New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2015-11-09 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Post #1066 - Monday 9th November 2015: She Danced in New York City!

Hello my darling readers!

How are you all doing? I'm back in New York City after another whirlwind weekend of ballet, shopping, and a lot of dancing, and oh my, I am so excited to tell you all about it. I was literally leaping with joy to get home to my little corner of Brooklyn and type it all up for you.

It's a little bit of a mad dash from my last performance in Ohio (it was in the lovely town of Toledo - you should definitely go if you have a chance! I can recommend the pizza at Tony Packo's!) to make it back for a very important ballet date - the New York City Ballet performance of Giselle. I had a fabulous time seeing it and was lucky enough to score a prime seat just to the side of the stage! (Did I tell you that I was absolutely mesmerised by the new "Giselle"? She was quite simply exquisite and I hope she gets more work in the big apple.) I was a bit disappointed in the other roles; a little flat, actually, but maybe I've been spoilt with the fantastic talent that's been gracing the stages recently - it was hard to watch, after Ohio's amazing "Coppelia".

Speaking of amazing, my Ohio tour went beautifully - I got to dance in three completely different tutus - my lilac Romanova, a dreamy lavender and dusky pink Etoile and a new design I've been trying out, my Sunset Rose - all my lovely readers went wild for this one; a delicate pink, graduating to red with shimmering metallic sequins around the hem, a little bit cheeky but totally gorgeous, so thank you all for the compliments - I am thinking of offering this new one for pre-orders for next summer! You will find a sneak preview on today - don't forget to leave your feedback in the comments section! (You will find my links at the bottom of the post!)

Now, I can't leave New York without shopping - I had some serious plans this trip. Let me tell you all about it...

My top stop? Bloomingdales - naturally. That magical pink palace never fails to deliver. I went a bit wild (again!), trying on clothes until my credit card nearly went on strike. But I couldn’t resist a fab new pink velvet jacket for when I'm back in Derbyshire. My other must buy? An amazing pair of patent red ballet shoes - totally sassy for my New York appearances. My go-to shop in New York has to be the flagship Macy's - if it's not there, you don't need it! My new favourite vintage store is Housing Works, it's in the meatpacking district - don't worry it doesn’t smell - it’s just a really great area for exploring and it has everything! So, my fashion fans, you should really take a look at some of the goodies I got there in my "Fashion Faves" post later this week! I also managed to visit Chelsea Market - again! It is always bustling with some great fashion outlets and is a must-visit for finding the next big thing, in terms of fashion and especially for unique tutus, which I will share in my new "Vintage & Quirky" section - watch out for that coming later this week!

Let's get back to ballet!

It has been a hectic month for my performances; I was up at the Ohio Performing Arts Academy teaching a weekend masterclass for the ballet dancers at the start of the month. They were amazing and really up for mastering my unique ballet routines! That was followed up by three consecutive nights of "Coppelia" and some more exciting classes in Toledo, Ohio. If you follow me on Instagram (find me @PinkTutuBlogger - please don't forget to send me your request!) you’ll see that I posted some great shots of me performing to my famous “Pink Sunset Rose” tutu - let me know what you think. (The lights picked up the red, silver sequins and, well, I looked simply spectacular! humble )

Did I tell you that I actually met the choreographer? I didn’t go crazy… only slightly fangirl-ed! Let's just say, that meeting was an incredible inspiration and, well, my New York performances took a new spin! This brings me onto a little pink secret ...I'm working on something totally fabulous - watch out for it! * wink *

I will post about that next week when I've got everything just right… maybe pink lipstick with a little bit of sparkle will be making an appearance! giggles

If you haven't tried my new ballet stretch regime - you should, especially after a week like this - my limbs needed it and trust me, your’s will too. I will put some of my favourite routines in my “Stretch and Glow” section at the end of the week, and we will make it our own, ok? It is perfect for those times when you need a little help with that tricky pas de bourree! It really is amazing - it gets you toned and supple, as they say!

I had a blast. Now, how about some yummy things to eat in my NYC Finds for this week - we are going gourmet. I’ve been doing a lot of research and here is my go-to list this week, to make sure that you get your culinary "Fix". Remember, it's not about the quantity, it's about the quality of what you consume. It is good for your health and good for your figure - that's my philosophy!

NYC Finds - Pink Tutu Loves...

Here's what's hot in New York:

The Little Beet So much to chose from and I love their fresh ingredients! Great for grazing too if you like. (It’s the healthy, guilt-free food I love and I even managed to find some delicious pink beet salads). I think you will *love it as much as I do - I found some delicious pink beet salad choices in particular and the juices are heavenly.

Shake Shack The cheapest gourmet burgers, amazing fries ( try their spicy ones if you dare!) and custard* (my favourite!), with a selection of *dairy-free and **gluten-free alternatives (amazing!).

**Sweet Surrender**

There is an abundance of tempting desserts at Sweet Surrender in the Meatpacking District. They have something for every sweet tooth including pink* macarons. * drools *

Butcher’s Daughter I went for brunch here last weekend - oh heavenly!! I highly recommend their pink* avocado toast - you just must have it - absolutely perfect and the place has a great atmosphere. There’s also an incredible vegetarian menu. You’ll love it (my favourite veggie cafe is in Greenwich Village - so much good food in the big apple!.)

Ok - it’s almost midnight, I better get my rest, I have an exciting new performance booked at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, * oh, *and a private dance *for a super exclusive client (can’t tell you *who - super secret!). *giggles. It's going to be a really exciting month. (Do check back later in the week - more about that soon!) So until next week, darling readers. Remember, always stretch, always be kind and always wear a pink tutu - or something similar - if you can. pink heart emoji.

Catch you next week. x x x

Pink Tutu heart

Pink Tutu Links
Instagram - @PinkTutuBlogger Twitter @PinkTutuBlog

I hope this meets your needs. This post is now well over 2800 words, so you can choose which bits you want to keep, add or subtract! I really enjoyed writing it! Let me know if you need anything else!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2015-11-09 she danced in New York City