New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2021-05-03 she danced in New York City

#PinkTutuBlogNYC: New York City Lights & Twirling Delight!

Monday, 2021-05-03 - Post Number 1352

Hello my darlings!

It's Monday morning here in the Big Apple and guess what? Emma's in her pink tutu! Can you believe it? New York City has just the right kind of energy to make even a tutu feel at home! You know what I mean, the city's a whirlwind of lights, music, and possibilities, and a little twirl now and again just seems to fit right in.

I landed here yesterday, fresh off a magical weekend in Derby (you'll be seeing all the photos soon!), but New York never fails to give me a warm and sparkly welcome.

First stop was the Grand Central Terminal, you know, the station with the gorgeous clock and the marble floors? Pure magic! My latest pair of glittery ballet shoes twirled perfectly on those polished floors, don't you agree? I found myself thinking "this city is just the right fit for my pink tutu!"

Twirling Through the City That Never Sleeps

The subway system, a network of magic, whizzed me up to Times Square, just the right place to start my tour of dazzling lights. Honestly, I can't get enough of that Times Square magic. Imagine, endless shimmering lights and enormous screens that change colour so quickly you can't keep up, and it all felt just the right mix of theatre and glamour for a girl in a pink tutu.

You know I couldn't resist trying out my latest dance moves, all under the colourful neon glow. My favourite is definitely a little pirouette right in front of one of those gigantic digital billboards, a tiny dancer in a pink tutu amidst a city that's just as dazzling as a stage show.

A Bite of New York's Delicious Side

Once my inner ballerina was sufficiently twirled and the bright lights gave my eyes a bit of a shimmer, I had to find a delicious place to have lunch. I have this lovely little place just off Broadway - a small cafe with the most adorable pink polka-dot tables and chairs - I even took a selfie to show you on my Instagram!

They had the best New York bagel ever, stuffed with everything you could ever wish for and all served on this lovely pink and floral teacup, so naturally, it became a perfect Instagram post, just right for the #PinkTutuBlogNYC theme, don't you think?

A Journey Into the World of Fashion

The afternoon took me to one of my all-time favourite places - Fifth Avenue, the home to the finest stores in the whole city! Honestly, I could just get lost there for hours on end, dreaming of gorgeous dresses, sparkling jewellery, and designer shoes.

I had a sneak peek at the window displays - full of amazing clothes, shimmering accessories, and the kind of sparkle you'd only find in a fairy tale! There were so many dresses and hats and shoes I'd happily add to my ever-growing wardrobe. But for a girl in a pink tutu, it was all a bit overwhelming. A perfect dose of retail therapy and enough to inspire a whole week's worth of outfit posts, I assure you!

The Symphony of Shoes and Sparkle: A Broadway Experience

Tonight was all about taking in the spectacle of a true Broadway show. I've been longing to see "Wicked" for months and tonight, my dreams finally came true. What can I say? The costumes were glorious! Sparkly, bold colours, sequins, a little bit of a vintage feel. They perfectly matched my mood, don’t you think? It was the kind of fashion-forward show that made my tutu-wearing heart sing.

The music was even better, so uplifting and joyful. I was so caught up in the moment that I even joined in with the cast on a couple of the big musical numbers - all in a pink tutu, of course. And you know what? I got applause from a few other audience members - nothing makes me happier!

Tutu Time in the Big Apple

It's pretty late now and as I type, I'm still a little dizzy from all the dancing. I can feel it already - a brand-new blog post is taking shape about a tutu's guide to surviving the whirlwind of New York City! I hope you’ll be here with me for next week's adventure as we explore the museums and cafes and all the little wonders hidden around every corner.

Now, if you'll excuse me, it’s time for me to make my way back to my little haven, the charming hotel I've found that has this wonderful pink-hued room - my favourite! Just another reason why a pink tutu belongs right here in New York.

Don’t forget to keep up with my adventures in the #PinkTutuBlogNYC - because life is all about dancing, and that pink tutu just keeps reminding me that every day is a sparkly, beautiful opportunity for new adventures!

Love, Emma

P.S. Remember to check out my Instagram and Twitter (@Emma_PinkTutu) for the latest pictures of my New York travels. I can't wait to hear your thoughts - what's your favourite New York memory? And let’s share some photos too - because I think we should all be celebrating that twirling life in pink tutus, whether in London, New York or even your very own hometown!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2021-05-03 she danced in New York City