
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2005-02-21 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Monday 2005-02-21: The Big Apple in Pink! ๐Ÿฉฐ๐ŸŽ

Hello lovelies!

It's your favourite pink tutu-clad blogger, Emma, back with you again from the city that never sleeps - New York City! It's a bit chilly here today, but that doesn't dampen my spirits. After all, I'm a New Yorker for the week, a fleeting twirl in the grand theatre of the city! And speaking of twirling, you won't believe what I did this weekend...

But before I get to all that, a quick hello to my fabulous followers back in Derbyshire. It feels like a lifetime since I've been home, but the internet has certainly made it feel closer! And thank you for all your lovely comments on my last blog post about my latest ballet performance, "Giselle"! It was such a whirlwind of emotions.

Right, back to the Big Apple!

Pink Tutu Power!

This week, I'm staying in the heart of it all, near Times Square. It's utterly dazzling here! The lights, the energy, the sheer vibrant buzz - I feel so incredibly lucky to be in this city, the epicentre of it all! And I'm proudly flying the pink tutu flag for the entire week, much to the amusement of the locals. But hey, you know what? Everyone here is wearing a bold look, so I just embrace it! You never know, my pink tutu might inspire them all to unleash their own inner-twirling princess. After all, life's too short to be dull, isn't it?

My Favourite Metro Moments!

Oh my goodness! My love for the New York subway has only intensified. I absolutely adore it! It's a fascinating little world down there - bustling, energetic, and full of personality. It's like a big ballet show happening in slow motion! Every journey is a delightful little performance of its own.

My favourite moment of the day? Getting off the metro. It's so surreal stepping into the vibrant, electric world of New York after a moment down in the underground! I get that wonderful feeling of excitement and new possibilities. I'm ready to explore!

Shopping Spree on Broadway!

Today was a true indulgence! My latest fashion obsession, that iconic pink-and-black polka-dotted dress, was waiting for me in a charming little vintage store on Broadway! Can you even imagine? A dress like that in this city... It's like something out of a fairytale!

Now, you all know my obsession with the tutu - it's the crown jewel of my wardrobe, a dance of freedom and elegance, and of course, an extension of my own quirky sense of style. But, I'm just starting to add some chic, elegant dresses and skirts to the mix! You've just got to stay tuned to my Instagram page for the sneak peeks!

Tonight's Ballet Extravaganza!

So, drumroll please... tonight I'm attending a private performance of a beautiful ballet at the Metropolitan Opera House. How unbelievably exciting is that! It's an all-new production - "Sleeping Beauty," which I am bursting to see. I am completely enamoured with ballet - its history, its graceful moves, the dedication of the dancers, and that beautiful synergy of art, music and storytelling!

Stay tuned for more, darling readers! I've only been in the city a couple of days, and I've already had the time of my life. Next week, I'm venturing to Brooklyn - oh, how exciting! But first, a big fat juicy apple pie - New York-style!

Don't forget, you can check out all of my adventures on the website www.pink-tutu.com (This is my post number 507, if youโ€™d like to catch up on my fabulous travels!) and follow my pink tutu journey on my Instagram! I'd love to see you there!

See you soon, loves!

Emma x

P.S. Let's all try and do one twirl today! Let your inner tutu-wearing self come out! I promise you'll feel fabulous! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Post Script

This week in New York City (February 21, 2005), a lot was happening, particularly in the art scene! Some notable events were:


  • "Painting & Sculpture at the Museum of Modern Art": This long-standing collection was updated with some incredible new works!
  • "Picasso & Matisse: A Dialogue": The Guggenheim presented an exciting exploration of these iconic artists, examining the powerful exchange of ideas between them.


  • "A Raisin in the Sun": This award-winning drama by Lorraine Hansberry is making a big comeback!
  • "The Lion King": This classic continues its spectacular run at the Minskoff Theatre.


  • New York Fashion Week is in full swing, so the streets were awash with dazzling street-style, amazing presentations, and inspiring trends.

You can catch me in this glamorous whirlwind of fashion and artistry, all while twirling in my signature pink tutu!

I'll Be Back Next Monday With Another Pink Tutu Blog!

Stay fabulous, loves, and remember... always embrace the power of a pink tutu!

Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2005-02-21 she danced in New York City