New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2013-11-18 she danced in New York City

#PinkTutuBlogNYC: Monday 18th November, 2013 – Dancing in the City That Never Sleeps (Post #963)

Hello lovelies! It's Emma here, back from the bustling Big Apple! This week's #PinkTutuBlogNYC post is a bit different, as I've just gotten back from a whirlwind trip to New York, and I'm absolutely buzzing to share all the wonderful memories, inspiring moments and, of course, the exquisite fashion finds I encountered. This was my second trip to New York, and it certainly didn’t disappoint! As always, I felt right at home with the incredible energy of this fabulous city. It truly feels like the capital of the world!

Tutu Travel and a Pinch of Nostalgia

I've been looking forward to this trip for weeks! New York City holds a special place in my heart, ever since I was a little girl watching the famous New York, New York movie with my Grandma. That image of a grand dame in a glittering gown, waving at the top of a taxi as it drove off into the Manhattan skyline, has always captivated my imagination.

This trip felt a little extra special. You see, my darling Nana lived in New York in her younger days. She would recount stories of life in the Bronx, filled with charm and adventures. I knew she'd have loved for me to visit the city she loved so much.

Subway Style and Tutu Time

Before I even stepped onto American soil, I knew this trip would be about showcasing a new side of ballet and fashion. While I usually focus on the grandeur of a theatre performance, I was drawn to the idea of street style and ballet's role in everyday life. And what better way to experience the vibrancy of New York than by joining the locals and hopping on the iconic subway?

You’ll never guess what happened! While on my way to Central Park (to try and capture some pictures with my tutu, of course), I met this adorable woman, all decked out in pink – and you won’t believe it, she even had a little pink tutu around her bag! We got to chatting about how she loves using her pink accessories to express her own unique style. It’s these little encounters that really remind me of the power of pink, the power of tutus, and how everyone has their own individual way to express themselves.

Dance Delights: From the City Ballet to the Broadway Stages

As you know, the highlight of any trip for me is always a performance. New York, of course, didn’t disappoint! My first night was spent at the Lincoln Center, watching the New York City Ballet. They're known for their exquisite dancers and the breathtaking choreography – and I must say, it certainly did live up to its reputation! The performance was mesmerising. The precision, grace, and power were utterly incredible.

Now, every dancer knows that when you're on stage, it's about more than just the movements – it’s also about the costumes and the stage presence. The costumes for the performance were incredibly well-designed and, as always, made my creative heart leap! The entire performance was so well-planned – each element added to the overall impression. From the captivating lighting to the soaring music, the entire experience was an absolute masterpiece! I’ve got to say, those City Ballet dancers certainly inspired me!

Next, it was off to the theatre to see a Broadway performance. I went for Wicked because of all those stunning green outfits! And trust me, they definitely delivered! It's not easy finding vibrant, unusual colours for costumes. But they nailed it. From the costumes to the staging, it felt truly magical. Even as a veteran theatregoer, I felt swept up in the story. It’s so powerful when art brings emotions and colours to life!

City Scapes and Fashion Finds: A Visual Feast for the Senses

After a morning of dance, I treated myself to a wander around the Lower East Side and the SoHo area, where all the latest fashion trends take centre stage. I discovered some hidden gems, from the elegant shops lining Bleecker Street to vintage finds nestled in unexpected alleyways. I was delighted by all the gorgeous boutiques, cafes, and even those charming, slightly worn, antique shops.

The entire city was a feast for my senses. There was a constant energy about the place, with colours and textures everywhere you look. I picked up a pair of new ballet pumps – I found these amazing pearl-studded pumps at this adorable shop tucked away in SoHo. It’s a little bit of bling I needed to give my usual ballet flat look a little added jazz! I’m going to try wearing these for my next recital – I think they’ll pair nicely with my white tutu!

Of course, I couldn’t resist picking up a few pieces of the latest in fashion from the many amazing independent boutiques sprinkled around New York City. One of the shops I loved was filled with all sorts of vintage goodies. They even had a fabulous display of all things ballerina, including a vintage ballet outfit that had this wonderful embroidered flower motif. Talk about a fashion inspiration!

And no trip to New York City is complete without a stop at a Bloomingdales. I swear, the clothing is practically calling your name from the shop window! And who can resist the bright colours and textures everywhere you look?

The whole city seemed like one gigantic runway, from the women dressed up in chic black dresses, to the artfully distressed vintage looks – a colourful, ever-changing collection of stylish people! It was a truly amazing feeling! I even managed to find this vintage-inspired rose-gold beret, which has been perfect for those cooler November evenings. This might even be my go-to accessory for winter!

Pink Perfection and Tutu Touches Everywhere I Go

My trip wasn't just about Broadway or big brands; it was about finding those small details that spark joy. Every time I went out, I tried to find those pink-tinted gems. For me, pink isn't just a colour; it’s a mood. A playful nod to a playful spirit. A little dose of fun and confidence.

I have a habit of carrying a little pink tutu with me for just those impromptu, unplanned moments. So naturally, I made sure it went everywhere with me! The Empire State Building? Perfect opportunity for a little tutu twirl. A stroll down Fifth Avenue? A flash of pink for some good vibes! Central Park? Oh, it was my personal photo shoot stage! My little tutu is a statement – it's a reminder that it's okay to be a bit different. It's about expressing yourself, dancing with confidence and, well, simply embracing that wonderful, magical tutu spirit!

A Moment for Reflection – Ballet's Magic Beyond the Stage

After a long day exploring New York’s vibrant scenes, I took a little break, grabbed my journal, and had a nice cup of tea (my usual London Fog – because sometimes, even in New York, a little dose of home comforts does the soul good!)

It got me thinking. It’s easy to get caught up in the glitz and glam of New York, the rush of all those big fashion moments. But sometimes, the magic lies in the subtle details – a ballerina's graceful twirl, a vintage beret with a little touch of pink, a playful tutu sparking a smile.

There’s magic in everyday life, if you open your heart to it! I realised this trip wasn’t just about watching Broadway shows and ballet performances – it was about discovering the power of creativity, finding inspiration in unexpected places, and finding the little ways that ballet magic shines through in all aspects of our lives.

As I’m packing up and preparing to head home, I already know my #PinkTutuBlogNYC adventures will inspire my new blog posts and, most importantly, my dancing! It was a beautiful reminder that we can find beauty and joy in everything, from the grand stages of Broadway to the whimsical details in everyday life. I feel re-energized and brimming with new ideas. My pink tutu bag is already overflowing with potential, just waiting for me to unleash my creativity on it!

I'll see you next week for another exciting episode of #PinkTutuBlogNYC! Until then, remember to stay curious, explore the world with an open heart, and always add a dash of pink to your own personal journey. After all, it’s never too late to twirl with confidence and embrace the magic of ballet!

P.S. My New York adventure was funded by a lovely ballet performance in my hometown. Thank you to everyone who came to see me perform. You guys make this whole pink tutu life possible!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2013-11-18 she danced in New York City