New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2015-10-26 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC #1064: Dancing in the City That Never Sleeps!

Hello my darling tutu-lovers! It’s Emma here, your resident pink-loving, tutu-wearing, ballet-obsessed blogger, and this week, I'm bringing you the most fabulous fashion-filled diary straight from the Big Apple!

Oh, New York, you truly are the most magical place on Earth! The air hums with energy, the streets are a symphony of bustling life, and every corner seems to whisper with endless possibilities. It's a place that truly does feel like it never sleeps.

And let me tell you, I have been taking full advantage of the 24/7 vibe, because this week, it’s all about pink, tutus, and a whole lot of dancing!

This week in New York has been an absolute whirlwind! But before I tell you about the dizzying heights I reached on a Broadway stage (literally!), let's catch up on my week.

A Derby Girl in the Big Apple

It all started with a cheeky trip down memory lane. You see, dear readers, this little pink tutu-clad blogger is actually from good old Derbyshire, England! Now, if you ever visit that quaint corner of the UK, you'll be met with rolling green hills, charming little villages, and the most beautiful sheep (which, funnily enough, don't really know what a pink tutu is!). But when it comes to fashion and creativity, Derby doesn’t disappoint. You'll find independent shops bursting with local talent, charming tea rooms and coffee shops, and, believe it or not, the most vibrant, colorful community you could wish for. It's from this charming little corner of England that my love for ballet began, fuelled by visits to the Derby Theatre and, most importantly, a brilliant little ballet school that has helped me hone my passion.

As you know, dear readers, this past week was all about a trip back to my roots with a ballet performance at the magnificent Theatre Royal. Oh, how I've missed that majestic stage, the buzz of the audience, the thrill of a perfect arabesque. This week was all about reminding myself where it all began and, of course, sharing that love with a new audience in New York.

But the week was far from over. And, wouldn’t you believe it? The universe has a way of working things out.

Serendipity on a Pink Satin Ribbon

Right after my performance at the Theatre Royal, there was this lovely, charming, yet undeniably dapper, chap sitting in the front row who clapped loudest after every dance routine (not that I was looking at him at all). He approached me, his eyes bright, and introduced himself as an agent from one of the most prestigious ballet companies in New York! Apparently, he’d been following my blog for a while, he loved my "unbridled enthusiasm", and thought my passion for ballet was contagious (that's a rather nice thing to say, isn't it?). And then, well, he just happened to have a "small little opportunity" for me in a Broadway performance the very next day. Well, of course, I practically screamed "Yes" before he'd even finished his sentence! (After I regained my composure, I did say yes in a most polite, sophisticated, ballet-dancer way. One would never want to be thought too enthusiastic, you know?)

I know you’re all just dying to know what happened next, so let me give you a little clue. It was truly a “Dancing on Air” moment.

Taking on Broadway

Let's talk Broadway, baby! The energy here is electric. Stepping onto a Broadway stage was a truly surreal experience. Imagine this: you're surrounded by seasoned performers, your heart is beating a rhythm all its own, the stage lights are blazing, and then, BAM! The curtain goes up. And suddenly, you're part of a world so vibrant, so thrilling, that all you can do is let your body move with the magic of it all.

You know what's truly amazing about the New York theatre scene? It embraces every form of performance - whether it’s a classical ballet, an elaborate Broadway musical, or an intimate off-off-Broadway play, you’re bound to find something captivating. I went backstage afterwards, and all those “larger than life” Broadway characters are just the friendliest, warmest people you can imagine! It seems that everyone from the costume designers to the sound engineers have this unspoken understanding of how important it is to be part of a collaborative effort to share something truly special. And that passion really makes New York a melting pot of creative genius!

I won’t bore you with all the technical details, but it's worth saying that it wasn’t all plain sailing! Oh no! You know how much I love my pink tutus, right? (And for those who don’t, I just need to make this super clear, I adore them). So, naturally, I’d planned my entire performance around wearing a fabulous pink tulle tutu! Well, the big-time Broadway designers seemed to have their own vision (not pink!). What was the alternative, you ask? You’ve got it! A sleek black tutu with a silver trim (not really my vibe but we’ll forgive them as the experience was wonderful and the company lovely.) So let’s just say a whole lot of backstage adjustments, hairspray, glitter, and the usual stagehand chaos later, the show went on. All I’ll say is, even the most committed, tutu-loving ballerina is no stranger to a little performance-related improvisation.

Oh! I can't even tell you the adrenaline rush.

Fueling My Passion - A Big Apple Brunch!

If you are looking for that little extra inspiration or, let's be honest, a fantastic sugar fix, a fabulous New York brunch is a must! (But try and remember to skip breakfast – it’s worth saving your appetite for the real meal!).

Speaking of "real", let's get real for a minute: the best thing about a good New York brunch isn't just the delicious food (although it is undeniably yummy!). No, it’s the vibe. And it’s always happening. In a place like New York, with its fast-paced energy, taking a pause, catching up, and living in the moment are the most refreshing things in the world.

My favourite place? (You may think you’ve already heard this story, but trust me, you haven’t!) This amazing little cafĂ© with floral-patterned tablecloths, hanging crystal chandeliers, and a massive glass window overlooking Central Park, serves the most amazing scrambled eggs you’ve ever tasted (the secret is apparently they add just the right amount of truffle!). And then, of course, they have a signature brunch drink - I have to confess – that pink, bubbly “Mimos-Tutu”, garnished with a single strawberry. I kid you not – the whole place smelled delicious, like fresh, floral perfumery with a dash of sparkling lemonade and strawberry heaven!

But enough about brunch - the city is calling me again.

Dancing My Way Through the City

Remember what I said about New York never sleeping? It seems to have this magnetic energy, an undeniable energy that literally invites you to embrace it!

You'd think someone who dances for a living wouldn’t find the idea of city life particularly demanding. But being surrounded by the sheer volume of life - it’s pretty overwhelming at first! The cacophony of noises, the ever-changing crowds, the way everyone is always on the move – well, let's just say it takes some getting used to.

And for this tutu-loving girl from Derby? The first thing I noticed was that everyone is always dressed up – and I'm not even talking about wearing formal clothing! There is just this vibe of individual style that I have to admit, even as a ballet enthusiast with an unquenchable tutu addiction, it just left me feeling inspired.

One thing that never fails to amaze me is the Metro system. It’s an incredible piece of urban engineering that moves hundreds of thousands of people across the city in an organised way! Imagine that! But, when it comes to navigating New York, let me give you some practical tips – If you are in a rush and are worried about being late, avoid peak rush hour as the stations become insanely packed! Otherwise, the New York subway is surprisingly efficient for getting around!

The Big Apple & Ballet Fashion - A New York Dress Code?

What happens when a tutu-loving ballerina wanders through New York? Pure fashion magic! (Just don’t forget your dancing shoes!) Let’s be real, in the city that never sleeps, fashion isn't just a matter of clothing, it's an art form, a way of life.

You wouldn’t believe the places I’ve been! I’ve tried to embrace everything that New York has to offer. From those iconic, larger-than-life department stores (a personal favourite for spotting gorgeous fashion and for getting a glimpse into those designer labels everyone dreams of owning!) to boutique, hidden gem fashion houses with an independent spirit, to vintage shops on the edge of downtown Manhattan where you can really make a statement – it’s been truly breathtaking.

The fashion on display? Oh darling! It’s everything! People just own their own styles – it’s about individual expression. There is a truly unique personality and attitude about the fashion that you’ll find nowhere else. From elegant and sophisticated, with sleek fabrics and flowing lines, to street fashion with its energetic, bold combinations – you never know what you’re going to see in New York City! It has to be the most fashion-forward city in the whole world!

Let’s not forget those amazing New York trends. If there is one city in the world that influences fashion and creates its own unique style, it’s this magical city.

This week? I was loving the “Sport-Luxury” look – sportswear with a high-fashion twist – think elegant leggings, sporty sweatshirts with stylish patterns, and effortlessly chic trainers. And, let’s be real – it’s a super-versatile style that’s perfect for the fast-paced life of the Big Apple! And because we love a tutu around here, a pair of sporty grey leggings with a gorgeous pink tutu flowing down over it will always be the perfect way to get some heads turning!

Don't forget, darling, my trip to New York is fueled by my passion for ballet and the desire to share that love with the world. As a ballerina at heart, my ultimate goal is to get everyone to wear a pink tutu at least once in their lives – even if it’s just in the privacy of their own home!

Until next week my dears!

Xxx Emma

P.S. Make sure you follow me on all my social media channels for your daily dose of pink tutu fashion – I've got so much fun planned for the rest of my time here in New York – and I can't wait to share it all with you!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2015-10-26 she danced in New York City