
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2005-01-31 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: New York City, Monday 31st January 2005 (Post #504)

Hello darlings!

Well, what a weekend! The Big Apple is certainly living up to its name ā€“ I feel like Iā€™ve been chomping on delicious apples all weekend (figuratively speaking, of course!), although letā€™s be honest, I could probably squeeze in an actual apple or two without anyone batting an eyelid.

This weekend, the magic of the metropolis swirled around me like the tulle of my favourite pink tutu. Honestly, I'm pretty sure I've lost count of how many pink tutus I own. But hey, it's not about quantity, it's about quality, right? Right?! I'm talking full-skirted, glorious, sunshine-yellow pink tutus that make every glance in my direction a gasp of joy.

The best thing about visiting New York? Well, it has to be the energy! It's contagious, like the giggles you get when you're spinning with your besties after a successful performance. I simply love how New York city just pulsates with a vibrant heartbeat. I think you could hear the whole city singing its own, unique melody if you closed your eyes for just a moment. It's mesmerising.

And this weekā€™s big performance, the one that truly had me on the edge of my satin pointe shoes? The New York City Balletā€™s rendition of Swan Lake at the Lincoln Center. Honestly, darlings, you couldn't find a more beautiful way to spend an evening. Every step, every flick of the wrist, every delicate pose, was pure ballet perfection. It had me dreaming of sugar plums and pirouettes in equal measure, even long after the final curtain call.

You see, a love of ballet is practically written in my genes. My Mum always says I was practically born in a tutu, so itā€™s a love affair Iā€™ve had for longer than I can even remember. But New York's Ballet scene? Well, it just takes the breath away. You're surrounded by so much raw talent and such an appreciation for the art form. And letā€™s not forget, New York has its own ballet heritage too! We can't talk about ballet in this city without giving a nod to the fabulous Martha Graham. Now that's a name to truly remember!

The Lincoln Center wasnā€™t the only place I got my fill of theatrical magic. I decided to check out the Off-Broadway scene too! A couple of performances at the Flea Theatre in the West Village gave me a little more contemporary perspective and had me leaving the theater humming a very happy, post-modern tune. The talent out there is truly inspiring and, to be honest, a little humbling.

Speaking of inspiringā€¦ Iā€™ve finally found the most perfect pair of vintage heels in SoHo! You'll have to forgive me for this one - they were completely in keeping with the whole ā€˜tutuā€™ vibe. These shoes were made for swirling and twirling! My dear Mum always says I have the spirit of a performer, so maybe she was right? Or maybe itā€™s the pink tutus talking?

Shopping is absolutely delightful in this city. Thereā€™s nothing quite like the humdrum of Soho, the iconic glamour of Fifth Avenue or the creative buzz of Lower Manhattan. My goodness! Where does everyone get all their style? Seriously! They have shops crammed with all manner of vintage fashion that would have your heart skip a beat. I swear, darling, I saw the most magnificent sequinned skirt that would have looked just as at home at the Met Gala as it would on the ballet stage. It was begging for a grand entrance. I really need to get myself down there again...soon!

Of course, no visit to New York is complete without a whirl on the Subway. Yes, the very word evokes a certain image: crowded carriages and impatient sighs, but let's face it, the Underground has a charm of its own. Itā€™s like the lifeblood of the city - its heart and its soul, and if you close your eyes for just a moment, you can almost feel the rhythmic pulse of this magnificent, frenetic city as you speed across its underbelly. It's the only way to really get a true feeling for this wonderful place.

As always, darling, the best part of this whole trip? Meeting so many fabulous people. You really never know where you're going to bump into a fellow pink tutu enthusiast, do you? One thing's for sure - it makes this whole "world-travel, ballet-loving, fashionista" life even more delightful. You have to remember: the only person stopping you from wearing a pink tutu, darlings, is yourself.

Until next week, darlings,



P.S. Have I ever mentioned how much I love cupcakes? I think I ate a cupcake every day of my trip - even managed to find a place called ā€œPink Buttercreamā€ ā€“ just divine!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2005-01-31 she danced in New York City