New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2009-08-17 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: New York City - Monday 17th August 2009 - Post #741

Hello darlings!

It's Monday, and you know what that means... a brand new Pink Tutu Blog post, straight from the heart of the Big Apple!

This week has been absolutely whirlwindy. From the moment I landed at JFK, it felt like a symphony of sights, sounds, and sensations that had me twirling with delight. I’m truly in my element here in New York City – it’s like a stage for my pink-tutu-clad adventures!

I must admit, my journey here started off with a bit of a hiccup. Let's just say I'm not the most organised of travellers - I swear, it must have taken me an eternity to navigate through the chaos of customs at JFK airport, but of course, all the while, my pink tutu added a dash of whimsy and a sprinkle of sunshine to the whole experience.

The Underground Ballet

The very first thing I did upon arriving was to jump straight onto the subway, a magnificent network of subterranean arteries pulsing with life. In my pink tutu, I felt like I was floating through the underground, a vision of pure ballerinaliciousness, causing a small ripple of delighted smiles on the faces of weary commuters. I am so very lucky, because this means of travel provides so much to keep me amused! This is because you truly see all sorts of people – a melting pot of human experience! For me, the city’s subway system feels like a giant, pulsating ballet, with everyone moving in a fascinatingly synchronized yet entirely individualised way.

I had my own little routine as I travelled on the Metro – I’d practise a few barre stretches as I held onto the poles (let’s be honest, it was the only place with a bar high enough!). The most rewarding moments, however, were when I’d hear the gentle pitter-patter of a young girl's steps, as she skipped along in her shiny shoes and tutu to the sounds of her Walkman, her eyes sparkling with delight and possibility, her whole being echoing my own love for this beautiful form of art.

Dance in the Air

Later that day, I made my way to a beautiful performance of "The Sleeping Beauty" at the Metropolitan Opera House. The grandeur of the venue is incredible! And let's just say that a performance like that deserves the fanciest of tutus. For the occasion, I chose my sequined, rose-gold tutu with an added touch of delicate pink lace for a truly magical effect! Oh my, the performance! What a sight to behold. Every movement, every plié, every arabesque, told a story of grace, elegance, and undeniable passion! I was swept away to a realm of magic, leaving the anxieties of the outside world at the doors of the opera house.

You know, there’s just something magical about a ballet performance. For me, it transcends mere entertainment, and takes you to another level, to a world of grace, power and pure beauty, and I am simply unable to leave without a newfound spark of joy and inspiration in my heart.

After the performance, the excitement simply had to be celebrated, so off we went for dinner at a cute Italian bistro in Greenwich Village. I had the most delicious pasta with mushrooms and truffles. The ambience was incredible – you know, all the old brickwork and twinkly fairy lights! My favourite part though, was that we had the window seat, where I could look out and soak in all the night-time bustle of the city! The whole experience, even with the pasta splattered on my pink tutu, was utterly enchanting.

The Joy of Clothes Shopping

I can't go to New York without visiting some of my favourite shops. I am an absolute fiend for fashion and clothes shopping, and to be in a city like this, brimming with creativity and individual style, truly fuels my creative passion. I went on a little fashion escapade on Fifth Avenue and was utterly enchanted by the sheer volume of beauty that surrounded me.

I tried on a couple of new pairs of ballet shoes, my eyes shimmering with delight at the endless colours and styles, each pair with its own unique story waiting to be told through its wear. But oh my, they were all simply divine! In the end, I couldn’t resist the temptation to buy some new dancewear in my favourite colours, naturally!

You know, it’s funny, when I buy clothes here in the USA, it is as though the items themselves are just radiating their American personality – the bright colours, the bold prints, and that effortless combination of chic and relaxed – and that was no different in the dancewear department either! I walked away with a bright, sunshine yellow leotard, a dazzling turquoise skirt, and a vibrant coral tutu, each purchase an embodiment of my own, irrepressibly colourful persona. I am, of course, planning to add an array of gorgeous New York accessories to the wardrobe too - perhaps a sparkly baseball cap for a sassy downtown look, or a floral headband for a picnic in Central Park.

A Symphony of Pink

And, speaking of the park, what better way to unwind from a hectic day than to stroll through the lush greenery of Central Park? I just love to find a little bit of nature nestled amongst the city bustle! So on Sunday afternoon, I made my way to the park, a picturesque landscape painted in autumnal hues. And wouldn't you know it, it turned out to be the perfect backdrop for my pink tutu and its magical glow!

Every time I wear a pink tutu, it’s a small act of defiance, a splash of colour, and an invitation to let go of any preconceived notions of what we should wear, who we should be. The beauty of it lies in its ability to encourage creativity, and its embrace of the little girl inside, the one who still dances in puddles, the one who yearns for a world of colour and joy!

My pink tutu acts as a kind of portable dance floor – it allows me to be myself, to be unapologetically expressive, to bring a little bit of light and happiness to wherever I go, and, yes, maybe even to make a few people smile along the way. I feel so incredibly happy every time I wear a tutu and have truly discovered that it doesn’t really matter how many times a day I dance, whether I'm leaping across the city in my ballet flats or doing a twirl or two in Central Park, just so long as I am moving to my own unique rhythm!

And with that, I'm signing off for this week, but I’ll be back next Monday with more adventures in New York City! Until then, may your days be filled with dance and pink-tutu-inspired joy.

Yours in tulle and glitter,


P.S. Did you know that there's a great exhibition going on at the MoMA, about fashion? I really want to check it out next week! Do you have any recommendations for places to see, shop, or dance in New York?

P.P.S. Keep your eyes peeled on my website I'm currently hosting a fun little competition for all my amazing followers: whoever can take the most delightful pink-tutu-clad photo and share it with me, using the hashtag #PinkTutuWorld, gets a special surprise gift. Go on, let's make this world a brighter place, one pink tutu at a time!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2009-08-17 she danced in New York City