
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2005-12-26 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post #551 - December 26th, 2005 - Dancing Dreams in the Big Apple!

Hello my lovely Tutu Twirlers!

It's Monday again, which means another week has flown by, and guess what? It's time for another blog post from yours truly, your favourite pink tutu-wearing ballerina, Emma!

As you all know, this December has been a whirlwind of travelling and twirling! I was lucky enough to spend the festive season in my favourite city ā€“ New York City! Now, you all know that this city has a very special place in my heart. Between the vibrant atmosphere, the bustling energy, and the incredible shows, I never leave feeling anything less than totally inspired!

This year was no exception, my darlings! And honestly, where better to celebrate Christmas than amidst the dazzling lights and towering skyscrapers of this iconic metropolis? Oh, the joy of being in the Big Apple during the holidays, feeling the magical atmosphere as I danced my way through the streets, my pink tutu fluttering in the winter breeze!

So, let's dive right in!

From Christmas Shopping to Ballet Bliss

Honestly, you guys, I havenā€™t been this excited since the Queen officially crowned me ā€œQueen of the Pink Tutuā€ at that royal ballet gala. But before I tell you all about that glorious event (and, yes, I'll have a whole separate post on that later), I want to take you on a journey through my whirlwind Christmas in New York!

I touched down in the city just a day before Christmas Eve, and let me tell you, the energy was simply electric. Everyone was in a festive mood, rushing around to grab those last-minute gifts. The stores were decorated with shimmering Christmas trees and glittering lights, and I felt myself getting swept up in the sheer magic of it all.

However, even amidst the chaos of Christmas shopping, my focus was never too far away from my passion ā€“ ballet. In fact, the minute I settled into my charming little hotel in the Upper West Side, I made a beeline for the New York City Ballet website. Imagine my absolute glee when I saw they had a special performance on Boxing Day, the perfect way to recover from the festive overindulgence, right?

"Nutcracker" and a Tutu-Filled Dream

Now, I've always loved the "Nutcracker," but to experience it at Lincoln Center in New York Cityā€¦ well, it was simply magical! I could barely believe that I was sitting in this iconic venue, feeling the energy radiating from the dancers, their movements so fluid and expressive, truly embodying the spirit of the story.

It wasn't just the ballet itself, darling, the entire atmosphere was something special. You could feel the collective love and passion for this beloved story filling the theatre, and even as the last notes faded away, I was still buzzing with exhilaration! The vibrant colours of the costumes, the exquisite set design, the breathtaking artistry of the dancersā€¦ it all truly made it a memorable evening!

However, what really made my night even more spectacular? That's right, dear Tutu Twirlers! I surprised everyone ā€“ even myself! I realised that, even in this grand setting, surrounded by elegance and sophistication, I still couldn't resist the allure of my trusty pink tutu. After all, even among all those fabulous ball gowns, it just wouldn't feel right without it!

I sneaked out into the lobby after the performance, carefully hiding my little pink masterpiece in my bag. You wouldn't believe the excitement when I, oh so casually, let my skirt swirl as I made my way outside into the crisp New York night. Imagine my utter delight as I caught glimpses of surprise and joy from onlookers, even a few shy smiles and giggles. To think that, just with a little bit of pink tulle, I could make their night just a bit brighter, well, it just made my heart soar!

Itā€™s those little moments that truly fuel my passion for sharing this love of dance, and particularly, the joyous magic of a pink tutu, with the world!

From Ballet to Broadway ā€“ Exploring the City

Of course, with Christmas behind us, the streets were still brimming with activity. I spent the next few days exploring the city at a leisurely pace. From window shopping at Bergdorf Goodman to getting lost in the incredible art exhibits at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the days flew by in a blur of pink-tutu clad excitement!

But, for this little ballerina, it was a magical adventure that happened during my daily commute through the bustling New York subway system that truly stole my heart. You see, there is just something so exciting and thrilling about hurtling underground in one of those brightly coloured carriages, surrounded by fellow New Yorkers. I especially love watching the various performers who often make a grand entrance and showcase their talents on those long, metal platforms.

And guess what? This particular week, fate brought me a particularly delightful experience! It all happened on my journey to a fabulous broadway musical, ā€œChicago.ā€ Itā€™s all about those sparkly dresses, catchy tunes, and captivating storytelling thatā€™s always got me swaying my head!

So there I was, waiting for my train in Times Square, taking in the bright lights and fast-paced atmosphere when out of the corner of my eye I sawā€¦ you won't believe it!

The Pink Tutu Revolution ā€“ Spreading the Love One Tutu at a Time!

Remember that charming violinist Iā€™d mentioned in a previous post? You know, the one whoā€™d agreed to let me join his street performance back in London? Well, imagine my surprise when I recognised him among a group of fellow street musicians in the subway! And get this, he even remembered me! He actually complimented me on my vibrant pink tutu as I got on the subway with him and his friends. He was even brave enough to mention the pink tutu trend was becoming all the rage, all thanks to me!

Talk about a pinch-me moment! My dream, dear friends, is slowly becoming reality! Imagine that, a world where everyone embraces their inner pink tutu wearing ballerina! Who knows, maybe someday it will become as commonplace as those iconic yellow taxis zooming around New York!

After my inspiring encounter, I could hardly wait to get to the show! I slipped into the Broadway theatre with a spring in my step and the spirit of the city pulsing through my veins.

I sat there enthralled, captivated by the costumes, the powerful singing, and the sheer raw energy of those brilliant actors and actresses. The entire performance was just incredible! And while "Chicago" itself was sensational, I admit that the vibrant energy of New York had fuelled my excitement, leaving me truly energised for the rest of my time in the Big Apple.

Dancing Back to Derbyshire - Next Stop? London!

After my incredible Christmas adventure, it was time to say goodbye to New York. The streets were still as buzzing as ever, filled with the excited chattering of shoppers, the familiar tunes of street musicians, the symphony of honking taxis, and the vibrant energy of the city.

But for me, it was time to pack my suitcase and head back to the serene English countryside. Although I cherish my home in Derbyshire, a small town known for its green rolling hills and peaceful village life, it was also wonderful to return home feeling revitalised, full of new inspiration and armed with exciting stories to tell.

And just as you all know, dear Tutu Twirlers, my suitcase is packed with new ideas for a dazzling new dance show and, of course, I canā€™t forget to add some stunning new items from my little shopping spree in New York. But hey, we all have to have a few souvenirs from our adventures!

Oh, and speaking of adventuresā€¦ I just booked my tickets back to London next week. And guess what Iā€™ve got planned? An exciting ballet workshop at the prestigious Royal Opera House. It's a great opportunity to improve my dance skills, and even better, to meet and collaborate with some very talented people! It also means another opportunity to twirl my pink tutu in one of the most magical theatres in the world, something I am truly excited for.

Now, my darling tutu twirlers, I have to sign off for now. However, I canā€™t wait to share all my exciting new experiences and dance news next week. In the meantime, why donā€™t you put on your favourite pink tutu and take a little twirl, whether itā€™s at home, in the park, or on your way to a ballet class. After all, it's all about embracing that pink tutu magic!

And, until next Monday, keep twirling!

Lots of love,




#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2005-12-26 she danced in New York City