New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2006-09-11 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post 588 - September 11th, 2006

A whirl through the Big Apple, darling!

Hello, lovelies! It’s Emma here, and this Monday finds me back in the magical, whirlwind of New York City. This week, the city’s really buzzing, what with Fashion Week and all those exciting shows coming to Broadway. And yes, I’m embracing it all, pink tutu and all!

First things first: you've gotta be prepared when you're dancing through New York City, darlings. For a fashionista on the go, packing the essentials is crucial! In my suitcase, you’ll find, amongst the plethora of tulle:

  • My trusty pair of pointe shoes - never can be too prepared for a spur-of-the-moment impromptu performance!
  • A collection of colourful tutus - you know, just for that perfect street-style moment or when a glamorous dance floor calls for a touch of whimsy.
  • A selection of bold, pink-tinted dresses. Because darling, a pop of pink in the city is just what the doctor ordered.
  • A dazzling collection of earrings, shoes, and necklaces to match every outfit. Who can resist the power of a sparkly accessory, eh?
  • An emergency pack of sewing needles, a little pink ribbon, and safety pins. Because, you know, accidents happen, and a quick fix is essential when your outfit calls for instant glamour.
  • My beloved pink tutu backpack - just the right size for essentials, plus it looks amazing with any outfit!

So, now I'm settled in my little pink haven here in New York and feeling energised to embrace this exciting week. Let's delve into some of my highlights so far, shall we?

A Symphony of Shoes!

My very first stop was, of course, a visit to the famed Bloomingdale's. You simply can't come to New York City and miss out on a shopping spree in this iconic department store, darling. It's like stepping into a wonderland of fashion, beauty, and sheer luxurious joy. And I found my perfect partner in crime - a new pair of en pointe shoes from the coveted Bloomingdale’s Shoe Salon, with delicate bows that would make any ballerina’s heart skip a beat. Oh, how I simply adore a classic!

Fashion Week Frenzy!

Fashion Week, darling, what an exhilarating experience! Imagine yourself surrounded by creative geniuses and vibrant designers showcasing their vision on the runway. It was truly electrifying - all the colour, drama, and innovation! I felt my own heart racing with the excitement of seeing such artistry come to life on the runway. The designers are all so bold, so unique. You could see their individuality woven into every piece of clothing they created. There were so many colours and textures. It’s amazing how fashion can reflect the heart and soul of the city!

And, speaking of the heart and soul of the city, let's talk about the glorious New York City Ballet! I was simply spellbound by their latest performance at Lincoln Center. Those dancers, they are so captivating, their graceful movements and expressions truly taking my breath away. Every pirouette, every leap, every pause filled me with awe. This ballet truly showed the sheer power of beauty and artistry on the stage!

A Delicious Detour

Of course, a visit to New York City isn't complete without a taste of its iconic cuisine, darlings! The sheer variety and quality is incredible, I mean it's a true feast for the senses. On Saturday night, I decided to indulge myself and treat myself to dinner at one of the finest restaurants in the city - La Grenouille - oh my goodness! I felt like a true princess in that luxurious, enchanting atmosphere.

The ambience is breathtakingly beautiful - you’d be hard-pressed not to find yourself captivated by its simple elegance. I opted for a classic Filet Mignon with Lobster Risotto, perfectly prepared, a true delight to my tastebuds. And for dessert, I just couldn’t resist a scoop of their famous vanilla ice cream. Pure heaven!

Metro Magic

Ah, the New York subway, darling! Now, for those unfamiliar, the metro is, shall we say, quite a unique experience! But don't worry, I'm always on my best behaviour with my tutu, and no one's ever seemed bothered. Quite the contrary, actually - I've had lots of smiles and even a few cheers!

It's a true whirlwind of activity, full of colour and buzzing energy. There's something so captivating about it all, and as a true adventurer, I wouldn't have it any other way! I’m convinced the pink tutu is my secret weapon when it comes to exploring the metro. You can always spot me with my trusty pink backpack, looking out for a performance opportunity - there’s a performance potential in every station!

Fashion Finds!

Ah, the magic of Fifth Avenue, where all my favourite designer labels reside, dazzling with glamour. I couldn’t resist picking up a gorgeous pair of coral-pink suede heels from the legendary Christian Louboutin boutique. They were calling out to me with their impeccable design. I had to have them! And you know what? A little bit of Louboutin in my wardrobe was just the thing to uplift my spirits and remind myself that every woman deserves a touch of glamour. And speaking of glamorous touches, have you ever had a shopping trip in Saks Fifth Avenue? I have a real soft spot for Saks. They just know how to present clothes, you'll see, and that makes the whole shopping experience such a joy!

The Theatre Calling!

Of course, you can't be in New York City and miss the lure of the theater! The iconic marquees lining Broadway, with all those twinkling lights, just scream 'romance' to a girly-girl like me. And darling, I simply had to catch the hottest show in town - "Wicked". What a show, darlings! I was utterly charmed by their enchanting voices and graceful movements. You just couldn't take your eyes off them! I absolutely love their witty dialogue and heart-warming story. And if you happen to catch "Wicked" here in New York, you have to say "hello" to Elphaba for me.

And, oh my goodness, darling! I have a little secret to tell you. There's a chance I might just take my own spin on the stage here in New York City this week! Don't you worry, my loves, I'll fill you in on all the details when the time is right! Let’s just say there’s a secret rehearsal happening… whisper, whisper.

Pink Tutu Dreams

As I said, the real highlight for me is how I'm able to share this wonderful world of pink tutus with everyone I meet, bringing a little magic to the bustling city streets. This past week I've been meeting lots of new people, dancing with the kids in Central Park, even helping someone find a lost puppy in Times Square - and yes, it all happened in a pink tutu, naturally! A pink tutu, darling, really does make the world a better place, one twirl at a time.

And my dearest readers, it's so important to always follow your dreams. As for me, I've always believed that wearing a pink tutu will, one day, change the world!

Time to Dance, Darling!

That's all for this week's blog, darling! Don’t forget to check back in next Monday, because I have exciting plans already underway for our next adventure!

Until then, embrace life, follow your dreams, and remember to always have fun with your pink tutus!

Love always,

Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2006-09-11 she danced in New York City