New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2021-02-22 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: New York City Edition - Post #1342

Hello my darling darlings! Emma here, writing to you live from the dazzling metropolis of New York City. And wouldn't you know it, it's a Monday which means it's Pink Tutu Blog day! I'm currently sitting in my favourite little café near Times Square, the air fragrant with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and cinnamon rolls (my weakness!). As I write, I'm watching the hustle and bustle of the city outside the window – a constant symphony of yellow cabs, hurried footsteps, and the melodic chimes of street musicians.

The Big Apple – But Where's The Pink?

Now, I've been in New York for just under a week, and I must say, it's been an absolute whirlwind. I've already ticked off some serious must-do's on my list - I visited the iconic Statue of Liberty, of course, braved the throngs of tourists at Times Square (all those bright lights, what a sight!), and even managed to squeeze in a performance at the Metropolitan Opera. Let me tell you, those opera singers have some impressive lungs!

But the thing I’ve really noticed is, New York doesn’t seem to have enough pink. Shocking, I know, but even a city this colourful could do with a bit more of that feminine, delightful pink hue! It's my mission to inject some pink into this city – to encourage everyone, from the suited businessmen to the trendy hipsters, to embrace the power of pink! Just imagine the sights, wouldn’t it be fabulous!

Fashion in the City That Never Sleeps

Now, if there's one thing I love more than pink, it’s fashion! New York is a sartorial haven, a city teeming with bold colours, intricate textures, and fashion-forward individuals pushing the boundaries of style. The moment I landed at JFK airport, I felt that familiar thrill of anticipation. I know I'm a little obsessed with fashion, but just imagine my joy at seeing the world's most glamorous stores right at my fingertips! My days are a symphony of strutting around designer boutiques, scouring vintage shops, and keeping an eye out for unique statement pieces that scream, "Emma's been here!”

Finding My Rhythm on Broadway

I've had a chance to catch some truly fantastic shows on Broadway! They say this city never sleeps and boy oh boy, the energy in these theaters is contagious. I took a deep breath, and even considered joining the performers on stage myself. Maybe in a future post?

I’ve always found a profound sense of belonging amidst the intricate world of ballet. From the precision of every move to the captivating grace, it’s a symphony of motion, a celebration of expression, and an art form that captures my heart. So, you bet I made sure to book myself into some classes. My feet are aching (they will always be aching, you understand) but my spirit is invigorated, I’ve even managed to brush up on a few forgotten moves and tricks from my past. The instructor was brilliant – a beautiful and kind woman with a sharp mind and a knack for guiding us through the most challenging routines.

And of course, I’m always searching for new, stylish, and affordable ways to create my perfect dance wardrobe. One of my favourite stops is the Garment District. It's a vibrant kaleidoscope of fabrics, buttons, and sequins, and the air hums with the energy of seamstresses, designers, and the magic of creativity. Here I can pick up fabulous accessories to spruce up my existing tutus and also to create my own little masterpieces - some of you will recognise those as the Pink Tutu Blog outfits.

The Metro: My Very Own Pink Tutu Express

New York's public transport system, or the “metro” as you Brits might say, is a thing of beauty – efficient, fast, and a fantastic way to really experience the true soul of this city. The metro itself is something of an urban artwork. I’m always admiring its labyrinthine pathways, vintage signage, and that distinct, bustling atmosphere that is pure New York City.

Oh, did I mention my absolute joy in hopping onto the metro in a pink tutu? It's such a fabulous little fashion statement and certainly has turned some heads. In fact, I get a lot of friendly smiles and nods, as if people are giving me a silent high five!

Food, Glorious Food - A Culinary Adventure in the City That Never Sleeps

Now, one can't write about New York City without indulging in the world of its cuisine, right? This place is a foodie’s paradise. The variety is staggering - from Michelin-starred restaurants to authentic delis and the most wonderful little bagel shops I've ever found, I have so many cravings! I can tell you that a freshly baked bagel, bursting with the flavours of New York, has made my heart sing. And let's not forget about the incredible pizza scene, with all those little hole-in-the-wall pizza parlours hiding gems waiting to be discovered.

But honestly, I've probably enjoyed some of my best food experiences while exploring street food markets. These hidden gems are havens of delicious treats and I highly recommend finding the time to browse them – you never know what culinary delight awaits you around the corner. My personal favourite has been the one in Chelsea Market, overflowing with artisanal delights. I was truly in heaven surrounded by artisan cheeses, cured meats, artisanal chocolates – pure bliss.

Where I’m Heading Next

This journey in New York City is an ongoing adventure, and as always, I’m ready to discover more hidden treasures, experience more fabulous fashion moments, and hopefully, spread more joy by putting the world in pink.

It’s hard to believe that the weekend is almost here, but before I get too carried away in this fantastically fast-paced city, I need to catch up with a little yoga, a quick ballet session to limber up, and, most importantly, get ready for the fashion spectacular of my dreams: New York Fashion Week!

February 22nd

This week’s New York adventure has given me a lot to think about. What a perfect start to 2021. The excitement of Fashion Week and a fantastic opportunity to see the best in fashion.

The events are happening throughout the city - not just in Manhattan. There is always a lot going on in NYC and if you are a true fashion lover then Fashion Week is the must do event you’ll love, even if you’re a little fashion curious, I reckon this event is for you.

Have a great week!

I hope you enjoyed reading this week's Pink Tutu blog. Let me know what you'd love to see next and feel free to send any Pink Tutu wishes my way - who knows what my tutu journey will bring me! And, as always, let's embrace a little bit of pink every day.


Emma xx


#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2021-02-22 she danced in New York City