
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2020-06-08 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post #1305 - Twirling Through the Big Apple!

Hello darlings! It's Monday, which means it's time for a new Pink Tutu Blog NYC post! This week, I'm practically bursting with excitement because, guess what?! I'm in New York City! The dream is finally a reality, and I'm absolutely living my best life in this fashion-forward, cultural haven.

Now, I know what you're thinking: "Emma, what in the world are you doing in NYC in the middle of June? Shouldn't you be at the ballet, performing your heart out?" And to that, I say, "Darling, you can always find time for ballet, even when you're twirling through the Big Apple!"

I landed on Friday, and my heart almost burst from the sheer excitement! My trusty pink tutu has already seen the sights of Central Park, Times Square, and even a little shopping spree on Fifth Avenue. It's been a whirlwind of fun, and I can't wait to tell you all about it!

Fashion in the City That Never Sleeps:

My first mission in NYC? A wardrobe revamp! You see, I may have a signature look - my trusty pink tutus - but I wanted something extra special to stand out amongst the fabulous New York fashion crowd. Let's just say I came back to my hotel room with enough outfits to see me through a month of theatre productions, art exhibits, and everything else the city has to offer!

Shopping in the City

I spent hours browsing the chic boutiques on Fifth Avenue and Madison Avenue, and you would NOT believe the treasures I unearthed! We're talking vintage finds, statement pieces, and, of course, plenty of gorgeous pink (because what's a Pink Tutu Blog without a bit of pink!). My new collection has everything from whimsical tea dresses and sparkly skirts to sharp tailored suits that are both stylish and comfy enough for navigating the metro. The city is such an inspiring playground for fashion!

Taking in the Shows

Now, let's talk about theatre! Oh my goodness, theatre! I saw the most breathtaking performance of Swan Lake on Saturday night. The dancing was magnificent, and I must confess, I even had a few happy tears. The artistry and passion on stage were simply mesmerising. It was such a joy to watch the dancers effortlessly move through their roles. It made me even more excited to return to my own rehearsals back in Derbyshire.

NYC: The Place for a Pink Tutu

And I'm not going to lie - I've worn my pink tutu around the city. The New Yorkers seem to absolutely adore it! They've all been so friendly and receptive, with plenty of smiles, compliments, and even a few selfies taken with me and my twirling pink tutu. I might be the only one rocking this signature style, but you know what? It makes me happy, and I want to share this joy with the whole world.

Pink Tutu Tips for Your Next NYC Trip:

Speaking of sharing, here are some Pink Tutu tips for making your trip to New York a dream:

  • Travel by Metro: Yes, you heard that right! I've found the metro to be surprisingly efficient, especially with all those delicious snacks I've been indulging in. It's so fun to people-watch as you whizz through the city, especially if you have a good book or podcast to keep you company. Plus, you'll be doing your part in keeping your carbon footprint small!
  • Be Kind: You know how I always say a little kindness goes a long way? This applies to New York just as much as it does to Derbyshire. The people of New York are as tough as they come, but they also have hearts of gold. A little "thank you" goes a long way. And trust me, they'll probably thank you right back.
  • Find your inner foodie: New York City is a foodie's paradise, darling! I've been indulging in all sorts of delicious treats: everything from iconic New York cheesecakes and hot dogs to freshly made empanadas and authentic Asian street food. Be sure to check out all the amazing eateries, cafes, and markets in the city โ€“ they offer so much more than just good eats โ€“ they offer a taste of New York's vibrant multicultural scene.

Time to Go, but Not Goodbye!

This post may be coming to an end, but my adventure in New York City has just begun! I've got a million things planned: The Museum of Modern Art, The Metropolitan Opera, a performance at The Joyce Theatre...the list goes on! I'm soaking up every minute, darling! I'm finding inspiration in every corner of the city, from the grand Broadway theatres to the vibrant art installations in Chelsea. I even met the most delightful seamstress in Greenwich Village who's promised to make me a custom pink tutu - how exciting!

I promise to share all the highlights of my trip next week, so don't forget to check back!

In the meantime, please do leave a comment and share your own Pink Tutu-worthy experiences! I love hearing from you all!



#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2020-06-08 she danced in New York City