New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2021-05-24 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post #1355 - Monday, 2021-05-24: Dancing in the Big Apple!

Hello lovelies! It's Emma, your pink-tutu-wearing, city-loving blogger, back from a whirlwind weekend in the Big Apple! I've been wanting to visit New York for ages and it's finally happened. Oh my goodness, it's truly everything I dreamed of and more!

Before I tell you all about my adventures, just a little update for you. I'm heading off to Derbyshire next week to perform with the Royal Ballet – the first time I’m dancing in my home county, and I’m so excited! But before that, let’s get back to New York!

Tutu-ing Up the City

The moment I stepped off the plane (which I'll admit, was a little wobbly thanks to jetlag!) and onto the concrete jungle of New York City, I knew this trip was going to be extra special. The energy here is infectious!

My mission this weekend: immerse myself in the city’s unique culture and find out what makes New Yorkers tick. And of course, because it's me, I had to do it in style. I've always thought that a pink tutu can be worn absolutely anywhere, even in the most unexpected places – like, say, amongst the skyscrapers of New York City!

As I strolled through the streets, my pink tutu flowing behind me, I felt like a ballerina dancing in a giant, urban ballet. Honestly, there was no other way I’d have wanted to see the city!

New York's Artistic Delights

Of course, I had to see a ballet performance, right? My first stop was the New York City Ballet at Lincoln Center. The company was breathtaking – I loved watching the beautiful dancers glide across the stage and feel the emotion radiating through every movement. The artistry of these performers blew me away! There's truly something special about experiencing a ballet performance in a city where the arts are so celebrated.

Afterwards, I found myself at the Metropolitan Opera, enjoying the incredible architecture of the building. Though I didn't attend a show this time (there were too many incredible shows I wanted to catch and not enough time!), I could feel the magic in the air, knowing that legendary performances had been given there before.

Subway Adventures

To really feel like a true New Yorker, there’s nothing quite like taking the metro! Honestly, I love the whole hustle and bustle of the subway – and I can't deny it – a pink tutu amongst the commuters certainly attracted a few stares! Everyone seems to be rushing around, their faces filled with an energetic determination that’s a little bit infectious. But you know what? They were all incredibly friendly!

There’s a whole world to be discovered just below the streets of the city – it’s almost like a secret, bustling underbelly where anything can happen. It felt like an incredible, real-life urban adventure and a part of me even felt a little bit sad when my journey was over.

Fashion and Frills in NYC

I've been dreaming about this part of my trip for months: exploring the legendary New York shops and adding some fabulous finds to my wardrobe. And let me tell you, it did not disappoint!

The shops here are full of inspiration, and let's be honest, there's nothing quite like browsing through endless rows of clothes. But, I couldn’t leave without paying a visit to the world-renowned Bloomingdale's. I practically danced my way around the store (yes, tutu and all), but honestly, I'm not sure if that made me the most popular shopper! But I was there to buy, not just admire. I walked away with a fabulous pink silk blouse that was perfect for my first dinner in the city - a perfect example of how you can make even the most simple garment pop with just a little bit of color!

I love the confidence New Yorkers have with their personal style - they seem to be unashamedly themselves! It’s really inspiring – there’s an effortless cool factor to every outfit I see, and that confidence shines through. I’m certainly going to take that home with me! I think my new motto for my wardrobe is going to be "bright, bold, and a little bit rebellious.”

The Hidden Gems

While exploring the city, I took time to get off the well-trodden path and venture down into some of the lesser-known streets. That’s where I really found some gems – those quaint little boutiques full of hidden treasures.

My personal favourite discovery was a small shop in the East Village filled with beautiful antique furniture and a truly inspiring collection of vintage ballet shoes. Imagine my surprise and joy when I found a gorgeous, handcrafted tutu that would have been perfect for any ballerina back in the early 1900s. I actually thought I was in a dream – I couldn't believe how perfectly it fit into my collection. The moment I slipped it on, I felt a connection with all the ballerinas who’d worn tutus like this before. It really brought home the fact that although fashions change, the artistry and grace of ballet endures!

Foodie Finds

There's no denying it: one of the highlights of this trip has definitely been the food! You all know I'm a bit of a foodie, but let me tell you, the food in New York City has completely taken me by surprise. From street food that tantalises your taste buds, to world-class fine dining – the culinary landscape in New York City is unlike anything I've ever experienced.

The first thing that blew me away were the iconic street food vendors. A classic New York hotdog? Absolutely. I even found an incredible place that does gourmet street food with flavours you won’t find anywhere else – think gourmet falafel with pomegranate and rose petals. It's truly amazing!

Of course, no trip to New York would be complete without a stop at the legendary Katz's Delicatessen – home to the "best pastrami on rye in the world". And I’ve got to say, they weren’t wrong. Honestly, the combination of flavours – the melt-in-your-mouth pastrami, the tangy sauerkraut, and the soft, crusty bread… It was absolutely sublime!

What I Learned

Beyond the incredible performances, amazing shops, and mouthwatering food, there’s something else I took away from my weekend in New York. This city truly inspires you to follow your dreams! I loved how everyone was so busy working on their goals, striving for something great – whether that’s building their career, making their artistic dream a reality, or just living life on their own terms.

And seeing people wearing everything from tutus (yup, you heard right – I’m not the only one with that pink-tutu-wearing idea!) to sharp suits, colorful dresses, or unique individual styles reminded me to embrace who I am and celebrate my unique voice in the world!

The Big Apple has truly left a lasting impression on me – not just on my wardrobe, but also on my heart and soul. I can’t wait to get back to New York again soon and discover even more hidden treasures, experience incredible performances, and create new memories!

Looking Forward

So what's next? I'll be back in a week, and next Monday I'll be taking you all on a trip through the wonders of the English countryside. My ballet performances in Derbyshire will certainly have my heart soaring with pride – so don't forget to join me then. Until then, I wish you all a week filled with happy dancing!

Don't forget to share your thoughts, stories, and most importantly, your favorite tutus, in the comments section below. And as always, remember: spread the pink-tutu-love and remember that there is beauty and magic to be found in every corner of the world!

Emma xxx

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2021-05-24 she danced in New York City