
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2010-05-31 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - #782

Monday, 31st May 2010

Good morning, darlings! It's Monday, and you know what that means - another fabulous Pink Tutu Blog post fresh from the streets (and subways!) of New York City! This week has been positively whirlwind with ballet, shopping, and even a spot of theatre, all topped off with the most glorious sunshine you can imagine!

But before I get ahead of myself, let's rewind the clock a bit, shall we? It's been a good week for Emma-in-NYC, and you'll have to forgive my enthusiasm!

A Week in Pink - New York Style

It's funny, I've found myself feeling more like a "proper New Yorker" this week. Maybe it was the constant whir of yellow taxis and the incessant chattering of pedestrians on Fifth Avenue, or maybe it was the joy of a crisp, sunny Saturday afternoon spent in Central Park. It felt as if everything about New York City just clicked this week.

The week started with the ultimate fashion fix – a trip to Bergdorf Goodman. As I floated through those fabulous aisles in my blush pink tutu (a must-have from my latest shopping spree!), it was impossible not to get swept up in the whirlwind of fashion and design. It was like a fairytale! Just imagine all those gorgeous shoes and handbags. You could get completely lost in the place, and to be honest, I kinda wished I could.

I couldn't resist a little splurge – a delicate pearl necklace with a charm shaped like a dancing ballerina, perfect for adding a touch of feminine sparkle to my everyday looks. You know me, always seeking a touch of the dramatic in the simplest things!

The day's festivities continued at the iconic Metropolitan Museum of Art. It's like a haven for art, and I simply love being lost in those beautiful galleries. The colours, the shapes, the history - I just feel truly inspired when I walk through those doors. Did I tell you that I've discovered a particular love for the Renaissance and its magnificent paintings?

Fashion and the Dance:

Later that week, it was back to the world of ballet – my one true passion! I attended a fantastic show at the New York City Ballet, and let me tell you, the dancers were just phenomenal. The grace and fluidity of their movements, the intensity of their emotions conveyed through pure physicality – I was completely blown away!

Of course, no trip to New York would be complete without a visit to Broadway! This time I caught the hilarious "Book of Mormon". Oh my, it was hilarious, sharp, and incredibly moving in equal measure. You see, the thing about Broadway shows is that they leave you wanting more. They leave you with that beautiful buzz of exhilaration, ready to embrace the next day, even if it's a Monday!

It’s a whirlwind here in NYC, and with that whirlwind comes an endless need to shop! To celebrate my ballet success, I treated myself to a brand-new pair of fuchsia ballet flats – they're so comfy and versatile. Imagine: pink tutu, pink flats – bliss! They'll be a fantastic addition to my growing pink tutu wardrobe, and just wait until you see the outfit I'm planning!

Subway Adventures

And speaking of my favourite things, nothing beats a long ride on the New York City Subway in my signature pink tutu! It never fails to attract attention. I find myself feeling quite at home on that rumble and roar, feeling a part of the rhythm of the city.

People stare, they smile, and they sometimes even take photos. It's honestly very entertaining – I truly enjoy being a little beacon of pink amidst all the hustle and bustle.

Remember my dear, that there's absolutely nothing more delightful than finding joy in the unexpected. In a city like New York, there are adventures waiting around every corner. Be brave, embrace the new, and don't be afraid to shine in your own special way.

My little pink tutu - a constant reminder of how magical the world can be!

A Peek Into My Journal

Now, my lovely readers, for those of you who have ever wondered what it's like to have a little journal dedicated to the ballet – well, I've just filled mine with another little treasure from the last week.

Here's an excerpt from the Dance Journal of Emma in New York:

"May 28th 2010 - New York City Ballet, Lincoln Center. This performance was nothing short of magical. The costumes were spectacular - a breathtaking explosion of colours. The movement, however, truly stole my breath. The precision and athleticism were inspiring. This night solidified for me just how much I love watching and participating in this extraordinary art form."

Isn't it just delightful, and what a lovely reminder of this beautiful dance world!

Let's Celebrate Together - It's the little things that count.

Before I wrap up this post, I just want to take a moment to celebrate this glorious weekend. Remember, the simple joy of watching a beautiful sunset over Central Park, a delicious cup of coffee at a cute cafΓ©, a spontaneous afternoon spent window shopping - these are the little moments that make life so very beautiful. So, darling readers, let’s appreciate those little everyday delights, shall we?

And finally, my loves, remember my motto – "Life's a stage, and everyone should wear a pink tutu!" Let's spread the joy and make the world a bit brighter, one tutu at a time! I'm off to a class in Brooklyn this afternoon – will I be rocking the tutu this time? Stay tuned to find out!

Until next Monday, darlings,

Emma xoxo

*P.S. If you want to get in touch with me, feel free to leave a comment on the blog. I adore hearing from you! And remember, stay pink, my dear readers! *

*P.P.S. You can find all of my previous New York blog posts at www.pink-tutu.com! Just follow the pink trail and you'll find all of my fabulous adventures! *

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2010-05-31 she danced in New York City