vibrancy of Manhattan.

It’s been an whirlwind weekend in this fascinating metropolis, a real whirl of shopping sprees, ballet classes, and Broadway shows. It's been all about fashion and performances. Let me tell you, I wouldn't have it any other way! This city really does have something for everyone - especially those who love to twirl in a pink tutu. 😉

I landed on Thursday afternoon, feeling a delightful mix of nervousness and exhilaration. As my cab zoomed across the famous cityscape, I couldn’t resist a little pirouette in the backseat, the vibrant street scene blurring in a beautiful swirl of colours.

After dropping my bags at my darling little hotel (I always like to find those quaint hidden gems!) I was off. There’s so much to see and do here; you just need to get stuck right in! First stop: Broadway.

My plan for the evening? The best way to begin a trip to New York – catching a show. The excitement building as I joined the masses in the throng heading for the theatre, a tangible electricity humming in the air. The excitement, the expectation, and the vibrant costumes that whirled and danced around me all added to the magic of the evening.

I couldn't resist a twirl or two outside the theatre. After all, it is New York – anything goes! My vibrant pink tutu had to be a part of the fun, sparkling with every step under the stage lights!

The show I had chosen, "The Phantom of the Opera," was simply breathtaking. The set design was magnificent, and the music transported me to another world. I held my breath as the characters sung and danced their stories – it truly was a treat to experience.

It’s difficult to choose the most favourite aspect of this particular visit to the Big Apple. Each visit is different but every trip is just amazing.

But here are some of my most favourite aspects so far this week...

* Ballet in the City*

It's a no brainer that every time I arrive in New York I’m immediately headed straight for The School of American Ballet at Lincoln Center. I knew that when I got there, I wouldn't just be doing my regular ballet class. The magic of being there, surrounded by those who live and breathe dance is so uplifting and exciting, a completely different experience to anything else. It makes me excited to move and to share my love for dance and twirling.

Of course, there are no tutus required (it's definitely not my preferred choice of footwear, though I’m certain someone somewhere would attempt a full plié in pink tutus at the very least!), but let me tell you, the talent here is second to none! The studios are full of energy, with budding young dancers gracefully mastering all those wonderful classical ballets, as well as contemporary and other modern styles.

I loved getting back into the flow, my body feeling the joy of movement and the excitement of learning a new routine with these highly skilled instructors and inspirational students. They really pushed me, challenged me and brought out the best in my dancing, which was a welcome challenge after my long flight from London.

I’ve come to expect amazing and interesting shops and outfits everywhere I go in the USA. This trip is no different. The first day we’re on the road we take the MTA (The Metropolitan Transit Authority) - New York's Subway.

I always get nervous about my skirt. Is it too much? Is it a fashion faux pas? Am I going to attract too much attention?

Well. I am going to take that leap. You can be certain.

After all. My motto is wear the clothes that make you happy. Life is for dancing and twirling, whatever form that takes.

I really love being underground and taking in all of the colour and chaos. There is no better place to see that mix of urban, fashionable, art students, dancers and business men and women all blending seamlessly into the fabric of society, New York at its finest! And, yes! I think I’m the only person wearing a pink tutu. Maybe, just maybe, this will inspire others to join me. A whole subway train of pink tutus, imagine. I am, of course, completely bonkers but how magical that would be. To take New York by pink tutus!

We spent the rest of the day taking in a whole range of fashion and culture and it really was like stepping back in time

In the afternoon, I felt the urge to hit Fifth Avenue – I mean, how could you come to New York City without experiencing its infamous boutiques and department stores?! The shop windows were decorated with Christmas displays – already, New York was preparing to embrace the season. I loved that the atmosphere in New York City felt so festive; I even bought myself a beautiful set of snowflake earrings (which matched my bright red beret! - pink tutus and snowflakes always work, right?!). I adore the magic of Christmas. And for me it just all feels like one big stage and I am in the heart of it. It feels very much like I’m living inside a storybook - or, at the very least, in the heart of one of my favourite plays, where anything goes.

Then, a wander down Broadway, taking in the shops and sights. My friend Sophie met up with me, and together we took some stunning photographs - in a stunning pink tutu no less! - and had an awesome lunch in a very “New York” cafe on 42nd street. I always feel so lucky that my friend loves the fashion and drama of the world of pink tutus too. It’s wonderful to find people who love the pink tutu lifestyle.

For me, finding shops that celebrate my love for all things pink, ballet-related and fashion is definitely a must. So it’s not surprising I felt a pang of excitement when I came across a charming boutique filled with tutus - yes, the most wonderful, frothy, ballet inspired clothing. You bet I twirled in every one they had. They were perfect, every single one, the fabric shimmering under the lighting as I swished them through the air - there really is nothing quite as beautiful, except for maybe my collection of pink tutus!

In my travels, I have learned the very best way to experience any new city is on foot. It’s a great way to find your way around and it really gives you the time to stop, take in your surroundings, and feel the buzz of the city. Plus, it lets you get your steps in and that really helps my ballet training. After all, it all adds up in my world.

New York really has some spectacular architecture - just looking around can fill me with excitement and a little bit of awe, so on my Saturday afternoon, I strolled across Central Park – I love that it feels so peaceful in the middle of the bustling city, and perfect for the photo opportunities! And I must admit, I found it very difficult to resist having a spontaneous twirl in the park, amongst the squirrels and ducks - the park was perfect for a tutu photoshoot! (especially with the late-afternoon sun hitting the vibrant colour in just the right way).

Oh, and it goes without saying I had to check out the New York City Ballet - which is legendary and an absolute must for every ballet lover out there. It's a wonderful blend of passion, precision, and a touch of pure magic! But there is a lot of beauty to see outside the ballet world, of course, so I took some time to visit a Broadway Theatre where "Hairspray" was on - what a show, so much energy! And you’re really in for a treat at the end with the famous "Good Morning Baltimore" number. But the best moment of the day had to be being offered a chance to take to the stage in my pink tutu. You can imagine that it’s really not difficult to get someone to let me try out a dance routine or two in a tutu in New York! After all, I do make a spectacular addition to the backdrop!

I really feel I need a full post devoted just to ballet and my trips around the theatres and shows of New York, but for today, let's just finish with the simple and essential reminder -

Let's go out there and wear the tutu, darling, wear the tutu.

Until next week, loves, Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2004-11-08 she danced in New York City