
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2019-04-29 she danced in New York City

#PinkTutuBlogNYC: New York, New York! (Post #1247)

Monday, 29th April 2019

Hello, my darlings!

It's Monday again, which means it's time for another #PinkTutuBlogNYC! And guess what? This week, your girl Emma's back in the Big Apple, and believe me, I'm ready to whirl you all around the city with my fabulous finds and fabulously pink adventures!

Before I tell you about all the glitz and glamour, let me quickly take you back to Derbyshire, where I had an amazing weekend. You see, dear readers, being a ballerina is hard work. Especially when you're a freelance artist! I have to squeeze in as many performances as I can to fund my travels and, of course, my exquisite pink wardrobe! So this weekend, I took the stage at the lovely Derby Theatre for their annual spring production of "Giselle." It was a fantastic production, with a fantastic cast. I was just playing one of the peasant girls, mind you, but dancing for the people of Derby never gets old.

However, I couldn't stay too long. This city is calling to me! And as we speak, I'm back in my Manhattan apartment, with its iconic city view (the one you can only find if you buy into my completely false claim of being a real "New York girl"). You can say what you want, but there's truly something magical about seeing the city wake up while you're enjoying a mug of tea from your favourite pink floral teacup. (It's really a shade of coral, darling, but I've been telling everyone it's pink for ages. I just can't let go.)

Oh, before I forget! As many of you know, Iā€™m a massive fan of "The Metropolitan Opera." I find that thereā€™s a sort of enchanting energy about watching operas that makes me feel a deep connection to the performance. My inner ballerina simply yearns to be swept up in the swirling emotions of love, loss, tragedy, and joy. It just all feels so theatrical! I simply canā€™t get enough. And the outfits! Oh my goodness, the costumes are just phenomenal! Imagine the incredible ballet-inspired dresses, and the flowing silks... all in my favourite colour, pink, naturally! Oh, I truly dream of being the main attraction someday. Not as the ballerina, of course (thatā€™s what I do!), but on the stage of the Met as one of the lovely ladies. If you haven't already seen it, go see it now! Theyā€™re currently showing "L'Amour de Loin," by Kaija Saariaho, at Lincoln Center. If you're in town, grab your ticket before they run out!

Right now, my dearest followers, I'm sitting here in my pink tutu (a new one, by the way, adorned with feathers! But more on that later!), typing away as the sunshine bathes New York in its glorious golden glow. Speaking of which, I do enjoy the fact that there are actual seasons here in New York. It reminds me so much of England. Well, maybe without all that rainā€¦

Speaking of seasons, I have to share something very special. Do you remember that breathtaking pink coat I mentioned in my last blog? The one that you were all drooling over and sending me love notes about? I bought it! It took forever for them to get it in, but oh my word, itā€™s worth every penny!

You simply wouldnā€™t believe the journey I had getting it, though. It was on sale in a small boutique hidden deep in the East Village. I only found it by accident while I was shopping at one of my favourite local vintage shops (which I just have to write about! Thereā€™s a particular hat there thatā€¦ well, thatā€™s for another post!). I think my jaw must have dropped a mile when I saw it on display through the window, because all I could hear were the whispers and giggles of people on the street. ā€œDid she just buy that?ā€ they all must have wondered.

Anyways, when I walked in and showed the woman at the counter the garment in all its beauty (I didnā€™t have to show her - it was the only pink coat on display, ha!), it was instantly snatched up. "Sold!ā€ she told me. "We just got one, and it's a very unique piece! But let me ask the designer if they have any extras!ā€ Oh my god, the designer, in the shop? This could only happen in New York!

So, long story short, she ended up having a few spares. We talked for ages, you know, the way fashion girls talk: fabric choices, trends, and what the latest piece from our favourite London based couturier would cost. We even spoke about the Met Ball (because who doesn't love to dream!). She was just lovely, and completely obsessed with fashion, so it turns out I was talking to someone who shares my love of style, too! We really bonded.

And did I tell you about the tea I had? No? Oh my goodness! It was such a good blend ā€“ the most delicious I have had on this entire trip. I don't think I've ever had such lovely tea anywhere.

But you know what's even better? My new pink hat, darling! I mean, can we even talk about the style here?! Honestly, I've found it quite hard to find the perfect headwear in this crazy town, and now, here she is ā€“ my gorgeous new millinery ā€“ I got it at an actual hat shop, just two blocks away from my favourite tea shop (did I mention how obsessed I am with the tea shop? Iā€™ll get to that, dear readers!). This oneā€™s a feathery masterpiece ā€“ literally covered in the softest feathers youā€™ve ever felt! The kind that only look comfortable from a distance but are really impossible to wear without worrying you might get a littleā€¦ ticklyā€¦ ahem. Anyways, I will try to find some way to incorporate it into my daily wardrobe! I simply canā€™t let it collect dust! Youā€™ll just have to stay tuned for more exciting pink adventures!

Talking about pink adventures... how could I forget! Itā€™s impossible for me to talk about New York City without telling you about a recent performance by my favourite dance troupe ā€“ Ballet Hispanico.

ā€œThe Art of Flamenco,ā€ is my personal favourite by them. The rhythm and intensity of this dance form really is intoxicating, not to mention the outfits. Think scarlet red, fringing galore and of course, plenty of gorgeous flowing, floor-length black skirts ā€“ if we're going down that route, at least. But itā€™s hard not to fall in love with the incredible passion and fire behind this art form, especially if itā€™s the Spanish dance. Oh! It was simply captivating! I actually danced for a bit on the subway home with my little pink tutu under my overcoat ā€“ I mean, they wouldnā€™t understand, not that I wouldnā€™t feel the need to explain myself, it's just... well, I've made peace with the fact that some things I do can only be appreciated by those who are meant to appreciate them!

Of course, this week is full of my own performances. Todayā€™s at Brooklyn Arts Center for their Spring Celebration. It's the best. The crowds in New York really love seeing the artistry of ballet and my choreography was a success for the audience!

New Yorkā€™s my favourite place for inspiration, for art, for the energy, for everything. In a world that seems so fast paced, the constant activity seems to propel me into creative action. I mean, thatā€™s how the Pink Tutu was born ā€“ in this city! You really have to see it for yourself. There's no better way to feel like a New Yorker than getting lost in the energy, the excitement, and the passion.

The most incredible part, you know? I've met a whole bunch of fabulous dancers in the city, from the legendary Joffrey Ballet, to some local companies I really think are going to be massive! (I think you're going to hear about them here first! ;))

Itā€™s so wonderful to find people that really get my love of ballet. The dancers in New York, especially, are such lovely souls - really beautiful, talented people ā€“ some with quite lovely names, if Iā€™m being honest (like Aurora, Lily, Celesteā€¦) . There are quite a few that could definitely do with my influence. Maybe, just maybe, one day theyā€™ll come around to the Pink Tutu lifestyle. But then again, whatā€™s life without a bit of healthy competition, am I right?

Until next time, you lovely bunch of dancers! Keep on twirling, darling. Remember to always embrace your inner Pink Tutu and, most importantly, never forget: You don't need a special occasion to wear a tutu.

Much love,

Emma xx

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#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2019-04-29 she danced in New York City