New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2006-11-06 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: #596 - New York City, a Tutu Wonderland! 🩰

Helloooo my darling readers!

It’s Monday, the 6th of November 2006, and I’m back in the heart of the Big Apple, ready to sprinkle some pink tutu magic on your week!

Now, I’ve had quite the whirlwind weekend, all thanks to a fantastic performance with the Royal Ballet. (Did I mention? I just finished a run of Giselle in Edinburgh. Simply divine, I must say.) Of course, I had to celebrate the end of the run, and what better place than New York City? And who better to celebrate with than me?! (That's rhetorical, darlings, it’s always me, you know I’m the life of the party!)

Tutu Dreams in the City that Never Sleeps

As I stepped out of the subway at Grand Central Station, a giant pink tutu, in the form of a neon sign for the upcoming show, "Swan Lake" at the Met, practically beckoned me to its grand embrace. Talk about serendipitous! Of course, I knew this had to be a sign, so after grabbing a cuppa at the little cafe with the adorable pink teapot, I promptly grabbed tickets to see the ballet (it's my second time at the Met – a treat I'll always savour!).

But first, shopping! Let's be honest, my dearest readers, shopping is essential in NYC, right? Especially when you're rocking a vibrant pink tutu and need a wardrobe fit for a ballet-loving princess.

My trusty map – my trusty, oh-so-pretty, pink and sparkly one, mind you – guided me to a lovely little boutique on 5th Avenue, filled with exquisite hats, jewellery and bags, all beautifully designed with a feminine flair. I must confess, I was slightly dazzled by the colours – turquoise, lavender, and yes, plenty of glorious pink! You’d be surprised how many beautiful pink feathers I found tucked away in a tiny corner of the shop. Don’t even get me started on the fabulous flower-adorned headbands that could put a delicate blush on the cheeks of a blushing bride. It was an utter paradise, a testament to how even the most iconic of cities can offer up a haven for my passion for pink and pretty things!

Oh, Those Shoes

My feet, bless their little dancing souls, did need a little break after all that shopping. Luckily, I'd heard whisperings about a hidden gem in the West Village – a tiny shop specialising in vintage ballet shoes. Can you believe the joy of walking into that store, surrounded by rows and rows of vintage pointe shoes in shades of rose, beige and pearl? Some had their original ribbon ties, others were dusted with faded powder from the countless rehearsals and performances they’d witnessed. It was like stepping into a history of the dance, each pair a whispering story. I did end up leaving with a beautiful pair, slightly worn, and the sweetest touch of pink satin, just begging for a little polish and a fresh new life!

Catching "Swan Lake" at the Met

By evening, my toes were back in my trusty ballet flats and I was standing outside the Met, heart thumping in rhythm with the magical music echoing out from the orchestra within. I’d never experienced a production quite as awe-inspiring. The stage seemed to transform into an enchanted lake before my very eyes. The dancers were like swans gliding effortlessly on the surface, their every move telling a story of love, betrayal, and the ultimate sacrifice. And the swans, oh, they were truly spectacular – with a single white tutu, each swan brought the ballet's graceful beauty to life. I swear, my own little pink tutu started twirling with excitement. The emotions coursing through me mirrored those felt by the dancers. It was an experience I'll never forget.

Pink Tutu Dreams Under the City Lights

Afterwards, I wandered along Broadway, enjoying the twinkling lights of the theatres and soaking up the lively energy. That night, while tucked into a delicious (and perfectly pink) cupcake, I reflected on my day. I felt my heart swelling with the sheer joy of being in NYC, dancing my own little pink tutu ballet amidst the bright lights and endless opportunities. As I settled into my cute little hotel room in the heart of Manhattan, the thought struck me, "How amazing would it be to be surrounded by dancing tutus every single day? To be surrounded by an array of tutus of every colour, in all the shapes and sizes imaginable." Now that’s an image worthy of a fairytale, wouldn’t you say?

A Big Apple Dream

The next morning, I woke to the sounds of the city rousing itself from slumber. This time, the metro carried me to the New York City Ballet School, where I’d enrolled in a drop-in ballet class. Can you imagine? I was finally dancing in a proper ballet school in the city where dreams become reality. The students here, some just little chicks and others well-practised in their craft, are all fuelled by the same love for dance and ambition as me! After class, with my feet happily tired, I sat at a little table in a nearby cafe, writing about my adventure in a new city. The aroma of coffee filled the air, a delicate scent that clung to the sweet air, whispering a comforting promise of adventure and joy. It’s all about being a little daring, isn’t it? Embracing the journey and, yes, those moments of unexpected brilliance that the universe sends your way. And as the New York City Ballet class concluded with a deep curtsy and smiles all around, I felt an unmistakable feeling. I knew I was right where I belonged. This city is the perfect mix of chaos and magic, and I, Emma in her beloved pink tutu, am ready for it all!

Don’t forget to tune in next Monday for my next installment of the Pink Tutu Blog NYC – I’ve got a big secret to reveal...

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2006-11-06 she danced in New York City