New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2024-09-09 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Post #1527 - New York City, Monday 2024-09-09: Dancing My Way Through the Big Apple!

Hello darlings! It’s your favourite pink-tutu-clad ballerina blogger, Emma, here, bringing you the latest from the city that never sleeps - New York City!

As I tap out this blog post on a Monday morning, my pink tutu feels as fresh as a new croissant from the French patisserie around the corner (they do the best croissants, I promise!) – and that’s because I just had the most magical weekend of dance, fashion, and fabulousness, and I can’t wait to share it all with you.

Remember how I told you I’d be taking on a few performance gigs around the city? Well, I was so lucky to be performing at a charming little theater in Greenwich Village for a special one-off ballet production on Friday night. It was a joyous celebration of all things classical, with my favourite piece, Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake, taking centre stage.

My heart fluttered as I stepped onto the stage, a blush pink tutu whispering promises of a stunning performance. I danced like I’d never danced before, every movement filled with the passion of the music and the vibrant energy of the city pulsing around me. It was breathtaking, both literally (that stage lighting was fabulous) and metaphorically – just what I needed to kick off this weekend adventure.

After the show, my trusty metro companion (I do adore the MTA) took me straight to one of the coolest little vintage shops in Brooklyn, overflowing with colourful finds. A dream! My fingers tingled with excitement as I browsed through rows of brightly patterned clothes, jewellery, and the most amazing hat collection – I actually think I’ve found the perfect feathered headpiece for the next time I’m performing Swan Lake, just picture it!

Of course, no trip to New York City is complete without indulging in its world-famous theatre scene. On Saturday, I took in a dazzling musical – a completely bonkers, fabulous extravaganza filled with soaring voices, glittering costumes, and enough dancing to keep me happy for days. I'm all about expressing yourself through dance and theatre – there’s something about seeing emotions conveyed through movement that truly moves my soul!

And speaking of expressing yourself, what would a pink-tutu-loving girl do without a bit of retail therapy? So, on Sunday morning, I indulged in the quintessential New York experience: a shopping spree along Fifth Avenue. My personal favourite – and this may surprise you, because it’s usually such a bustling and busy street – is strolling along there on a Sunday. It’s wonderfully quiet with hardly anyone around, and it lets you really appreciate the architecture and the feel of the avenue. And it means I have so much space to twirl!

And wouldn't you know it, while I was looking at the latest designers in a store that had an all-pink window display (fate!), I saw a man staring at me in surprise, a big smile spreading across his face. He gave me a little clap, a wide smile, and a thumbs-up before turning and walking away. That felt fantastic.

You might be thinking, why didn't he strike up a conversation? But I can’t think of a better compliment than someone enjoying the way I make the streets my stage! And, my dears, wouldn't you know it – he was wearing a pink tutu!

You heard that right: a pink tutu. Not a ballet one, a skirt tutu. But it was pink and fluffy and had the most lovely layers.

Just goes to show: everyone has the potential to wear a tutu!

So that, dear readers, is a quick snippet of my absolutely splendid weekend here in New York City. It’s a whirlwind of creativity, laughter, and fabulous fashion, and it’s impossible not to be inspired by the energy and magic that pulsate through the city's veins.

This week, I'll be returning to the heart of New York, Times Square. I hear they have some fantastic dancers there in the evenings and that it’s great fun to just watch. It’s always worth looking around at what you’ve got in your own town, right?

In the meantime, keep on dancing, stay vibrant, and let your own inner tutu sparkle.

Catch you next Monday for more pink-tutu adventures!

Much love,

Emma xxx

P.S. I've been thinking about all the incredible places in New York, the ones I've already explored and the ones I dream of visiting next, from Central Park's green haven to the architectural marvels of the Chrysler Building and the Empire State Building. Maybe even catching a Broadway show or enjoying a cup of coffee on the Brooklyn Bridge…

And that's the beauty of this amazing city - you’re constantly inspired, constantly learning, and constantly growing, whether you’re stepping onto a stage, strolling through a vibrant market, or simply catching the train to your next adventure. And every day is a chance to put your own flair into your personal story. And why wouldn’t you? A sprinkle of pink tulle, a twirl, and a dash of that quintessential New York energy is just what you need to make life sparkle, right?

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2024-09-09 she danced in New York City