
New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2021-07-12 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: NYC #1362

Hello darlings!

It's Monday, which means it's time for another fabulous edition of the Pink Tutu Blog! I'm back in New York City after a whirlwind weekend of performing and shopping. My latest gig was at a charming little theatre downtown - they booked me to perform a whimsical interlude during a play. You've got to love a bit of live entertainment, haven't you? And seeing as how my new pink tutu (yes, you read that right!) is the star of the show, let's just say the applause was deafening.

As for the shopping - oh, where to even begin? I've unearthed some true treasures, all ready for my upcoming trip to Paris. We're talking a gorgeous ivory beret with a delicate pink feather (it just screams Parisian chic, don't you think?), and a vintage-style handbag that's so roomy I could probably fit a small chihuahua in it (don't worry, the little ones aren't in any danger!). I might be taking a detour to Harrods before hopping on the Eurostar, just to be sure I've picked up every essential.

But let's get back to my adventures in the Big Apple, shall we?

Saturday, the day the tutu danced!

As soon as I arrived at my hotel (I'm loving the new boutique hotel just off Times Square - it's like a candy-colored dream!), I couldn't resist hopping onto the subway to head straight to Central Park. Let me tell you, the smell of fresh grass and the sound of laughter all around was like a welcome balm for the weary traveller! I had a picnic lunch overlooking the lake, and watched families strolling through the gardens, picnicking, and enjoying the sunshine. It truly is one of the most iconic parks in the world - you simply cannot leave New York without seeing it.

Then it was off to see the New York Philharmonic at Lincoln Center. Let's just say, if you get the chance to see them, book those tickets now! It's the pinnacle of orchestral brilliance and the atmosphere was electric - and yes, you guessed it, I even snuck in a little twirl during the interval. I might be from Derbyshire, but when you're in New York, you gotta dance to your own beat, don't you?

Sunday - Brunch with a side of culture!

No visit to NYC is complete without a luxurious Sunday brunch, and I found the perfect spot right in the heart of Greenwich Village. I'm talking fluffy pancakes with lashings of maple syrup, eggs Benedict with hollandaise that just melts in your mouth, and enough coffee to fuel me through the rest of the day. And speaking of fuel, I definitely needed it because Sunday was a day of culture!

My first stop was the Museum of Modern Art, MoMA for short. You have to go here, simply to soak in all the vibrant colours, textures, and thought-provoking masterpieces. It's a treat for the soul, even for a girl with a pink tutu!

Then it was off to see "Wicked" on Broadway! I'm a huge fan of musical theatre - the costumes, the energy, the singing... everything! If you love the movie "The Wizard of Oz", you've got to go and see "Wicked". It truly blew me away!

My top tip for NYC:

Never be afraid to ask for directions! The New Yorkers I've met have been so friendly and helpful, and they're always up for a chat. In fact, one local tipped me off about a fabulous hidden gem of a vintage store in the East Village - you just never know what you'll discover! Remember, it's all about embracing the spirit of New York City!

So, here's my takeaway from this whirlwind week:

NYC is truly a melting pot of culture, fashion, and everything fabulous! If you haven't visited yet, make it your goal this year. The city never sleeps, but you should at least catch a few winks before your next adventure!

I want to hear your thoughts! What are your favourite places to visit in New York City? Let me know in the comments section below and be sure to join me next week for another adventure!

Remember, a pink tutu isn't just an outfit - it's a statement! It's a symbol of joy, confidence, and embracing your individuality. It's about celebrating life, colour, and all the wonder that surrounds us! And remember, you're always welcome to join my growing pink tutu army!

Until next Monday!

Emma xx

P.S. If you're looking for a unique piece of clothing or a delightful gift, I just launched my new line of custom pink tutus on my website - check it out at www.pink-tutu.com and find your perfect shade of pink!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2021-07-12 she danced in New York City