New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2008-08-11 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: New York City, Monday 11th August 2008 (Post #688)

Hello darlings!

Welcome back to my little corner of the internet, where everything is pink, frilly, and fabulous! Today's post is all about my whirlwind trip to the Big Apple, the city that never sleeps (though I sure did after a few days of non-stop exploring!).

Now, I know what you're thinking. "Emma, New York City? Isn't that a little… rough for a pink tutu?" Well, let me tell you, New Yorkers are the most charming people, they practically adore tutus! And who am I to disagree?

Tutus in Times Square:

Arriving at LaGuardia, I practically twirled my way through customs. I mean, you can't be in New York and not embrace the energy, can you? My first mission? Find a taxi, obviously! Not just any taxi, but a yellow one! The taxi driver, a lovely chap called Pete, had seen my tutu and smiled, saying it reminded him of his daughter's "fancy dress" days. I told him all about my mission, about how pink tutus could make the world a happier place, and he agreed! We chatted all the way to my hotel.

A Chic Little Nest:

My hotel was adorable, a charming boutique hotel in Greenwich Village, and the perfect place to get ready for the night. It was just a short stroll away from Washington Square Park, where I could see all the talented young musicians and dancers showcasing their skills. There’s just something about a bit of street performance that always brings out the showgirl in me!

Speaking of shows, I had tickets to the Broadway production of Wicked! This show was absolutely brilliant, and the costumes were so wonderfully elaborate. I loved the way they captured the magical side of theatre through vibrant colours and elegant movement. You wouldn’t believe how many pink things I spotted in that show! Even the green witch was a touch on the sparkly side.

A Delicious Pink Delight:

After the show, it was off to a delightful little cafe I'd read about online. They had this fantastic pink grapefruit cocktail that tasted like a dream! The waiter even complimented my tutu, saying it complemented my cocktail perfectly. Of course, it did! It’s hard to go wrong with pink!

Shopping in the City That Never Sleeps:

The next day, I spent hours exploring Fifth Avenue. Every single shop had the most dazzling clothes and accessories. Of course, I couldn’t leave without buying something. I treated myself to a gorgeous vintage silk scarf, so sparkly it made me dizzy! A touch of glamour goes a long way, and what better way to represent my Derbyshire heritage than with some fine, silk embroidery?

Ballet Dreams in the Heart of Manhattan:

And speaking of glamour, nothing screams glamour like ballet! I headed over to the New York City Ballet studio. They have a class schedule online that lets you sign up and join in – amazing, right? Now, you know I’m a bit of a pro myself when it comes to the barre! I even had a little chat with the instructor, a lovely lady called Mrs. Barnes. She told me about a new, exciting ballet show coming up, featuring music by one of my favourite composers, Debussy. I can’t wait to catch it!

The City that Makes You Feel Like a Princess:

Of course, no trip to New York is complete without seeing the iconic skyline. I rode the subway uptown, which was, shall we say, an experience. It was packed! The entire carriage had a "I'm going to conquer the world" feel.

The best part was getting off at 102nd Street, climbing the stairs of the Roosevelt Island Tramway, and gazing at the glittering cityscape! I felt like a ballerina on the set of a Hollywood movie, twirling above the skyscrapers!

Tutus are Timeless:

All in all, it was a magical trip to the heart of New York City! It's a place that reminds you of the dreams you hold close, of dancing under the city lights, and reminding yourself, "If a pink tutu can conquer New York City, anything is possible!"

Now, go on and share your favourite New York City adventures in the comments below! Remember, darling, don't forget to embrace your inner ballerina and sprinkle some pink tutu magic on your own little corner of the world!

Until next week,

Emma xoxo

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2008-08-11 she danced in New York City