New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2016-02-22 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC #1081: A Ballet-tastic Big Apple Adventure!

Hello darlings! It's Emma, back from a whirlwind week in the Big Apple! Just as a little bird told me, NYC is truly the most magical place for a ballerina like me - full of swirling twirls, dazzling lights, and of course, the most spectacular ballet performances this side of the Atlantic!

This week's post is a little bit special, because I'm bursting with all the fun things I got to see and do, so settle in with a cuppa, put on your favourite pair of pink ballet shoes, and let me whisk you away to my latest Pink Tutu adventure...

From Derbyshire to the Big Apple

It feels like just yesterday I was waltzing around the Peak District, with its rolling hills and quaint villages. I have to say, while I love my home county, there's just something electrifying about arriving in New York. The city itself is like a magnificent, glittering stage set, where you just know something amazing is about to happen.

Of course, my arrival wouldn't be complete without a little pink tutu magic. I stepped off the plane in a dazzlingly pink, layered tutu, which twirled beautifully in the air as I caught the subway downtown. You know, I think I may have attracted quite a few curious glances - perhaps they were just envious of my impeccable taste!

Stepping into the Spotlight

First stop on my New York schedule? The American Ballet Theatre, where I'm absolutely thrilled to have secured a part in their production of The Nutcracker. You simply can't imagine the grandeur of this iconic theater - its grand history and stunning architecture simply take your breath away! I know, I know, you're probably thinking "Emma, a ballerina in The Nutcracker? Oh how delightful!" But I swear, even amongst the best in the business, I can definitely hold my own. After all, the joy of dancing is universal, and with my pink tutu and unwavering passion for the art, who's to say I won't be dancing centre stage in no time!

Speaking of stages, I spent the evening last night at the Metropolitan Opera House. I was particularly delighted by a stunning performance of Puccini’s La Bohème, with the music so powerful it almost made me cry. Seeing these exceptional performers really inspires me to work harder and aim even higher. And what's a trip to the opera without a little pink tutu, you ask? Well, I certainly wasn't about to let the fashion police stop me from embracing my signature style! So, you can be sure, I stood out in the crowd with my most elaborate tutu, making everyone around me a little bit more fabulous.

The City That Never Sleeps (And Shops)

Of course, what's a trip to New York without a spot of retail therapy? From Fifth Avenue to Soho, I indulged in some of the finest shopping experiences the city has to offer! My trip wasn't complete without picking up some stylish outfits to bring my wardrobe up-to-date, and I managed to pick up some darling new ballet shoes - a must-have for any serious ballerina! A sparkly pair in pink, naturally, as I could never possibly stray from my colour of choice. You'll be seeing them in many a photo on the blog in the coming weeks!

One of my favourite discoveries was a delightful little boutique on Bleecker Street. It's full of handmade tutus and adorable, feminine fashion. Now, I have to admit, I did have a moment of slight regret as my bank account protested with a resounding "ouch!". However, how can one possibly resist when they stumble across a one-of-a-kind, pink sequin tutu with a whimsical touch of feathers? You see, my darlings, it wasn't a purchase. It was an investment. A piece of fashion history for a discerning ballerina with a passion for pink.

Ballet on the Streets

While ballet and fashion are two of my great passions, my travels weren't just about performance and shopping! I absolutely adored strolling through Central Park. I mean, it was the most incredible park, full of trees, swans, and of course, loads of New Yorkers. There's simply no other place where you can feel like a princess wandering through an enchanted forest, but still find a conveniently placed Starbucks. Now, that's what I call magic! But for a proper ballet enthusiast like me, it wasn't just the setting that stole my heart. There's a vibrancy and creativity in this city that seeps into everything, even its streets. One morning, I saw this incredible group of dancers rehearsing outside the Metropolitan Opera House. Now, they might not be performing on the grand stage, but they were just as talented and just as passionate as any professional ballerina I'd seen. And you know what? It made me want to twirl, leap, and jump right into their rehearsal. I even grabbed a pair of those slightly-too-long neon pink tights you find at street fairs and started pirouetting myself.

Oh, did I mention I also had a most wonderful lunch at Serendipity 3? Their ice-cream sundaes are absolutely heavenly, especially when enjoyed with a generous side of pink sprinkles. I simply cannot resist the charm of pink. From ballet costumes and high-fashion gowns to adorable vintage purses and delicate flower bouquets - pink simply adds a touch of elegance and whimsy to everything I wear!

It's Not Always Perfect

I won't lie, even in this glamorous metropolis, my trip wasn't without its hiccups. The subway system, while very efficient, did get a little overwhelming on one particular afternoon. The fact that the underground network here isn't as grand or elaborate as the London Underground really did shock me, so to be perfectly honest, I even missed a stop! I guess even a seasoned ballerina needs her tour guide.

However, you know, every adventure has its little setbacks, and in the end, it just made for a more memorable and quirky story. But hey, we all have our bad hair days - it's the times we choose to let loose, twirl in a pink tutu, and laugh at ourselves that make life truly worthwhile.

Finding the Magic in Everything

My time in New York was simply dazzling, full of enchanting ballet performances, vibrant street culture, and plenty of opportunity to indulge in my passion for fashion! Every single corner of this city seems to radiate creativity and a love for the finer things. But for me, the most remarkable thing about this trip wasn't the expensive boutiques, or the glittering theatres, it was the magic I found in the everyday. From a little girl twirling in a pink tutu in Central Park to a street performer breaking into a joyous pas de deux, this city has shown me that beauty and artistry can be found everywhere.

Of course, no Pink Tutu blog would be complete without encouraging everyone to embrace their inner ballerina. No matter where you are in the world, take a moment to dance. Find joy in the simple act of twirling, and most importantly, let the pink tutu magic wash over you!

So, my darlings, what did you do this week? Tell me about your own ballet-tastic adventures. I love hearing your stories! And for now, I'll be back next Monday with another magical installment of Pink Tutu Blog NYC. Don't forget to stay twirling and glamorous!



#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2016-02-22 she danced in New York City