New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2014-11-24 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: #1016 Monday 2014-11-24 - New York City, You're a Dream!

Hey lovelies! It's Emma here, and let me tell you, I'm absolutely buzzing after a whirlwind weekend in the Big Apple! As a Derbyshire lass at heart, I’ve always dreamt of exploring New York City and finally, after saving up from all my ballet performances, it’s happened!

I'm currently nestled in my darling little hotel room, overlooking the bustling streets of Manhattan, with my fluffy pink dressing gown on and a steaming cup of Earl Grey in my hand. The lights of Times Square are twinkling beyond my window, and it feels like I'm starring in my own fairytale. Oh, the joy of living the Pink Tutu Dream!

This trip has been nothing short of spectacular, and I'm itching to tell you all about it. From iconic landmarks to jaw-dropping Broadway shows, it's been a whirlwind of excitement, pink-tinted wonder, and of course, plenty of shopping sprees!

Let's take a little trip down memory lane, shall we?

Friday: Arrival and a touch of Pink Sparkle

I landed in New York City with my heart doing somersaults! The journey was a dream. It always is when I travel to see a ballet, but there's something about stepping onto a plane that makes my inner ballerina twirl! I popped on my Pink Tutu dress for the journey, naturally, and paired it with a fluffy white coat and sparkly pink stilettos for good measure. (I can’t help it! Pink is my happy colour and sparkles add that extra special touch!)

When I arrived at JFK, I was so giddy, it felt like I was waltzing through the airport. I hailed a cab and let the driver know my destination – a darling little hotel with pink frills, close to the action. He gave me a friendly nod and drove off, humming a tune that sounded vaguely like “New York, New York.”

The Grand Central Station Moment

My hotel was just a hop, skip, and a twirl away from the Grand Central Station, so I headed there straight away. Imagine my delight when I entered the cavernous hall. It's as grand as a fairytale castle, a majestic architectural masterpiece, and truly magical. I twirled right there in the middle of the station – just for a moment. I couldn't help it, I’m a ballerina after all! No one even seemed to notice, but I imagined a soundtrack playing with a gentle waltz as I danced.

After a quick stop at a cute little bakery for some freshly baked croissants and a coffee, I started my New York adventure. It's so much bigger than I imagined – truly inspiring, even a little daunting. It was exhilarating just wandering the streets and soaking it all in! I knew this city would quickly work its magic on my heart.

Broadway Dreamland: “The Lion King” & Tutu Treats!

As a passionate dancer, my dream was to experience Broadway, so naturally, "The Lion King" was my first stop! I had booked my tickets weeks ago, and I’d been so excited to see this iconic show! My ticket said 8:00 pm but I made sure I was in the queue an hour early.

It was worth the wait – it was one of those magical moments! You know when the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end and goosebumps cover your entire body. Yes, I was moved to tears by the talent on the stage. That magnificent set, the stunning costumes, and the amazing actors - it's so much more than a show! It's truly breathtaking, a captivating mix of song, dance, and magic!

And can we talk about the Lion King costumes?! They were phenomenal. The colours, the details, the whole effect! You wouldn't believe the amount of detail that had been put into the lion masks, a total masterpiece! They gave me the biggest twirl-worthy smile. (You know I had to capture a selfie for my Pink Tutu followers in front of the iconic "Lion King" sign. Naturally!)

New York Style: A Fashion Spree & a Bit of Sparkle

As every Pink Tutu enthusiast knows, a trip to New York wouldn't be complete without a shopping spree! I started in the Fifth Avenue flagship of a favourite fashion store of mine, you know, that one that rhymes with "Bare" & "Aney". Let me tell you, I found some treasures in their shoes department - glittering high heels in every shade of pink! My suitcase has had to do a little extra work this time, let me tell you.

To celebrate my first night in New York, I treated myself to an early evening bite in one of those chic restaurants – I think the menu mentioned “fusion” in some form. I wore a beautiful lilac lace dress, my sparkling pink stilettos, and a cute pink bow in my hair. (As a ballerina, I love bow, you all know that!) And naturally, the whole experience involved more than just the meal – I wanted a taste of the city’s iconic nightlife.

Later that night, I found myself spinning on the dance floor of a swanky rooftop bar in Manhattan. It’s such a cool space, overlooking the cityscape – truly an unforgettable moment.

Saturday: Ballet Bliss, Uptown Delights, and the City That Never Sleeps!

My second day in the city was full of all things ballet! First stop, a dance class at a prestigious studio, a hidden gem I found on Google maps – all thanks to my Pink Tutu followers, a beautiful and well-loved ballet space in the heart of Midtown Manhattan. The teachers were amazing, and I met the nicest dancers there. We were working on a modern piece, with flowing lines and graceful movements. So much fun! I felt as light as a feather – like I was floating on a cloud of ballet tulle.

Afterwards, I indulged in a yummy lunch of salad and fresh squeezed orange juice – oh, those NYC cafes really do tempt the senses! Later, I took a journey on the subway, or the Metro, as the locals like to say. What a blast! There are so many different faces, such vibrant personalities. It’s such an exciting blend of chaos and energy. And all around me was a kaleidoscope of sounds. I tried not to film too much. I knew that I wanted to savor every minute, take it all in.

That evening was dedicated to a fabulous performance. The New York City Ballet – can you even believe it?! At the renowned David H. Koch Theater in Lincoln Center, I was spellbound. The sheer talent of these dancers took my breath away. Each move was graceful and fluid. And those beautiful tutus, the colour, the textures! They made me feel as though I could float, like a ballerina soaring through the air!

A Little Bite of Nostalgia: A Journey to Chinatown & Time for Reflection

After an evening that took my breath away, Sunday offered a much quieter and reflective journey to Chinatown. It’s full of interesting shops, cafes, and restaurants, but what caught my attention were the street markets overflowing with fresh produce and colourful street food. This little slice of New York was definitely not as high-energy as my ballet nights. It felt like a step into a different world, a taste of history right in the heart of a vibrant city.

I picked up some delicious dim sum for lunch and had a delightful little break in a small park nearby. As I wandered around the bustling streets, I noticed the locals who spoke Mandarin – some were older, some younger, some wore modern outfits, some had more traditional clothing on. It made me think about the diversity of the people that I met on this trip, their culture, and what makes them unique. We might come from different parts of the world but ultimately, it’s a desire for love and belonging that we all share. And a love for beauty! What’s your favourite type of beauty, lovelies?

So Long New York, for Now! My Big City Love

After an unforgettable weekend, I bid farewell to New York City with a mixture of delight and a pinch of sorrow. I packed my suitcase with souvenirs - pink polka-dot sunglasses, a beautiful vintage T-shirt from an uptown boutique, and of course, the glittering high heels!

Before heading to JFK to fly back home to England, I took one last walk through the streets, with my camera, and snapped photos to share with you lovelies.

Here are my thoughts and a few little highlights to inspire you:

  • The energy: This is truly a city that never sleeps, and the sheer vibrancy made my heart sing. There’s something electrifying about the energy in every corner of the city, from the fast-paced sidewalks of Manhattan to the quaint coffee shops in Brooklyn!

  • The beauty: From the architecture of Central Park to the spectacular street art in Brooklyn’s Williamsburg neighbourhood – the visual wonders are never-ending. I can see why so many artists call New York City their home.

  • The people: I have met the kindest people – warm, welcoming, and truly generous with their smiles.

New York City has truly enchanted me, It's the perfect blend of history and modernity. There’s so much more to explore, and I’m already making plans to come back.

Don't forget, if you’d love to see a performance in New York City, make sure you pop your name down for a Tutu Guest List, the details are on!

Until next time, my lovelies, Stay safe, stay glamorous and spread that pink tutu joy everywhere you go. Don’t forget, my lovely Pink Tutu fans - your support fuels these incredible adventures! And as always, share your love of pink, tutus, and ballet with me! Follow me on Insta for all my adventures @pinktutuEmma!

Love always, Emma xxx

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2014-11-24 she danced in New York City