New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2016-03-07 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: NYC Monday 2016-03-07 - Dancing in the City That Never Sleeps!

Post number 1083

Hello, darlings! It's Monday, and you know what that means? A brand new week, a brand new adventure, and of course, another fabulous Pink Tutu Blog post!

Today I'm whisking you away to the Big Apple, the city that never sleeps, the heart of fashion, the haven of the performing arts – New York City!

This past week has been an absolute whirlwind of excitement. The city just hums with energy, and as a tutu-clad ballerina who lives and breathes creativity, I feel right at home here.

A Trip to Broadway and Back

My week kicked off with a trip to the theatre. It's hard to resist the lure of Broadway, isn't it? This time around, I was captivated by "An American in Paris." Such a stunning performance! The dancing, the music, the sheer elegance – it was just a beautiful escape into another world. It's amazing to me how theatre can transport you like that. Of course, my outfit had to be extra special for this occasion! A lovely hot pink tutu, naturally, paired with a shimmering silver blouse and my signature glitter heels. A splash of pink in the theatre seats was definitely what the doctor ordered!

Dance Class with a Twist

I wasn't content with just watching dancing, though. No, I had to get my own creative juices flowing. So, I signed up for a beginner's hip-hop class. Yes, I know what you're thinking: hip-hop and ballet? Doesn't quite seem to fit together, does it? But trust me, this class was pure magic. The instructor was incredibly passionate and, as the only one in a tutu, I felt like a complete star!

Shopping Spree for the Soul

No trip to New York would be complete without a shopping spree, and believe me, I did not disappoint! From the chic boutiques of Fifth Avenue to the vintage finds on Canal Street, I absolutely embraced the city's fashion energy. My wardrobe has never been happier. I snagged the most amazing sequined top in a stunning shade of pink - you know I'm always on the lookout for those perfect pastel shades! – and some fabulous leather boots.

Riding the Subway in Style

Getting around this magnificent metropolis involves a lot of subway rides. The sheer scale of the New York City subway system never fails to impress me. Imagine, underground networks that snake their way through one of the busiest cities in the world! And, of course, I made sure my pink tutu added a touch of whimsy to every single commute! Believe me, it brightened up the faces of countless New Yorkers, even those who aren't quite so fond of pink tutus!

The Empire State Building: A Dance with the Skyline

No trip to New York is complete without visiting the iconic Empire State Building. And the view? Simply breathtaking! The sprawling cityscape felt like a perfect stage for a ballet. It was magical! I just imagined a ballerina gracefully twirling atop the building, her tutu flowing in the wind, as the city lights sparkled beneath her feet. I can't wait to share some snaps from that unforgettable experience!

Food for the Soul

Of course, no visit to the city is complete without savouring some of its iconic treats. From the fluffy, melt-in-your-mouth donuts of the Doughnut Plant to the legendary cheesecake at Junior’s, I indulged in the most scrumptious treats. (Don’t worry, I always find room for the essentials: my fruit and veggie snacks. Staying healthy is key! )

Living Life in Pink

New York City has a way of leaving its mark on you. It's fast-paced, it's vibrant, it's full of dreams. And above all, it embraces colour and individuality, and for a ballerina like me who finds a touch of magic in every shade of pink, there is truly no place like it.

Until next time, darlings! Don't forget to follow my Pink Tutu journey at

Yours in twirls and pink,


P.S Want to know what happened on this very day in history? March 7, 2016, was a significant day for both music and pop culture. The British boyband One Direction released their fifth studio album, "Made in the A.M.". And did you know that Neil Young joined the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame on that same day? Talk about musical milestones!

Don’t forget to leave me a comment and tell me all about your adventures in life – big or small, near or far!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2016-03-07 she danced in New York City