New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2009-04-27 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post #725: Dancing in the City That Never Sleeps

Monday 2009-04-27

Hello, darlings! It's Emma here, back from a whirlwind week in the dazzling city that never sleeps, New York City! My darling tutus and I have been twirling and prancing through the streets of Manhattan, soaking up the energy and vibrant atmosphere that only New York can provide. This week's post is all about the dazzling dance scene, the delightful fashion finds, and of course, the magnificent metro journeys. Let's begin, shall we?

Opening Night at The Met

This week began with a truly unforgettable evening at the Metropolitan Opera. Can you imagine? My first ever experience at The Met! The occasion was a gala performance of Verdi's "Aida", a production that was so utterly captivating, so beautifully executed, and so visually stunning. I mean, just picture the vibrant costumes, the soaring melodies, the heart-wrenching story – I was absolutely spellbound. It truly was a performance that left me utterly mesmerized.

The atmosphere at The Met was positively electric. The hushed whispers before the performance, the polite coughs during the music, and then, of course, the eruption of applause at the end. Such incredible passion! I felt a real sense of history being present, with generations of passionate music and theatre lovers gathered in that stunning space, sharing an unforgettable experience.

The stage sets were truly remarkable – intricate designs with vibrant colours that transported me straight into ancient Egypt. And then there was the singing! Such talent, such power! I was particularly captivated by the soprano's performance. It was effortless and radiant, perfectly embodying the drama and passion of the story. Honestly, you could have heard a pin drop in the entire room. I have never experienced anything like it. I felt every nuance of the performance. I could see the emotions playing out on the faces of the characters – it was all so intensely moving.

My tutu, naturally, was the most beautiful pink, just shimmering in the spotlight. The sheer delight I felt in the entire experience… oh, it truly was magical. Every second felt like a scene from a romantic novel!

Discovering Broadway with a Twist

The next day, it was time for another theatrical adventure – this time to a captivating show at the breathtakingly beautiful Lyric Theatre on Broadway. It was "The Phantom of the Opera", a production I'd only dreamed of seeing since I was a little girl.

Can you even imagine how thrilling it was to walk those historic streets of Broadway, knowing that countless iconic performances had happened on those very sidewalks? It was truly exhilarating!

The performance was, of course, simply spectacular. The costumes were utterly gorgeous, the sets were breathtakingly imaginative, and the music...well, you already know. "The Phantom of the Opera" is a timeless classic! Every single note had me entranced. The incredible voice of the Phantom and the enchanting presence of Christine had me on the edge of my seat! I swear, there wasn't a single dry eye in the entire theatre!

Honestly, it was simply incredible to witness this show after being so enchanted with the music ever since I was little. To finally see the grand sets and experience the emotion live on stage, was a true highlight of my week. I loved everything about it - from the soaring voices and passionate dancing to the grand and spectacular design.

Discovering Ballet Street

After two days of the most glorious and high-culture theatre, I felt an itch to move and groove in my own way. My instinct told me to explore something off-Broadway, more grounded, a little grittier, more experimental - to find a side of the dance world that wasn't draped in elaborate gowns and polished opera singers. And, boy, did I find it. I found my way to the incredible underground dance scene of Ballet Street.

For those who haven't heard of this vibrant community, Ballet Street is essentially a hub for dancers of all styles, from classical ballet to hip-hop to modern. Think: classes, workshops, performances – it’s all here. It’s a place where you can truly experience the heart and soul of the dance world in all its diversity.

I had an absolute blast attending a few drop-in classes, including a very energetic Salsa class (it's definitely a good workout!) and a lovely contemporary ballet class that allowed me to express my own creative vision in a relaxed and encouraging environment.

It felt incredible to connect with other passionate dancers in such a relaxed, inspiring space. It’s just another example of the immense creativity and energy you find here in New York. Everywhere you turn, you can discover something new and inspiring.

Exploring Fashion Finds

No trip to New York City would be complete without a healthy dose of fashion, right? The shops and boutiques are absolutely brimming with style. So, naturally, my days were punctuated with adventures in style. I indulged in a little retail therapy in the legendary SoHo district. Imagine – cobblestone streets, designer boutiques, and independent stores bursting with unique finds! I can’t get over how many stylish boutiques I discovered in just a few hours! I managed to find a fabulous new addition to my tutu collection: a striking scarlet red tutu with black netting that really caught my eye! Can you imagine the confidence boost that brings? And all those vintage treasures - oh, they simply are a delight to explore.

For an iconic New York experience, a trip to the legendary department store, Bloomingdale's, was definitely a must. There is simply no other store like it - the scale, the design, the atmosphere – everything screams New York glamour. And while my pockets didn’t feel as much glee after this expedition, my wardrobe is now home to a fantastic new emerald green silk top that will certainly turn heads. Oh, and I have already started sketching ideas for a new emerald green tutu. Do you think a metallic green trim would be an interesting addition? I’m keen to get your feedback, darlings!

The Joy of the Subway

The New York City subway - it’s something I truly admire, despite its quirks and occasional mayhem. It is a testament to the city’s energy, a glimpse into the daily lives of the city's inhabitants, a labyrinth of history, a maze of art – a whirlwind of stories within every single train car.

This week, I rode the subway to every single event on my list, including the theatre, the ballet classes, the boutiques, the restaurants... everywhere. This incredible mode of transport allows you to traverse the city with ease and speed. I particularly loved riding along the famous lines that cut through the iconic Manhattan landmarks. I could barely tear my gaze from the skyscrapers towering above us as we zipped underground!

You really do see all sorts of people on the subway - office workers, tourists, artists, students... The atmosphere can sometimes feel a little frenetic, with all the noise and movement, but it’s also quite beautiful in its own way. I feel like I experience New York with all its intensity and vitality, all those stories rushing past me in a blur.

Discovering My Favourite Spot

Now, let's move on to the truly incredible finds of the week. I am always on the hunt for unique, romantic, and inspiring spots in every city I visit, and in New York City, my heart was utterly captivated by a delightful little spot - Central Park. Oh, darling! Can you even imagine? Trees lining cobblestone pathways, benches offering quiet spaces to simply contemplate life, vibrant flowers bursting with colour - a stunning oasis in the heart of the bustling metropolis!

There is just something magical about being amidst those trees, breathing in the fresh air, feeling the gentle breeze through your hair, while watching the children play, families enjoying picnics, couples taking strolls. I even caught a group of musicians practicing their instruments near a picturesque little lake. It truly was an idyllic slice of paradise. I spent an entire afternoon just soaking up the tranquility and enjoying the view. I highly recommend it! I even sketched the beautiful view in my sketchbook - perhaps my inspiration for my next ballet piece? You can see the image on my social media account @EmmaTutuNYC if you’re curious to see!

What I've Learned This Week

Honestly, darlings, my time in New York has simply been a dream. This city never ceases to inspire me, from the dazzling shows at the Metropolitan Opera to the energetic classes on Ballet Street. I feel more connected to my passion for dance than ever before, and it inspires me to push my own limits. My New York journey reminds me that it is all about embracing the vibrant spirit of the city. It’s about embracing those crazy and chaotic subway rides, it's about losing yourself in the stories woven through the art, music, and theatre, and it's about soaking up the dazzling energy that simply radiates from every corner of this incredible metropolis.

This journey in the Big Apple has been about embracing a feeling of endless possibilities. My week in New York reminded me that the dance world, and in fact, the entire world is full of possibilities. From iconic stages to underground studios, it’s all about pursuing my dreams and continuing to share the love for pink tutus and ballet! And to spread this feeling, to inspire the world, I encourage all my lovely readers, don't be afraid to experiment with your own style. Don't be afraid to break the rules. Be daring, be creative, be yourself - and maybe, just maybe, rock a little bit of pink in your wardrobe!

I hope you've enjoyed this week's journey with me, darlings! I can't wait to share my next adventures with you next Monday. Until then, let's twirl and embrace all the wonder this world has to offer!

Lots of love and sparkle,

Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2009-04-27 she danced in New York City