New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2017-11-20 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: NYC Edition #1172 – Spinning into the City that Never Sleeps! 🩰💖

Hello lovelies! It’s Emma, your resident pink tutu enthusiast, back from the Big Apple – a city so dazzling, it deserves a special tutu twirl of its own! Just as the vibrant leaves are saying goodbye to the city, I'm here to bring you a kaleidoscope of colour and city-life stories from my latest adventure! 🗽

This week, I'm trading Derbyshire’s quaint charm for the electric pulse of New York. This incredible metropolis, where every corner is bursting with energy, welcomed me with open arms (and a flurry of taxis!), and I’m determined to dance my way through every fabulous experience. This city inspires me in ways I can’t even describe - it's like the entire universe is swirling together to create a stunning work of art, and I'm lucky enough to be a part of it!

But before we delve into the delicious details, a quick reminder that this is your weekly dose of Pink Tutu love! My blog,, is dedicated to spreading the joy and whimsy of tutus, ballet, and a healthy dose of pink. So if you're seeking a delightful escape, a place where ballet pirouettes seamlessly with city walks and sparkly shoes, you've come to the right place. Let’s twirl together, darlings!

Taking to the Subway – A Tutu's Urban Adventures!

Forget the fancy taxi rides - the real charm of this city lies underground. New York's Metro, with its iconic yellow lines and the rush-hour hum, is an experience in itself! Imagine, if you will, my pink tutu bouncing between steel walls, navigating throngs of people on their daily commute – a bit like a mischievous ballet solo through the city's veins. Every station offers its own unique blend of humanity, a bustling backdrop for a mini tutu-tastic performance. I even managed to snap a few snaps (watch this space!) – the contrast is simply divine! 💖

Fashion Fables - Fifth Avenue Fantasies

And oh, the shopping! Fifth Avenue is a wonderland for a tutu enthusiast like me. Walking past Bergdorf Goodman and Tiffany’s, you could practically feel the fashion history tingling in the air. I felt like a character from one of those old black-and-white films, twirling through a scene straight out of a movie. I can’t resist a touch of vintage style, especially when it comes to my tutus - just a touch of retro charm can really elevate any look! I did pick up a delightful little pearl necklace - it even caught the eye of a friendly lady, who then told me it was from her first trip to New York, decades ago! Imagine the stories it could tell! And what's even more incredible? She thought my tutu was "lovely!" You can't beat the thrill of a simple "lovely" in New York - it makes the heart soar!

From Broadway to Ballet - Dance Dreams Unleashed!

This week’s performance is at the famed Lincoln Center, home to the New York City Ballet. The iconic stage feels almost alive with its history of dancing feet. There’s a palpable energy that whispers to you, reminding you of the sheer artistry that’s poured into this space. The show tonight is “The Nutcracker” – pure magical enchantment from beginning to end. There’s nothing quite like watching skilled dancers bring to life a classic tale with their breathtaking movements. I love ballet shows that evoke childhood wonder. This is the perfect ballet to bring to life the wonder of the holiday season - especially when dressed in a sparkly pink tutu! 💖

Discovering Little Gems – Off-the-Beaten-Path Treasures

New York isn't all glitz and glamour, darling. Some of the best moments are hidden in plain sight, tucked away in charming neighbourhoods. On a sunny afternoon, I found myself strolling through Washington Square Park – a bustling haven of music, laughter, and art. People-watching here is an art form in itself. There's something about seeing ordinary life unfolding through the vibrant chaos that truly resonates with my artistic soul. 🎨

One evening, I was drawn to a little jazz club in Greenwich Village - a vintage, cosy haven filled with melodies. I love the way music creates such a powerful sense of unity and shared experiences, whether you’re enjoying the rhythmic beat or soaking up the gentle notes. It's a true treat to find little pockets of wonder within a city this dynamic, reminding you that there’s a soul beneath the whirlwind.

The Heart of New York – The Rhythm of Everyday Life

What makes this city so captivating? It's the sheer diversity of experiences - from the soaring skyscrapers that kiss the clouds to the vibrant, street-corner markets where you can find everything from handmade trinkets to juicy fruits. 🍎 The people, with their endless stories, anxieties, dreams, and desires, add a layer of depth to the urban canvas. I find myself lost in the sheer energy, constantly mesmerized by the way individuals weave together to form a vibrant tapestry. And who could resist a street-corner vendor's warm smile and welcoming chatter - it's these little interactions that remind me how we’re all part of the human mosaic.

Don’t Forget The Pink – My Tutu Legacy!

Whether I’m gracefully (or, let's be honest, slightly clumsily!) maneuvering through the crowds on the metro, twirling my way past shoppers on Fifth Avenue, or enjoying a balletic moment on Broadway, the pink tutu is my constant companion. You could say it's my little reminder of Derbyshire - the touch of whimsy that brings me back to myself amidst the dizzying pace of New York. Every time I'm on a public transport or in a park, I catch glimpses of curious smiles or the genuine amusement in someone's eyes when they catch a peek of my twirling pink. It makes me happy to know that I can inject a little joy into someone's day. And in return, they help me feel less like a Derbyshire girl lost in the metropolis and more like a ballerina in my own right - a girl who has found her rhythm amongst the concrete jungle. 🏙️💖

More Than Just A Tutu – A Pink Revolution!

Let's be honest - this blog isn't just about tutus, darlings. It's about celebrating joy, embracing colour, and spreading a bit of whimsy to the world. I believe in embracing every little chance to express yourself, to celebrate the beauty of the unexpected. Just like my tutu stands out from the city's grayscale background, I encourage you to find ways to stand out, to be a ray of vibrant color in your own way! This world needs more laughter, more joy, and yes, maybe even a few more pink tutus, just to brighten things up!

Looking forward! The Best is Yet to Come…

New York, darling, you’ve already captured a piece of my heart! And I can't wait for what's to come. There are museums to explore, plays to be enchanted by, and hidden cafes that I’m yet to stumble upon! This city's charm never seems to run dry, offering new adventures with each turn. And I, for one, am eager to twirl my way into every exhilarating moment. But for now, I'm off to discover the vibrant dance of New York's sunset – another chance for a ballerina to feel at home amongst the lights! 🌇

Until next Monday, darlings. Let's twirl!

Lots of love,

Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2017-11-20 she danced in New York City