New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2018-02-12 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: NYC Edition – Post #1184 🩰🗽💖

Monday, 12th February 2018

Hello darlings!

Well, I made it! I'm in New York City, and it's fabulous! The lights, the energy, the buzz… it's electric!

I was a bit apprehensive about coming to NYC, it seemed a bit… big… you know? But it’s actually such a welcoming and vibrant city. Everyone I've met has been so friendly and helpful, which is lovely! I feel very at home already.

And what better way to start my NYC adventure than with a little tutu twirling in Times Square? Yes, you read that right. Right there in the heart of the city, with all the bright lights and busy traffic, I went full-on Pink Tutu Princess with my most sparkly and fabulous pink tutu!

Let me tell you, heads turned. It felt magical. It's all about embracing the moment, and having a bit of fun, don't you think? 😉

My little journey to the big apple began with a late night flight from England, and I was actually quite nervous about being in such a huge and unfamiliar city all on my own. But my nerves completely disappeared once I stepped off the plane, because my journey actually began right at JFK!

*"Subway Secrets" 🤫 *

I am a big fan of the New York Metro system, and, you guessed it, I have the most amazing pink tutu outfit specifically designed to stand out in a sea of gray coats and beige pants. Think: Pink ballet-style bomber jacket, a vibrant hot pink tutu ( obviously), hot pink leg warmers and bright pink lipstick. If you ever spot me in a NYC subway, please do say hello! 💖

Speaking of the subway, I just had to use it. There's no other way to see the true character of the city than by the subway. And boy, are there some stories to tell!

I heard about this fabulous New York artist called Banksy. You’ve heard of him, right?

A week ago, he suddenly put on an exhibition in a deserted shop space called The Grand Central Market just for two weeks. I heard about this on Instagram from one of my favourite NYC ballet accounts (that is very well known on Instagram, by the way.) My Instagram account is in the “Pink Tutu Shop" box below, so do connect and send me any great NYC ballet accounts that I just must follow, especially in Manhattan.

There's something really special about this city, it draws you in with its vibrancy. It’s not afraid to be bold and it's always on the move, always creating, always buzzing with energy, just like my tutus! 💃

The grand central market location for Banksy's exhibition is right next to a stop called Grand Central Station. What an easy decision to make about the first art experience in NYC.

There were long queues to see it. And it really was amazing.

I thought Banksy’s paintings and installations were just mind-blowing because they are so much bigger than life. They’re really large canvases with bold, brave colours and shocking images of things we recognise in the news. I took loads of photos, which you can see on Pink Tutu Blog now.

I felt incredibly inspired by the artist’s raw and creative energy, and it’s definitely given me ideas to work into my dance creations for the coming season. That will make a fantastic and colourful addition to Pink Tutu Blog next week - watch this space! 💖

Speaking of next week's post, the Pink Tutu NYC will be exploring the fashion of this extraordinary city and where it's at, with New York's very best shops, boutiques, vintage stores and some really fabulous shopping destinations that will set you back loads of cash.

Showtime! 🩰

Of course, my first visit to New York wouldn't be complete without a trip to the ballet. And for this first NYC ballet, I chose the American Ballet Theatre - one of the best in the world, by far. And yes, I wore the same Pink Tutu outfit ( with a different shade of lipstick) that I wore to Times Square because let’s be honest, it would be rude not to, right?! 💋

The ballet - well, I could spend hours just talking about the incredible performance and how perfectly it was danced, the magnificent costumes that shimmered under the lights, and the brilliant set design that transported you right into another world!

After the performance, I met up with some new friends - fellow dancers who were studying ballet at the New York Academy of the Arts, where I'm hoping to do some work in the coming year. The dancers at NYAA were really fantastic, so creative and open, and they told me that they all wore tutus during their lessons, so that's me sold! 😄

New York - so far, I’ve just been swept up by the beauty of it all. I love that every turn, there is a new thing to discover and every day brings a new and wonderful experience. I'm also enjoying a wonderful selection of local bagels and every type of pastry! The cafes are very stylish, and it's quite funny watching how some of the NYers walk and talk at speed with a pastry in one hand and their phone in the other, without a care! 🤣

I love New York already and this is just the start! There’s so much I want to do while I'm here - visit all the museums (and especially the MET) and try all the incredible food (I’m planning a whole post on NY food in a couple of weeks!).

Next week’s Pink Tutu post will feature the Met’s fabulous ballet section in more detail ( with a tutu of course! - it will just *have to feature in the post!*).

I promise it’ll be one fabulous journey for the whole of February, so make sure you tune in every week for more Pink Tutu antics, inspiration, and more fabulous fashion!

Catch you all on Pink Tutu Blog next Monday, my loves!



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#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2018-02-12 she danced in New York City