New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2006-10-02 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: NYC – Monday, 2nd October 2006 - Post No. 591

Hello, darlings! Emma here, ready to whisk you away to the fabulous city that never sleeps… New York City!

You may know that my adventures often take me across the globe, spreading a touch of pink tutu magic wherever I go. And today, I'm thrilled to share the latest chapter of my NYC journey, which took place just last week – my trip was just so fantastic, I had to share all the details with you first.

A Whirlwind of Pink Tutu Adventures

Arriving at JFK, I was already feeling that buzz of excitement that only NYC can evoke. It's just electric, don't you think? A quick whizz on the Metro, adorned with a sparkly pink tutu, naturally, and I was deposited right at my little pink haven – a chic hotel nestled in the heart of the Upper East Side. The décor? Pink and girly, of course! They even had a little pink tutu display case, which was simply adorable.

As usual, I packed a kaleidoscope of tulle, from shimmering lilac to blush-pink and even a few fluffy lemon ones, perfect for the unpredictable October weather. Oh, and how could I forget? A bejeweled pink tiara, my trusty travelling companion, wouldn't be left behind for all the tea in China. It’s just good luck.

Dancing Through the Big Apple

The first stop had to be, of course, Lincoln Center – the ballet haven! Now, you may think that all ballet lovers flock to the majestic Metropolitan Opera House, and that's certainly true, but there's something special about the smaller venues. The atmosphere, the intimacy – it's truly a ballet devotee's dream!

And what a show! The dancers, all wearing these magnificent, diaphanous tutus (not quite pink, alas), performed with such grace, precision, and passion! I was mesmerized! It's like the entire world melts away when you watch them, you know? Just sheer artistry and expression, captivating from start to finish.

Fashion Frenzy in Midtown

Afterward, the magic of Broadway beckoned! The glitz, the glam, the pure showmanship – it was incredible. And then, I just had to indulge in the world-famous shopping mecca that is Fifth Avenue.

Oh, my dears, let me tell you! I've never seen so many gorgeous boutiques. They had the most divine creations, from silk and satin to cashmere and lace – a real treat for the eyes!

But it wouldn't be a true Pink Tutu Blog entry without a sprinkle of personal touches. Of course, I treated myself to a little something special: A shimmering, raspberry-pink evening gown with a playful tulle overlay, perfect for a fancy soirée!

I can already envision twirling through the streets in my new gown! But not just any twirling. It's all about the technique, darling. The elegance, the finesse, and just a touch of that Parisian chic, you know? I might even throw in a little chaînés and jeté just for good measure.

The Great Tutu Campaign

The week went by in a whirlwind of ballet, fashion, and delectable delights! You simply can't resist the New York pizza, the juicy steaks, and those delectable Broadway-themed cocktails (pink ones, naturally!)!

And everywhere I went, the message of the Pink Tutu spread like wildfire. People on the street, stopping and staring. Even the subway conductors couldn't help but smile.

As I embarked on my journey back to dear ol' Derbyshire, I couldn't shake off that feeling of joy and inspiration. NYC has this wonderful way of leaving you buzzing. And of course, the memories of dancing through the streets in my trusty pink tutu will remain with me forever!

New York, you are truly the city that never sleeps – a symphony of life, laughter, and sheer delight. And I can’t wait to come back again soon, darling!

What are your thoughts on this week's post? Have you been to NYC? Did I forget to mention anything you would be interested in? As always, tell me in the comments below.

I'm looking forward to reading them! And don’t forget, darling – spread the love, and the pink tutus!

P.S. If you are interested in seeing what I got up to today, you can find pictures on my Instagram page – @pinktutublog

P.P.S I hope to see you back next week for another blog post filled with all things fabulous, fashion, and dance!

Love, Emma

Now for some further detail:

This week's post mentions the date, October 2nd 2006. This is the day after the October 1st 2006 opening night performance of "Sleeping Beauty" at the Metropolitan Opera House. The post makes reference to smaller ballet performances and this can easily be "Sleeping Beauty" on a "B" night, for example, at a ballet studio, school, or a small theater in the city, especially as Emma's trip to New York was just last week.

Emma is also traveling from Derbyshire and in this week's post it's not said that she is travelling by plane. If we use this as a detail in the post, we can note that the fastest way to get to New York from the UK is to take a direct flight and in 2006 this was something a ballerina in their early 20s could have likely afforded as a once in a lifetime event and it's highly likely to be one that Emma is very excited about as a ballet lover, making it worth mentioning as a detail to add to the post. The post, for the purposes of Emma's persona, only notes her arrival at the airport and journey on the metro, because these two pieces of information contribute to her persona.

We are also told that Emma funds her travels from the ballet performances she does. The cost of travel, living expenses, and a little souvenir buying spree, in New York for a week is likely in excess of £3000 (approx. $4000). To be realistic and keep Emma's persona relevant to her readers, the best performances for Emma to have completed before the trip to be able to fund her trip to New York are going to be a series of performances, likely in some high profile, or large venues, such as theatre roles, or principal roles in ballets performed in schools or in ballet studio recitals.

Overall, there are many creative ways to write an intriguing and engaging post. For example, you could have Emma detail some of her recent work and ballet successes to show how she was able to earn the money for this trip.

Let me know if you have any more questions!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2006-10-02 she danced in New York City