New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2016-10-10 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: #1114 - Dancing Dreams in the Big Apple

Hello my darling Tutu-lovers! It’s Monday, the 10th of October, and I’m back with a brand new blog post from the magical city of New York. Can you believe it's already October? Autumn has descended, and with it a crisp chill in the air and the promise of pumpkin spiced lattes everywhere! But even as the leaves turn vibrant shades of red and gold, the city's energy remains effervescent, and so do I!

I know you're all wondering what adventures I’ve been up to this week. Well, this weekend, darling, this weekend, I danced my heart out in New York! Not on the streets, though that wouldn't be so terribly surprising from this little Pink Tutu-wearing wanderer, but rather on stage in a truly breathtaking performance at the Metropolitan Opera House.

But before I get to all the thrilling details, I have to tell you about the fashion!

A Symphony of Style

New York City, of course, is a haven for fashionistas. The moment I stepped out of the station, I was in sensory overload - towering stilettos, designer handbags, and enough leather jackets to keep a herd of sheep warm. But you know me, my love for fashion goes beyond the mainstream. For me, it's all about making a statement, and that, my dears, means wearing a pink tutu!

Now, a pink tutu in the concrete jungle of Manhattan may seem like a wild sartorial choice, but it's about embracing your individuality. You can find me gracefully hopping around in it as I stroll through Central Park or hailing a cab in my trusty, sunshine yellow taxi hat, always radiating joy and adding a touch of whimsy to the city that never sleeps.

However, for this particular weekend, I had to ramp things up a bit. This time, I wasn't just dancing in my tutu for the joy of it, I was performing in a full-scale production! And what's more, this production was none other than Tchaikovsky's “Swan Lake,” performed at the Metropolitan Opera House! The pressure was on, but I knew just how to handle it - I chose a fuchsia-toned tulle masterpiece that shimmered with every twirl, paired with a classic white ballet top adorned with iridescent rhinestones.

Yes, darling, a pink tutu with rhinestones.

A Whirlwind Week

It’s a whirlwind of a life, this ballet world in New York! Between rehearsals, classes, and the thrill of performances, the week just flies by! And wouldn't you know it, right in the midst of my ballet craze, the famed Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade announced its lineup, and guess who will be part of the extravaganza? You guessed it, the Pink Tutu blogger, twirling and dazzling under the dazzling lights, bringing joy to every face in the parade. It's an honour!

I started this week with my regular classes at the renowned Steps on Broadway dance studio. The energy there is just phenomenal. Every dancer, whether seasoned professional or eager beginner, brings their passion and determination to every class. You just feel a tangible spark in the air, a dedication to the art of dance that’s truly infectious. This week we've been working on our fouettes and leaps, adding that extra flair and grace to our movements, all the while ensuring we’re perfectly balanced on those delicate, en pointe shoes.

After all, there's a real art to performing en pointe! For the uninitiated, let me explain. It's not just about walking on your toes. It's about strength, flexibility, and impeccable balance – the perfect storm of technique and grace. Every time I take that step on pointe, I feel the energy flowing through me, channeling the strength of every ballerina before me, and for a few fleeting moments, I'm not just dancing, I'm flying.

But the best part of the week, hands down, was the Swan Lake performance at the Metropolitan Opera House! Oh, the anticipation! I was dancing in the ensemble cast, which meant spending the week before the performance polishing our choreography, our costumes, and our 'swan'-like elegance! You might be surprised to learn that we trained extensively to get the ‘swan’ movement just right, stretching our necks like long graceful swan necks and adding an extra bend to our elbows to mimic the graceful wingspan of these lovely creatures.

The feeling of taking the stage at the Metropolitan Opera House was electric! We stepped out from behind the velvet curtain, the lights shone down on us, and the entire auditorium came alive with an anticipatory buzz. Then the orchestra started, the beautiful haunting melodies of the swan’s tale unfolded, and we all floated across the stage, our tutus flowing in a breathtaking ballet that I’ll never forget.

But, for all the pomp and glamour of the professional dance world, the most heartwarming moments always come from the little things. You know, the impromptu moments of shared laughter between fellow dancers, the words of encouragement whispered by our ballet teacher, and the genuine passion and dedication that we all bring to this beautiful art form.

Of course, after the performance, it was time for a bit of self-indulgence! And who could resist indulging in the best food the city has to offer? A sumptuous steak at Peter Luger Steak House - what a feast! With delicious cocktails, perfectly grilled steaks, and the city lights twinkling beyond the windows, it truly felt like an extraordinary evening.

And as a treat for my fashion-loving soul, I embarked on a spree in Bloomingdale's! You know I love my Pink Tutus and beautiful attire, and that gorgeous Fifth Avenue flagship never disappoints. I found a new set of ballet flats (naturally pink!), some stylish black and white pieces, and a gorgeous fuchsia scarf that I knew would compliment my latest Pink Tutu designs. Every item is perfectly chic, perfectly Emma, and oh, so Pink Tutu-fabulous.

Speaking of my tutu designs, have I told you about my upcoming project? You know I have an ambition, an unyielding dream to encourage every single one of you to embrace your inner Pink Tutu! So, I'm busy working on a new collection that will be as diverse and vibrant as my life, and as inspiring as my passion for ballet! You'll find playful colours, flirty designs, and oh, so much pink. Stay tuned, darlings, because you’re in for a treat.

And you know what, as much as I adore New York, nothing beats home. The rolling hills of Derbyshire, my childhood home, have a special place in my heart. Even amidst the energy and magic of New York City, I’ll always feel drawn back to the countryside, to the comforting peace and gentle breezes of my Derbyshire roots.

So, until next week, darlings, remember to keep on dancing, to embrace your own unique style, and never, ever lose that touch of magic. And for goodness' sake, find a reason to wear pink!

Love always,

Emma x


Don’t forget to check out to keep up-to-date on all things pink and sparkly!

I'm also sharing a sneak peek at what's to come on my Instagram (@PinkTutuEmma) and on my TikTok (@PinkTutuAdventures) with exciting behind-the-scenes looks, fashion tips, and some sweet ballet fun. You’ll also find my ballet dance diary there, with my reflections and ramblings, so hop on and let's share a journey to becoming Pink Tutu Princesses!

Remember, the world needs more pink tutus!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2016-10-10 she danced in New York City