New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2011-05-23 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: NYC Adventures, #833

Monday 23rd May 2011

Oh my goodness, New York City! The Big Apple! The concrete jungle! It truly lives up to the hype, darlings. I’m positively smitten.

This week, my dear readers, is all about my latest NYC escapades. You know how much I adore dancing and being a ballerina, and well, there’s simply no place on Earth that embodies the artistry, passion, and sheer glamour of dance like this magical metropolis.

Last Monday, I stepped off the plane in my ever-so-pink tutu (because let's face it, you can't be too girly in NYC) and straight onto the subway. You see, the only way to really feel the pulse of this incredible city is to take the Metro. It’s such a sensory overload in the best possible way: the jostling crowds, the distinct aromas of hot dogs and pretzels, the flashing lights and the sound of music playing through cracked windows, and of course, the symphony of a thousand conversations weaving through the carriages.

After settling into my darling little boutique hotel on 2nd Avenue (complete with a view of Central Park!), my first order of business, naturally, was a proper shopping spree. I know what you're thinking: how can a tutu-clad ballerina possibly survive the sartorial minefield of Fifth Avenue?! Let me assure you, darling, it's just as easy as pirouetting through the streets. In fact, the pink tutu actually becomes a conversation starter – "Wow, I love your tutu!" I hear often, followed by "Have you seen that new dance piece on Broadway?"

Ballet Bonanza in the City That Never Sleeps

On Tuesday, I was transported to another world entirely: the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts! It was simply divine. This week, I was lucky enough to catch a performance by the New York City Ballet. The sheer skill and artistry of those dancers was truly breathtaking. My heart soared watching them glide across the stage, their graceful movements a mesmerizing tapestry of rhythm and beauty.

Afterwards, I felt so inspired! So, you know what I did? I simply HAD to join the dance floor at a club called the Cutting Room. It was a wonderfully intimate venue tucked away in the heart of SoHo. The music was amazing, and the energy was palpable! For someone like me, who has been known to occasionally break out in impromptu pirouettes on the streets, this was truly an enchanting evening!

Pink Tutu Paradise

Wednesday was a full day of pure fashion bliss, and let’s be honest, dear readers, every pink-tutu-loving ballerina’s dream: shopping on Fifth Avenue. There's something truly magical about this famous street, isn’t there? The air is practically thick with a symphony of luxury, fashion, and glamour.

Oh my, the divine fabrics and decadent displays in the window of Bergdorf Goodman! And the sleek lines of Valentino and Gucci on the corner? Just absolutely gorgeous! I've been daydreaming about a dress I saw in a stunning shade of pink ever since. I simply HAD to have it! My friends call me crazy, but for me, that dress was pure magic. It even matched my tutu perfectly!

A Cultural Feast: Exploring the Museums

On Thursday, I traded the vibrant streets of the city for the hushed, serene ambiance of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Oh my, the art! Monet, Van Gogh, Picasso – these giants of the artistic world truly left their mark on history and left me speechless! The exquisite details and masterful use of color were captivating. Honestly, the Metropolitan was like stepping back in time while simultaneously feeling absolutely transported.

Then, because the weather was positively glorious – a glorious spring day with a cloudless blue sky - I couldn't resist a trip to Central Park. I found myself surrounded by giggling children, sun-seeking dogs, and lovers strolling hand in hand. Oh, the bliss! I even met a man with an adorable fluffy dog dressed in a pink tutu! He told me it was his granddaughter's creation.

Weekend in Wonderland: Theatre and the Ballet

The weekend, my dears, was an absolute whirlwind. My Friday night was spent at the Richard Rodgers Theatre on 46th Street, watching the stunning Broadway production of "Wicked." The costumes were stunning, the singing voices were angelic, and the story itself was absolutely mesmerizing. Oh, to live in a world with so much musical enchantment!

On Saturday, I was lucky enough to see the American Ballet Theatre perform "Giselle" at the Metropolitan Opera House. There are simply no words to describe the power and emotion of the performance, and the exquisite costuming just completed the overall experience perfectly!

My weekend wasn’t just about Broadway and ballet, though. On Saturday afternoon, I wandered through Chelsea Market – a sprawling haven of artisan cheeses, delectable pastries, and exquisite chocolate shops. I treated myself to some delicious pastries from the famous Little Pie Company and spent a good hour people-watching from a quaint little cafe in the corner.

As the sun dipped behind the skyscrapers of New York, I decided to explore Times Square – and, my darlings, I was utterly enchanted by this iconic spot. A whirlwind of energy and vibrancy, Times Square is a sight that simply cannot be missed!

Sunday was dedicated to one of my absolute favourite things – strolling the streets of Greenwich Village. I always feel so at home here. There’s a real artistic, Bohemian charm to this area that just draws you in.

And that brings us to my final night in NYC. As I gazed at the lights glittering on the skyline, a wave of emotion washed over me. I can honestly say that this has been one of the most wonderful trips of my life.

A Tutu Farewell and a Little Inspiration

As my flight departs, I am feeling so inspired! This city has awakened something deep within me – a newfound passion, a yearning to experience more and to create more beauty in the world.

I leave New York with a promise to return soon, with my pink tutu in tow, ready for more adventure, more ballet, and more unforgettable moments!

My darlings, let us not forget that every day can be a journey to the extraordinary. It's all about embracing our individuality, our passion, and our own little touch of pink magic! So, wear your tutus proudly, dance with joy, and let's make every moment count.

See you next week!


P.S. Don't forget to share your adventures with me. Leave a comment below and let me know how YOU are embracing the pink magic in your own life!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2011-05-23 she danced in New York City