New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2017-11-06 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC #1170: Tutu-ing Around the Big Apple! 🍎🩰

Hey my lovely lot, it's Emma here, back from another whirlwind weekend in the city that never sleeps! This week's adventure? New York City, of course! I just love this city, it’s buzzing, there’s always something to do and the fashion scene is just incredible! I landed on Friday, a little weary after my 7-hour flight, but ready to hit the ground running, or shall I say, pirouette-ing? 😉

You guys know how much I adore travelling, and exploring new cities, especially when I get to dress the part! I love to think that my pink tutu might be just the thing to brighten up the subway ride! It always gets me smiles and thumbs-ups! Did I tell you, I’m making it my mission to get everyone wearing a pink tutu?! It’s not quite as widespread as I'd like yet, but one pink tutu at a time!

Anyway, let’s talk New York! My weekend kicked off in true Emma-style – with a little retail therapy! My favourite shopping district in the city? You know, gotta be the heart of Fifth Avenue! All the major fashion houses, it’s just heaven. Of course, I always try to snag some lovely ballet wear wherever I go. But you’ll see I snagged a gorgeous pink blouse that, well, I had to wear for my weekend explorations, you guys! Let me tell you, it was a hit in New York! So many compliments, all saying “It’s very you!”. So happy!

After a spot of afternoon tea, all dainty finger sandwiches and sweet treats (which, you know, is kind of a given in the land of New York, darling!) it was time to catch the ballet! The American Ballet Theatre’s programme was something else. I just love those classic ballets, so full of grace and beauty, just right up my street! I could tell some people in the audience were a little unsure of me with my tutu on at first – there I was, front and centre, taking it all in, with the New York glitterati, in my lovely tutu – but when the lights came up they gave me the warmest smiles!

This weekend’s performance? Swan Lake, of course! I simply adored the ballerina in the white costume – it just blew me away! I can see why everyone’s gone mad for it over the centuries. It was truly an inspiring performance! The stage was beautiful and it reminded me how much I love to dance. Sometimes I’m just drawn to the music, other times it’s about the costumes, but ultimately, it's that pure movement of the human body that I fall in love with every single time I see a live performance!

Talking of movement, how’s my fellow dance aficionados’ workouts looking this week? I've got barre class at the local ballet school on Tuesday – it's getting me in peak form, in between travelling. It keeps me super flexible and strong for when I'm performing. You’d be surprised how tiring it can be dancing a few nights a week, it's a real workout, plus I get to mingle with like-minded souls, always fun!

Anyway, Monday night means a few extra steps back in my flat. I am off on an exciting trip back home to Derbyshire soon for a very special performance, one I’ve been preparing for for months, can you imagine? I’ve put in hours of rehearsals and will let you know all about that next week! The show is for the opening of a local community centre, and a fundraiser for a new dance studio, how fantastic! I can’t wait to show everyone what I’ve been working on.

And hey, while you are on the site, if you haven't signed up to the mailing list, do it now. I give away free tickets for shows to all the subscribers every month. That's right - free tickets, like for my performance next week. 😉 Who wouldn't love to see me grace the stage in my pink tutu? There’s no such thing as too much pink, let's face it.

So what’s coming up for the rest of this week? A quick pit-stop back in my little Derbyshire cottage and lots of rehearsing. Then it's off to Birmingham, where my aunt's opening her first boutique. It's exciting times, and I simply couldn’t miss the opening for anything in the world. Can't wait to show you photos on here, and some serious shoplifting, ahem I mean, shopping! 😜

Don’t forget to tune in next week for my post about all the Birmingham fashion and some very special treats I had over the weekend. Let me know in the comments if you are a fan of the English Midlands and have any must-see spots, I’m all ears! You can always reach me by email if you want to be a little more private, the email address is at the end of the post.

And while I'm on the subject of email - why not send me photos of your own pink tutu moments? Let's spread the joy, and the pink! Don't forget, we’re in this together. 🩰💖

Til next week,


P.S. Follow me on Instagram for some more pics and reels - username is on my website! 💖

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2017-11-06 she danced in New York City