
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2020-04-20 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: #1298 - Dancing My Way Through the Big Apple! šŸŽšŸ©°

Hello darlings! Itā€™s Monday, which means a fresh new post on Pink-Tutu.com and guess what? This weekā€™s adventure takes us to the magical city of New York, a place Iā€™ve dreamed of exploring since I was a little girl pirouetting around Derbyshire. My trusty pink tutu, a staple in my suitcase, was packed and ready to twirl its way through the iconic streets of Manhattan.

Now, you might be wondering, ā€œHow did Emma, the ballet-obsessed blogger from England, end up in the Big Apple?ā€ Well, my lovely lot, I funded this trip the way I always do ā€“ by performing! This week saw me grace the stage of a local theatre with a ballet piece I choreographed myself. It was a beautiful performance, all about the freedom and grace of dance. The applause was so uplifting, and knowing I was sharing my passion for ballet with others filled my heart with joy. This performance is what brought me here, and it's a reminder that pursuing your dreams, no matter how big, can lead to the most incredible experiences.

And speaking of incredible experiences, New York City did not disappoint. The sheer energy of this city is simply intoxicating, the sounds and smells are a whirlwind of sensory delights. Even just walking around was like being part of a choreographed performance. But the most fantastic thing about New York, you ask? Why, the dancing, of course!

A Ballet Lover's Dream in the Concrete Jungle:

From the very first moment, my tutu and I were drawn to the vibrant energy of Broadway. Seeing those flashing signs and the vibrant colours, well, it truly ignited a sparkle in my heart, just like a brand new pair of ballet shoes! My first stop? A matinƩe at the Metropolitan Opera. Oh my, the extravagance! This beautiful opera house is so impressive, its majestic grandeur felt as though it had transported me back in time. It reminded me so much of the Royal Opera House in London. Seeing a beautifully staged performance of a classic opera brought me so much joy. The music was stirring, the costumes spectacular, and the performances? Simply breathtaking. I spent the whole intermission swirling my tulle around, picturing myself in one of those magnificent, dramatic gowns they used for the show, maybe with a beautiful, sparkly headpiece! (Who wouldn't dream of performing in a venue like that, I ask?)

But my New York adventure wasnā€™t all grand opera houses and luxurious seats. One of my favourite experiences was exploring the bustling ballet studios tucked away on side streets. I even found time for a beginnerā€™s ballet class. The teacher was incredibly encouraging, and my fellow dancers ranged from seasoned ballerinas to complete newbies just taking their first tentative steps. It was fantastic, a warm and welcoming atmosphere, a perfect escape from the chaos of city life. We were all simply united by our love of ballet. After class, I chatted with my new ballet buddies, exchanging stories and swapping tips. We laughed, we shared, and it reminded me again just how powerful the language of dance truly is. I even wore my pink tutu to the class - my favourite pink tutu, actually - itā€™s so special because I bought it in Covent Garden after watching a Sleeping Beauty performance. You simply cannot underestimate the power of a good tutu!

Shopping For Style: A Tutu Girl's Paradise

It wouldn't be a trip to New York without indulging in a little shopping spree! I admit I was completely swept up in the fashion frenzy of Manhattan. There are stores here on every corner, each one promising the latest trend or the perfect piece. Of course, I headed straight for Fifth Avenue. As I gazed up at those towering buildings, each a fashion palace filled with treasures just waiting to be discovered, my heart fluttered with excitement!

I couldnā€™t resist browsing the stunning window displays of some of the world's most prestigious designer brands, even if my pocket money would never allow for such extravagant purchases! My ultimate aim is to inspire everyone to embrace a little pink tutu magic in their lives. Maybe a dash of tulle here, a pink scarf there, just a sprinkle of whimsy! (Or if your heart yearns for the real thing, do go and see if you can find a lovely ballet store - trust me, you'll thank me later).

Of course, no fashion pilgrimage would be complete without a visit to the iconic Macyā€™s on 34th Street. I mean, if theyā€™ve got an amazing toy department for children, how much fun will it be for a girl in her 20s?! (Even better if that girl likes sparkly things and maybe some tutus, but donā€™t tell anyone, itā€™s a secretā€¦ or, maybe itā€™s not?!). Honestly, even just wandering the bustling floors of that vast department store, amongst all the shoppers, feeling the electric atmosphereā€¦ itā€™s an experience everyone should try!

From Ballet to Broadway: A Night Under the Big Apple's Lights

My final night in New York was filled with magic and sparkle, of course! My little heart was beating a fast ballet beat because, after all those dazzling window displays, the incredible ballet shows, and a glimpse of life in the backstage world, there was just one more treat I was desperate to seeā€¦ A Broadway show! I opted for a musical known for its fantastic costumes and elaborate dance sequences, after all, it's all about the storytelling through dance and music. The performances were electric, filled with an incredible energy that radiated through the whole theatre.

As the lights dimmed, and the curtains rose, my heart filled with that familiar anticipation that only a performance can deliver. I felt a warm glow as the story unfolded. The singing, the dancing, the spectacle - it was a truly dazzling spectacle! When the curtain finally closed, and the audience erupted in thunderous applause, I found myself smiling, overwhelmed with a mixture of pure delight and a touch of sadness, as the lights came up and reality set in. I realised just how magical theatre truly is - and how much the artistry of the performance left a lasting impression. It reminded me of how important it is to celebrate those moments of beauty, whether it be on the stage, or in the everyday life we all live!

As my train pulled into Grand Central Station, ready to take me back to Derbyshire, I took one last glance at the cityscape, its gleaming lights mirroring the countless twirls and pirouettes I'd witnessed. I couldn't help but think, this is where dreams truly take flight! And, as I tucked my favourite pink tutu back into its bag, ready for my next adventure, I knew this wasnā€™t goodbye to New York Cityā€¦ just until next time. After all, this is just the beginning of my pink-tutu journey!

Stay tuned, darlings, I have so much more to share! Iā€™m back with you all next week with another fabulous story to share. In the meantime, feel free to comment on my latest posts, follow me on social media, and most importantlyā€¦ don't be afraid to twirl your way through life.




#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2020-04-20 she danced in New York City