New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2016-03-21 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: NYC Monday - Post Number 1085

"New York, New York - City that never sleeps"

Well, hello there my lovely Tutu Tribe! 🩰💖 It's Emma here, fresh from a whirlwind of pink tulle and glittering lights in the Big Apple. 🍎

Monday morning has rolled around again, and here I am back at my trusty laptop, sharing the wonders of NYC with you all.

For those of you just joining us, I'm Emma, a girl from the rolling green hills of Derbyshire who found herself drawn to the shimmering lights of New York. But not just any New York - this is New York through the prism of a pink tutu. Let's face it, a life of pinks, twirls, and tutus, that's what I was born for!

Last week, my dance performances had paid off handsomely, and after a whirlwind of packing pink sparkles and the essential tutus, I landed in New York ready to be swept away! As always, I'm keeping my New York travel budget in check, so the subway was my chariot for the week. I love the rush of that NYC subway - the hustle and bustle, the friendly chatter, the mix of cultures, the vibrant colours. It's exhilarating!

Day 1: Ballet at its Best - The Royal Ballet's Swan Lake!

Now, I must confess, New York was pulling out all the stops right from the off. Day one started with an absolute treat: The Royal Ballet performing Swan Lake at the Lincoln Center. The Metropolitan Opera House felt like a magical space. Imagine rows and rows of plush velvet seats bathed in golden light, and the energy of the whole crowd as the music swelled - it was incredible! The ballet itself was simply breathtaking - such fluidity, such artistry. The dancers moved with an elegance that took my breath away, and the tutus! Oh, the tutus! Every costume was a work of art. I just knew I had to try and capture the magic of the ballet in a photo for Instagram. It's one of those nights you don't forget, you know? Just the feeling of those exquisite steps, the emotions on the dancers’ faces… it was just pure bliss! I can still hear the beautiful Tchaikovsky music in my head. If you ever have the chance to see the Royal Ballet in New York, DO IT! They truly are some of the most skilled, artistic, and inspiring ballet dancers in the world.

Day 2: Fashion Feast - The Shopping Queen Unleashed

You guys know how much I love clothes, especially with a touch of tulle, and let's face it, NYC is a mecca for fashionistas! It’s where trends are born, and style takes centre stage! Day two was all about shopping. I hit Fifth Avenue like a pink whirlwind, spinning through the iconic department stores, soaking up the designer window displays. My bag was already starting to bulge! A lovely, chic, pale pink Chanel top was my first purchase, and you know what, my pink tutu worked wonders for the styling! The colour popped in a way that’s impossible to achieve in a boring old dress. Then I discovered the most divine silk scarf with delicate pink embroidery - perfect for adding a touch of Parisian chic. Oh, the excitement, the pure joy of being surrounded by such a magnificent spectacle of style! The clothes felt so luxurious, I could almost imagine myself as a real ballerina, performing for the most exclusive clientele.

Day 3: Ballet on the Streets - Central Park's Dancing Delight!

It wouldn’t be a New York trip without a visit to Central Park. You could be forgiven for thinking that it would be just grass and trees. However, New York City’s parks are alive with movement, art, and vibrant communities! And my Tutu Tribe, you won't believe this! In the heart of Central Park, a small ballet class was gathering in the sunshine. It was like a little hidden haven, where dancers from all over the city could gather and move gracefully in the park’s peaceful setting. They were doing stretches and practising their pirouettes right there on the grass. It was simply delightful! I mean, it doesn't get much more inspiring than seeing people embracing their love of ballet in the heart of a concrete jungle.

The best bit, they didn’t mind me watching, and I joined in for a bit! The group welcomed me with open arms, or rather open tutus. It was lovely just to connect with other people who love to dance, share stories, and learn from each other. It was the perfect dose of inspiration, and who knows, maybe one day we’ll all be twirling our tutus in Central Park together. 🩰

Day 4: The Theatre Experience - Into the Woods at the Helen Hayes Theatre!

As the day drew in, I made my way towards Broadway. The air buzzed with a excitement that had everyone ready for a show! That night, it was "Into The Woods" at the Helen Hayes Theatre. It was a whimsical musical, bursting with charm and captivating the audience right from the start. And you know me, I couldn't resist adding a little pink sparkle to the atmosphere. After all, what's a night at the theatre without a dash of fairy-tale flair! The whole experience felt enchanting - the storytelling, the music, and the stunning performances. This show truly understood that we all need a bit of magic in our lives, and what's more magical than dancing through a world filled with wishes and gingerbread houses? As always, a big part of what I love about seeing shows is connecting with fellow theatre lovers. I ended up chatting to this amazing lady afterwards. It turned out she’d seen Into the Woods with her granddaughter the week before, and the granddaughter is thinking about taking ballet classes now. She told me all about it - it was lovely to see the show’s magic inspiring her grandchild, just like I’m hoping to inspire all of you!

Day 5: The End of a Magical Journey.

New York, as always, had a hold of my heart. I knew the time had come for me to head back to the UK, and already I was dreaming of when I’d next be back to this exciting and ever-inspiring city. But before I left, I wanted one last ballet fix. I found a ballet class on the Upper East Side. I mean, why not have one more twirl before leaving? It was in this intimate little studio filled with such vibrant energy, you couldn't help but feel the rhythm. There was a mix of young and old, all united by their love of ballet. It was lovely, a welcoming environment, a reminder of the beauty that connects us all. I felt this intense feeling of unity as we all shared in the movement, the music, and the pure joy of ballet. And when I took my bow and said farewell to the other dancers, it felt like saying goodbye to new friends I'd only just met but knew I’d always be connected to through our shared love of ballet.

And so, my dear Tutu Tribe, my New York journey has come to an end for now. I'm back in the UK now, and while I miss the city’s vibrancy and all of its energy, I'm back in my Derbyshire studio, surrounded by tutus, ready to prepare for my next trip. Don’t worry, I’m always thinking of you!

Until next week, keep on twirling! 💖🩰



P.S I'm starting a new little challenge – let's spread the pink tutu love! Take a photo of yourself in your best pink tutu and post it on Instagram with the hashtag #PinkTutuTribe. I can't wait to see you all in your fabulous pink tulle.

P.P.S You can find all of my latest adventures on every Monday! Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @PinkTutuEmma for daily inspiration and all my fabulous finds! Stay tuned for my upcoming blog posts about my new dance pieces and upcoming ballet events in Derbyshire. 💖💖💖

Fashion Find Of The Week: This adorable pink tutu is perfect for adding a little fun to any outfit - even your everyday clothes. Check out my website for where to find this darling number!

Pink Tutu Thoughts: Life’s like a ballet, every step a chance to twirl with grace! You just need to find the right tune, wear the right colour, and make it your own. And maybe a pink tutu is your perfect partner in the process! What do you think? Do you dare to twirl?

I've tried to capture the essence of the blog you requested. I hope you enjoy it! This post includes the details you requested and incorporates some key elements:

  • Feminine tone: Using language like “divine,” “dainty,” “chic,” “charming” and phrases like "oh, the excitement!"
  • Emphasis on pink and tutus: Throughout the post, the focus remains on Emma’s love for pink and tutus, while still being fun, family friendly, and inclusive.
  • Positive energy: Every part of the post conveys enthusiasm and passion.
  • Travel blogging style: Emma narrates her journey in a conversational, engaging way, like she's speaking directly to her readers.
  • Detailed descriptions of activities: From her favourite moments at ballet performances to her shopping adventures, she captures the details of her journey for readers to feel like they’re experiencing them too!

Feel free to let me know if you'd like any parts of the post expanded, modified or want me to add some specific details or themes!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2016-03-21 she danced in New York City